Yaocihuatl Coyolxauhqui's Tonalamatl


Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and its related topics are properties of Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, TOEI Animation & Ban-Dai. It´s US rights are awarded to DIC.
It's explotation in Mexico has been awarded to the following companies: Ban-Dai Mexico, TV Azteca (TV Broadcasting), Intertrack de México (Dubbing), Editorial Toukan (Comic and Activity Books), Editorial Vid (Original Manga), Editorial Navarrete-Perú (Collectible Albums) and some other companies I may forget.

14/JAN/99: Well, the time to start has come. Part 1 of Book 1 is ready!
Once again, let my include my DISCLAIMER: This pages does not intend, under any circumstance, to argue, polemize, critizice, rewrite or polemize with any stablished tradition, form Mexico or any other country. This is solely a recreative work.
So, let begin! Thank you for your patience, and I hope you enjoy it!


Amatl Ce (Chapter 1): More than just a school dancer (I). A new pet at home.
Amatl Ome (Chapter 2): More than just a school dancer (II). Her first assignment.
Amatl Yei (Chapter 3): Nightmares and Hopes. A new coach and a second meet.
Amatl Nahui (Chapter 4): The girl without hands. The second senshi's arrival.
Amatl Macuilli (Chapter 5): Friendships at stake (Part I). An unfair choice to make.
Amatl Chicoazen (Chapter 6): Friendships at stake (Part II). The integrity of an "incomplete" girl.
Amatl Chicome (Chapter 7): The Diving girl. The first Atlacihuatl has arrived.
Amatl Chicuei (Chapter 8): The Man behind the Eagle. Who's hidden behind the Cavalier?
Amatl Chicnahui (Chapter 9): "Dirty Face". The Street Yaocihuatl.
Amatl Mahtlactli (Chapter 10): Educating Purita. A Long and Winding Background.
Amatl Mahtlactli uan Ce (Chapter 11): Ambassador's Daughter. Can this girl possible be a "Senshi"?
Amatl Mahtlactli uan Ome (Chapter 12): The Moon Coyote. A hidden secret in Barbara's Pet.
Amatl Mahtlactli uan Yei (Chapter 13): Bertha's Quest. Growing Nightmares.
Amatl Mahtlactli uan Nahui (Chapter 14): A Kiss in Fear. Revelation Moments.
Amatl Caxtolli (Chapter 15): The Spring Maid. A rival into the team.
Amatl Caxtolli uan Ce (Chapter 16): Flag-Football Lessons. Something else on Bertha.


Amoxtli Ome: Mayahuel's Book: The Hidden Twin.
Amoxtli Yei: Chalchiuhtlicue's Book: Water Triangle.
Amoxtli Nahui: Tlazolteotl's Book: A Song of Joy.
Amoxtli Macuilli: The Bearded Knights.
Amoxtli Chicuazen: Journey to the Rising Sun (SM Crossover I).

Useful Hints for non-mexican readers.

Probably you, english language reader, have found some references to mexican living and culture which don't fit to the common patterns in anglo-saxon countries. Here's a brief guide of some mexican usings quoted in YCC. Any help to improve this guide -questions and/or suggestions- will be highly appreciated.


Here in Mexico, birth given names are composed by three parts, instead of two as used in the USA: the given name, the father's family name and the mother's family name. In example, the full name of our main heroine is "Milagros Tuchmetztli Vallejo".
On the other hand, for practically purposes, normally people is quoted in the American way. this is, only the Given name and the Father's family name.
For married woman, it was used that the mother's family name was replaced by the husband's family name, adding the word "de" (of) in between. In example, if Milagros married Donají, her married name would be "Milagros Tuchmetztli de De la Paz".
But this last using is quickly being dropped. Nowadays, married women prefer to keep their single's names.


The school grades system is also different in Mexico to that used in the USA: Here are four studying levels (Indicated in parenthesis its most approximated USA level, scheduled lenght of studies without repeating years, average age of students, and "obligatoriship status"):

PRE-PRIMARIA (Kindergarden, 1 or 2 years, 4-6 y.o., Optional).
PRIMARIA (Elementary School, 6 years, 6-12 y.o., Obligatory by law).
SECUNDARIA (Junior High School, 3 years, 12-15 y.o., Obligatory by law).
PREPARATORIA (High School, 3 years, 15-18 y.o., Optional, but already demanded as a minimal for most jobs).
UNIVERSIDAD (College-University, 6 years, 18-24 y.o., Optional).


Here in Mexico, family life has different roots than most of anglo-saxon countries. Here, isn't weird that people leave their parents' home until finishing studies, or getting married. Is even a fact more common than in other countries, that married couples live with the family of one of them.
Probably this has a lot to do with our prehispanic heritage. Even when Mexico is coveted as a "chauvinistic" country, most of the Prehispanic Gods' Kingdoms were ruled by couples, and single Gods are a rarity.
Sorry, maybe I've already placed a huge spoiler, but this is gonna be a deep difference between YCC and Sailor Moon.


When a kid get's his/her first name through the catholic ritual, two adults (most commonly a married couple, but not necessarily, are appointed by the parents as "Godparents". This relationship is a really in-depth one in mexican society, since Godfathers take the compromise of taking care of the child if his/her parents die. A "Compadrazgo" (Godfathership) is a deep honor all adults involved, since they recognize each other as "quite more than friends".

Don't forget to e-mail me if there's any other point you would like to see explained around here. Thanks everybody!

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