A brief Introduction & Diary

(or justification?)

I have enjoyed Sailor Moon in many ways. It is a funny history but also helped to enhance on me very positive values, that have greatly helped my life.
One of the aspects that have amazed me, is the quite similar ways to react that Sailor Mercury has with myself, and I'm Virgo too!
But the one that amazes me the most, is the similarity between traditions so different, as the japanese and mexican ones, in the relationship they stablished between the Rabbit and the Moon.
When I heard that the Silver Millenium was a history ubicated a thousand years in the past, I remembered a history narrated at Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" TV Series, when The Canterbury's Monks witnessed a great explotion in the Moon. That event maybe have influenced the legend of the Silver Millenium.
But I thought: it is possible that it also may have influenced the Coyolxauhqui's Legend?

On its basics, our mythology says that Coyolxauhqui was the Goddess of the Moon, daughter of Coatlicue and sister of the Centzonhuitznauac, the 400 Stars (in aztec mythology, 400 commonly represents the infinite).
Coatlicue, the old Goddess of the Earth, have retired to became a priestess, and a day cleaning the temple she found a small feathers' ball, which she guarded on her breast. When she finished and tried to find the ball, it wasn't there, but she became pregnant. Offended by this, Coyolxauhqui and her sisters decided to kill their own mother, who was very sad but was constantly consolated by her unborn son, who may talk to her.
On the day decided for the crime, in the nick of time Coatlicue gave birth to her son, who was no other than the God Huitzilopochtli, who arrived fully mature and armed as a warrior with a Fire Snake, the ray of the Sun, and quickly defeated his sister and brothers, whom quickly diseminated all over the sky, in their attempt to escape.
With this story, the aztecs represented the eternal and daily fight between day and night, Sun and Moon, and their compromise to help in the daily victories of the light, because in the opposite Macuiltonatiuh, the fifth sun, the one where we all are currently living, would be destroyed.

Can you all imagine what should have mean, for a people so worried for the skies destiny as the nahuatls, to witness an explosion in the Moon?
And then I thought: what would have happened if, suddenly, they would have seen a solar eclipse in a time when it should not be? A growing oscurity covering the sun, as in the Negaverse's first arrival?
Would not have been quite natural, and somehow understandable, that they blamed the moon for such terrific incidents?
That relation of ideas, joined to many great fanfics from the original and also newly created Sailor Senshi I have read during the last months, gave me the idea to create a Fanfic around the Nahuatl's Goddess of the Moon.

Coyolxauhqui will find other goddesses in her way to reach the redemption at the eyes of her mother and brother, having to past many obstacles in the way, sent by her uncle Tezcatlipoca, who is trying to became the emperor of the Chicuazentonatiuh, the sixth sun, no hesitating to end with our current world in the process.
But he has a mysterious and traditional adversary, who will became very important in Coyolxauhqui's Senshi and Civilian lifes, as Milagros Tuchmetztli (you'll find an explanation of her name at her profile).
I want to insist again, because it's very important for me, that this fanfic doesn't pretends, in any way, to polemize or modify any nahuatl (or any other country or cult) traditions. But you may understand that this is pretended to become a story readable by visitors of all ages and convictions, and that's why I'm not including any of the bloody traditions that surrounded those Gods' venerations. Hopefully, you all will understand this.
Finally, Sailor Coyolxauhqui and the other Cihuapipiltin (princesses) don't pretend to be goddesses, but simply human friends for you, as Takeuchi's characters did. So, thanks again for your visit, and enjoy!


THIS IS NOT A FIRST TIME EFFORT: In 1978, Elmayan Editores© presented a comic book called: "Ixcuina: La Super Diosa Azteca" (Tr.: Ixcuina, the Aztec Super-Goddess). Apparently only four issues were published. I had in my hands #1 and #2, but currently I only have the second. If somebody knows how can I buy the other issues here in Mexico, please E-mail me.
JAN/11/99: OH, MY...! Today my Teocalli received its first visit. And it was no other than one of my favorite SMFF Writers, Sailor Europa!!! (excuse me for the emotion, but this is simply Kualnezki!! (Kawaii, Fantastic, Bellísimo, however you wish).
Thank you, Michelle, for being such a Deluxe Godmother, and I'll do my best to correspond to your confidence and to all the future readers of this pages.
JAN/14/99: Today, as you saw at the Main Page, I decided to change the word "Sailor" for its nahuatl equivalents. This is merely to give it a more coherent development. But basically, it will not affect the story (Even two of the girls will keep the word "Sailor", at least for a while. Keep reading to know which ones!).
JAN/18/99: I've been accepted on my first writers' circle, The Last Nexus of the Otaku Senshi. I think this is the one that fits better with my homepage, becuase it's devoted to FF Senshi. I also added chapter 2, and fortunately I've been able to upload it in .txt format, which will allow me to work faster on this FF at home. I hope you all enjoy this Fic!
JAN/20/99: I'm into a second writers' circle, Sailors International, one much in the same style than TLNOSS. I want to thank all the organizers and members of those circles for their acceptance, and I hope to be helpfull for all of them.
JAN/22/99: I've decided to do some ortographic correction to the site, in order to fit it more on the "scientific" ortographics used in normal school and college texts, instead of the one used in the Nahuatl Idiom Lessons I'm following, I hope these changes don't be bothersome for the readers.
JAN/25/99: Chapter 3 and two new pics of Milagros are added.
JAN/28/99: Today I added Chapter 4, as well as Malinalli's profile and first pic. I'm happy for this fic's movement!
FEB/5/99: Today my guestbook received its second registration, and is a mexican! And better yet, She liked the page!! Thanks for your support, Cecilia Tentle, and I'll keep working to do a good job, for you and all of the readers of this FF. Thank God my people is liking it!
FEB/16/99: At last, I received permission to link with Astronomical Sailor Moon Observatory, ASMO! I want to invite all of you to this site, because too few can example as well how versatile a Fanfic can became! You all can find it at the Links Page.
I also want to apologize with my english-languaje readers, but currently I'm trying to nivelate the Fanfic in the spanish version. I'm just a chapter away, so I hope in two weeks to retake the story's rythm.
APR/17/99: Thank you all for your patience! Finally, I have uploaded chapters 5 and 6. Well, I must confess it was really a single one, but its lenght wasn´t allowing the page to upload it, so I had to split, because I like how it resulted, and is important to take a full "view" of Malinalli/Sailor Mayahuel's personality. I hope you all enjoy this chapters. By the way, I also must thank all of the readers. Thanks to you, YCC has been able to surpass the 100 visits marks. THANK YOU ALL, and I hope to give you all a big surprise in the upcoming days!!

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