By Kebinu
10. Girls: Your date shows up covered up like Lawrence of Arabia, and when you ask why, he tells you he “just hasn’t been the same” since he got turned into a chimera.
9. Guys: After she rattles off a 15-minute diatribe about peace and justice, you tell your date she’s pretty opinionated. She says her friends usually just say “Shut up, Amelia.”
8. Girls: He’s got a purple mop top, his eyes are almost always closed, and he’s grinning for no apparent reason.
7. Guys: The hot blonde you’re dating seems to be playing footsie with you. To confirm, you sneak a peek under the table, whereupon you discover that’s not her foot brushing your leg, but rather her big, yellow tail.
6. Guys: You’ve been to every restaurant in the tri-state area—and your date STILL hasn’t finished eating.
5. Girls: Your date asks you if you’d like to see his “sword of light.”
4. Girls: When the waitress asks your date what he’s going to order, he jumps out of his seat, shouts “That is a secret!” and smacks her on the head with his staff.
3. Guys: You find yourself wondering, “Who would name their kid ‘Sylphiel’, anyway?”
2. Guys: Her first question: “If the monstrous Zoamelgustar thought you were bad for me, would you be intimidated?”
1. Guys: In the middle of the meal, your date’s archenemies show up—and
two minutes later, the restaurant’s been Dragon-Slaved into bite-size pieces
and you’re running for your lives from the angry owner.