[Sailor Moon Gifs|DBZ Gifs]

Date: Whichever it may be when I uploaded this dang thing to my

server, at this point I don't know which one to use I'll put the stuff

up soon, time permitting so bear (is that how you spell it?) with me.

as if you haven't figured it out:


On this page I will focus precisely on things I like, after a failed

attempt which I promptly abandoned, I will spend more time

with this.

Does the fact that I used Front Page express make me evil??

(Do you like the background??)

Should I keep babbling or study for my test tomorrow??

This page will contain Sailor Moon, DBZ and a few other miscellaneus anime

galleries, also walkthroughs of some of my favorite games.

I will put up some mp3's some roms and videos when I get my new modem.

First and foremost i take no credit for any images or videos i will put up,

i will however take credit for the walkthroughs, i will not post game genie codes

because its just wrong, i will create a few humorous articles on some anime titles.

Any contribution given to me by you surfers will given all duly deserved credit

this includes joint efforts i.e. somebody find an avi which describes

the Sailor Saturn Transformation during the Sailor Moon Stars arc.

(there is one bouncing around in the net but that's from a video game)