Di sini kita menuntut sama,
Tanpa mengira kekasta bangsa;
Bergerak maju berbuat jasa,
Tetap berbakti jujur dan setia.
Marilah semua belia negara,
Dengan semangat bakti semata;
Satukan tenaga bertindak mara,
Kita jayakan rakyat Singapura.
The National torch
The stream of light
We pass from year to year
The best of the old
And the best of young
Prepared to serve and lead
With common vision, aspiration
Strength from memories
The National Dream
Fulfilled for all to see
Embracing our destiny
Standing with colours blazing
Shoulder to shoulder
Friends are we
Honouring our creed
Some thoughts: This is an extremely nice song. Very warm and very inspiring. One of my favourites.
In our full armor well-prepared
We fight with valor, grace and flair
Fear not of rivals firm's our stare
We are the Nationals
So we declare
This is our college
Our honour and pride
Pioneer and model
Ahead we stride
Excellence in all fields, never apart
Varied our race, united our hearts
We are the N-A-T-I-O-N-A-L
National, so we declare
我 们 有 红 xx
我 们 有 白 xx
我 们 有 线 xx
我 们 有 狮 子 在 这 边 xx
Ada merah xx
Ada putih xx
Ada belang xx
Ada singha di sini!
(to the tune of As the Saints Come Marching In)
COPYRIGHTS ~ Please Do Not Copy Our Cheers
For We The NJCians are the Unique One