smileysmileysmileysmileyHere is a paragraph with style specifying the left, top and right position in pixels. The text color is also specified as magenta. The font size is 28 pixels, the font is Arial, it is bold and italicized.

Here is a bunch of text with no formatting except background color. I will repeat it again and again to fill the screen. Here is a bunch of text with no formatting except background color. I will repeat it again and again to fill the screen. Here is a bunch of text with no formatting except background color. I will repeat it again and again to fill the screen. Here is a bunch of text with no formatting except background color. I will repeat it again and again to fill the screen. Here is a bunch of text with no formatting except background color. I will repeat it again and again to fill the screen. Here is a bunch of text with no formatting except background color. I will repeat it again and again to fill the screen. Here is a bunch of text with no formatting except background color. I will repeat it again and again to fill the screen. Here is a bunch of text with no formatting except background color. I will repeat it again and again to fill the screen. Here is a bunch of text with no formatting except background color. I will repeat it again and again to fill the screen. Here is a bunch of text with no formatting except background color. I will repeat it again and again to fill the screen. Here is a bunch of text with no formatting except background color. I will repeat it again and again to fill the screen.

smiley smiley smiley
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