The music you hear is "Fade to Black" by Metallica.

Crazy's Anime Domain is not connected or affiliated with any mentioned company in any way. Companies and all products pertaining to that company are trademarks of that company. Please contact that company for trademark and copyright information.



The music you hear is "Fade to Black" by Metallica.

Crazy's Anime Domain is not connected or affiliated with any mentioned company in any way. Companies and all products pertaining to that company are trademarks of that company. Please contact that company for trademark and copyright information.

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It's not the music.

It's not the video games.

It's not the movies.

It's the ignorance and hatred.

Rock on, Mr. Marilyn Manson.

May God bless Littleton.


Click the pic to enter.

It's not the music.

It's not the video games.

It's not the movies.

It's the ignorance and hatred.

Rock on, Mr. Marilyn Manson.

May God bless Littleton.