Vampire Hunter D

"This story takes place in the dark and distant future. When mutants and demons slither through a world of darkness." This is the opening words to one of the greatest anime films ever.

Okay, let me tell you what this page is about. First, let me say that if you have not seen Vampire Hunter D, GO RENT IT OR BUY IT, OR WHATEVER, BUT GO WATCH IT! You will be doing yourself a favor, trust me. Besides, there are spoilers on this page and I wouldn't want to reveal anything to you. Let me also say that I have only seen the Streamline version, so I am refering at all times to that version. It is my understanding that there is not to much difference between the english and japanese version. The point of this page really is to discuss what made VHD such a good anime. Now....on with the show!

Vampire Hunter D is an impressive performance on everybody's part. The director, the animators, the voice cast, and the editors, it all came together to form an impressive film. To show what I mean needs an analysis.

One of the defining themes of this anime is fear. Fear controls everything on this world, which is dark and unforgiving. There is a constant race in this film, it would seem, to become the hunter. Slow down for one second and you become the hunted. Doris plays the hunter at first, only to become the hunted when the vampire appears. The whole town lives in fear. When they learn that Doris was bitten by the vampire, they shun her and almost lock her up. There is indeed a sense of fear and doom in everyone.

Doris is in fear of the vampire, D is afraid of loosing his humanity, Rei Gancy fears that he shall die insignificant, and Lameeka fears the nobility she always upholds as righteous, is not so grand after all.

One of the things I like about this story is that all of the characters played there role well. There were no characters that were just there. Everyone served a purpose. A study of relationships between characters reveals their personalities.

One of the most interesting relationships in the anime is between D and Rei. They are at odds throughout the film, and they are only pawns in the game of power being played. D is the pawn of Doris, in a wierd way, for though he may deny it, he is in love with Doris, and as such, her pawn. Rei, on the other hand, serves Magnus Lee for the sole purpose of power. He hopes to become a nobleman, and sees opportunity in siding with the Count. In this world, there are sheep(the human villagers) and there are shepards(the vampire lords). Rei wishes to become higher than the sheep, while D wishes to live among them. Rei sees defeating D as the ticket to his salvation, while D sees Rei as an obstacle on his way to his humanity. Indeed, like Rei's wierd power of twisting space around him, these two do seem to be on opposite sides of the mirror.

Other characters of interest are the Count and Lameeka. Their belief in their supiority is their downfall. Magnus Lee has lived so long that he sees himself as a god, or a force of nature. He is indeed removed from humanity; he has forgotten the very word. That is why he is so surprised at the end when he is mortally wounded, crucified to the wall. He has remembered the emotion everyone else on this world knows: FEAR.

The animation for this film is well realized. The opening scene establishes the mood perfectly. In the scenes with Magnus Lee, it is as if we are watching a God, for nothing seems to phase him. The journey through the Count's castle is one big montage of monstrosity's and evil run wild. Every scene on the farm has a strange creature, showing the bizarreness of this world.

And then there is the final scene. In this spectacular scene, we see the castle sinking into the earth. There is a brilliant kaliedoscope of colors in the sky where the castle use to stand, as the earth trembles with the passing of a great evil from the land. It is pulled off very well.

All of these things made this anime one to remember.
  • The anime is based off the novels by Hideuki Kikuchi.
  • The above picture was done by Yoshitaka Amano. He is the painter who personified the way D should look. Check out more of his stuff at the links below.
  • D's voice was done by Micheal McConnie in the English version. I highly reckomend any anime he is in, for he is a very good voice actor. Try Fist of the North Star and Neo-Tokyo.

    The Vampire Hunter D Archives This is perhaps the best VHD site on the web!
    The Vampire Hunter D FAQ This one will answer all your questions!

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