

Thanks! There r many ppl really do care, no matter where I am, what i am; eventhou, some of them r already gone. but, I do remember everything. I owed yall, can't live without yall.

感謝 許多好友關心, 不論我在世界哪個角落! 雖然有些人已離開或失去聯絡, 但我還全都記得! Debbie, 立文, 彥宏, Jackson, 政憲, Peter, 冠宏, Migi, Simon, Helen, Tracy, Lian, Vivian, Nancy, Wilson, Ediot, Janet, Gemini, Lawrance, Andrew, Jeremy, Linda, 小萍, Kevin, William, Arther, Jason, Virone, 雅玲, 小媛, 小帆, 小君, 妍希, 依琳, 純萱, Florence, 娃娃, Jady, 依芸.... and many more.

Since 1996, this site has been played for over Counter times already, keep up the good job guys! ;)
從1996年以來, 本站已被全球各地使用者昏天暗地玩超過28萬次, 請繼續用力的玩, 玩壞了才有新的!

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