Aries (March 21 ~ April 20)

Ruling planet :: Mars
Gemstone :: Diamond
Color :: Red
Element :: Fire
Metal :: Iron
Symbolism :: The ram

The Ram appeared first in Egypt. When drawn (as a glyph), it alternated between a goose's head and a ram's head. It's origin is unknown.

Ariens are usually known as adventurous, energetic, and quick-tempered individuals. Due to the fact that they're ruled by Mars, they also tend to be very courageous, enthusiastic, and confident. Mars is often responsible for their downfalls as well, those being selfishness, impatience, and impulsiveness. Ariens are the first creatures on the zodiac, and they seem to have a "me first" philosophy. Most of the times they can't help but be a bit bossy and selfish, but all in all they're great workers. Oftentimes Ariens will be more than willing to adapt to change, but they have a hard time dealing with failure, which can sometimes get them into trouble. Since Ariens have a lot of energy, they're more often in trouble for exercising or taking on too much rather than too little -- they're not known for laziness. Ariens are born leaders, determined and adventurous. They generally fearless, trying to take life head-on, prepared for everything. Most Ariens are driven by the need to win, giving them a very competitive edge. No matter what, they must come first, and everyone should know it. They thrive on rivalry, trying to do everything and anything. Eager for new experiences and willing to work, Ariens are fierce workers. Their sense of humor and endless fountain of brilliant ideas make great inspiration for others, but unless an Arien can focus and direct those ideas, their ideas don't do them much good.

Ariens have a lot of physical energy to put into their work, but they have to have an environment that provides them with the opportunity to excel. Ariens do well in professions such as that of a fire-fighter, police-person, or army member. Their physical natures allow them to exceed in sports and similar professions. An Arien's manual proficiency makes them good mechanics and engineers. They also make surprisingly good psychologists and psychiatrists. Being born leaders, executive positions also come easily to most Ariens. When working with others, Ariens do best with Geminians, Leos, Librans, Sagittarians, Capricorns and Aquarians. However, they find working with Taureans, Cancers, Virgoans, Scorpios, and Pisceans difficult.

Ariens are generally friendly, and find it easy to talk to strangers. Their outgoing manner causes them to lead most conversations, making it difficult to get a word in edgewise. They usually have a good time with friends that are similarly loud or quiet and responsive. They enjoy being with those who challenge their ideas instead of going along with everything they mention, and enjoy having someone provide thought provoking contributions to their conversations, ideas, and life.

Aries controls sheep and rams, symbol of its zodiac. Ariens also have a sensitive relation with the head, which can work to their advantage or disadvantage depending on their mood. They're in tune with mostly thorny plants, those being thistle, bryony, honeysuckle, and peppermint. They love spicy food (although most of the time it isn't good for them), and very strong food and herbs.

Sailor Mars is an Aries.

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