The Dark Moon Family

I've got information on all the characters of the Dark Moon Family.. I think.. For the Ayakashi sisters I'm just going to use their Japanese names. Alrighty, you can check out Cooan, Beruche, Karaberas, Petz, Wise Man, Emeraude, Dimando, Saffir, Black Lady and Rubeus.

Quick note: Age order is reversed for the sisters, i.e. in the Sailormoon dub, Cooan was the youngest sister ~ in the anime, the oldest. Beruche was the second oldest sister in the anime, and the second youngest in the dub. And so on and so forth.


Anyway, Cooan had a very big crush on Rubeus, and she was a somewhat crass person overall. She didn't know how to go about doing things smoothly ~ meaning, she was always really rigid and sharp and awkward when she did things, like she wasn't sure of quite what to do.. She had the most amusing sense of fashion out of the four sisters, and the most conservative (which I personally favored). Her attack was dark fire, an attack similar in power to Rei's Burning Mandala. Later on, Cooan was changed into a good, wholesome human after agreeing to go through a "healing" process with the ginzuishou when Rei showed her how much she mattered to everyone.


Beruche was kind of quiet, she liked to look at herself in the mirror and shop. She was the strategist of the sisters. Somewhat lazy, she liked having other people do the work for her and then steal the prize from them. She and Cooan fought a lot, mainly over who would be the one to kidnap and take Chibi-Usa to Rubeus. She also enjoyed games that challenged the mind, like chess for instance. Beruche's sense of fashion was well...rather, revealing. But her outfit looked a lot like underwear, really uncomfortable underwear. She wore light blue clothes and had light blue hair that she wore in two braids, one wrapped around her forehead and the other hanging down her back.

Her attack was dark water, and it matched Sailor Mercury's attack. She and Mercury were in a chess match where the winner would have possesion of the other Senshi. Mercury was most likely to lose since she only had pawns to work with, but Tuxedo Kamen saved her. Then, after the Senshi got free of the trap Beruche had put them in while she'd been competing with Mercury, her sisters came by to take a piece of the credit for themselves. However, when they saw that the Senshi were free, they ran. Beruche was so upset about her sisters deserting her and no one caring about her that she decided to "ice" herself. Cooan called out to her and told her that she cared about Beruche and that she didn't want her to go. She told Beruche that she could live a happy life filled with love with Sailor Moon's help. Then Beruche underwent the "healing" process and was turned into a happy go lucky human.


Karaberas was the third sister in the Ayakashi quartet. She was very arrogant, and loved teasing her sister Petz about almost anything that could tick Petz off. She especially liked to remind Petz that she (Petz) hadn't had a date for a very looooooong time. Karaberas was also attracted to Rubeus, and was often partnered with Petz when they went to capture a Crystal Point. This usually messed them up coz they always ended up fighting about who was the prettiest, or most competent, or the most experienced, and all that good stuff.

Karaberas' clothes were very...strange. She used her whip most of the time in her attacks, but she did have a power that matched Sailor Venus'. It was called Dark Beauty, and like Sailor Venus' attack, it was an energy beam. She was transformed into a decent human being in the last dub epidsode at the same time as Petz was in a showdown with the Senshi.


Petz was the fourth Ayakashi sister, a was a bit insecure, she argued a lot with Karaberas on who was the prettiest of the two, and other such junk. She was known by her sisters to be a man-hater, and Beruche was very surprised when she found out that Petz had a crush on Prince Saffir (another Dark Moon member). Petz often argued over whether or not she was glamorous enough to have a boyfriend, and often seemed lonely and distant.  Well, like I mentioned in Karaberas' profile, Petz and she often messed up while they were arguing (think: Gemini from Nephrite's time...). Anyway, she had skimpy, ugly clothes that were, I guess, s'posed to look like she wasn't wearing clothes (hey, they all did!). A lot like Karaberas' clothing, but green and uglier, although when she did dress up like a clerk she looked a lot better. Anyways, she matched Sailor Jupiter's strength, and her attack was Dark Thunder. She was the last one to decide that she wanted to be a happy human, surrounded by love. When she realized that Rubeus was using her (as he did all the other sisters), she snapped. So, with Sailor Moon's help, she became a human bean...


Hmm.. let's see, the words "male-chauvinist-pig" come to mind. Well, Rubeus liked to use people. Or rather, he didn't necessarily like to use people, it was just something he did all the time ~ I think it was second nature. A very emotionless, cruel person, he would lead the Ayakashi sisters' hearts astray with compliments and mild flirting when he wanted something from them. He didn't care which one of them died or got hurt, and was very forceful and rude with them. Cooan had a major crush on him, and he literally used her and dumped her on the side of a temple. In the end of the NA dub, he lost all the sisters to the power of love, and was unable to change them back, although he had tried to brainwash Cooan and Beruche into being evil again in an episode.

Rubeus had fiery looking red hair and apparently didn't comb it too often. He unleashed these little bomb-like dark energy orbs when he attacked, and also used a basketball sized energy ball to attack Sailor Moon with. He didn't fight often, and usually retreated when he found himself in a sticky situation. Like all of the Senshis' enemies, he fought dirty (guess it's an unwritten bad guy rule). He basically just died.. kinda shriveled up..(not really, but we'll go with that for now).


Emeraude is somewhat infatuated with Dimando. She's the next one up in command after Rubeus and she's very... ahem... bothersome.. She's an egomaniac and she's selfish and she's arrogant and her laugh is SO annoying that after about ten seconds of it every other episode you begin to want to kill her yourself. Anyway, she begins the task of taking over Crystal Tokyo before it becomes Crystal Tokyo so that the Dark Moon Kingdom can overthrow Neo Queen Serenity more easily. She's mainly doing it to get in good with Dimando tho.. ANYWAYS, that's enough of Emeraude for now ^_^.

Wise Man

Now Wise Man is the real bad guy in the whole season. He's the one who brain-washes Chibi-Usa, sets up sibling rivalry and sets up the Ayakashi sisters against each other to fight for Rubeus' attention. Wise Man was ugly.. pruny looking thing.. kinda like Zirconia but not really.. and he was bad news. Altho he stayed back in the shadows for most of the NA dub part of the story, the true villain was revealed later on in the series *mysterious music plays*.

Black Lady

Black Lady is basically Chibi-Usa all grown up.. but evil (and she rAwKz!). After being "kidnapped" by Wise Man, he brain washes her and tricks her into believing that no one loves her (this happens thru a series of "flashbacks" where she only remembers bad things that have happened to her as a kid). He also speeds up the rate at which she grows older, so for a long while she's the bad guy that the Senshi have to fight against, but in the end she turns out "normal" again.


Saffir is Dimando's li'l brother and second in command. He doesn't play much of a part until he tries to warn Dimando of Wise Man's evil plans. Then he gets himself in trouble coz his big bro doesn't believe him and Wise Man doesn't want him around to muck up HIS plans. So he runs off to the Ayakashi sisters (Petz likes him and vice versa, altho Saffir does have a thing for Emeraude too.. well.. b4 she gets killed). And he hangs around with them for a *short* while until he confronts Dimando again. And just as he starts telling about Wise Man's plans.. He gets picked off! Wise Man kills him! Pretty narsty stuff, no?


Dimando is the head of the Dark Moon Family. He gets e'eryone together, leads them, all that good stuff. But, he also listens to Wise Man, which is a bad thing. He also has this thing for Neo Queen Serenity, so he's perpetually trying to force her to like him. And when he finds Usagi is the younger form of NQ Serenity, he goes about trying to kidnap.. er.. woo.. her.


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