Shuri Castle, home to Ryukyuan Kings.


The Open Ocean Rope...

Okinawa—pronounced oh-key-nah-wa—is the southernmost prefecture of Japan. Okinawa is the name forced upon the Ryukyuan People by Japan. Japanese thugs, called the Satsuma Clan, came to the Ryukyus in the 1600's, occupied the island, and stole from Ryukyuans in the form of "taxes," but the Japanese were afraid to actually take the island kingdom because of its lucrative trade with China. Emperor Meiji officially took the island chain for Japan in 1865. Historically Okinawa was known as Ryukyu, Omoro, or The Great Laocho. Okinawa has a rich culture and heritage that developed separately and independently from Japan. I believe one can argue that Okinawa is the only nation taken by the Japanese during their expansion, beginning in the 1860's and ending in World War II, that has not been restored to independence. Please read Raising the Japanese Flag Over Okinawa by Masayo Tomimura to gain a better understanding of the relationship between Japan and Ryukyu.


US Military on OkinawaUS Marine Corps on Okinawa