Thoughts on Lateralus (by Tool) -I like their use of middle eastern soundiing scales, odd time signatures, and percussion -They are not harmonically complex, but thhey are rhythmically complex -They know how to contrast between loud annd soft . . . this makes their long songs easier to take in the absense of harmonic changes -Lots of riffing! (It IS rock) -Their use of sound effects is interestingg, it's reminiscent of Verese . . . I could do without them -Loud and heavy, but not dense . . . the ddensity is usually made up for with distortion and other aural effects -As for lyrics, I can't understand shit! Maynard's a good singer, I just can't understand him (which is my own weakness) -Danny Carey's the best rock drummer I've heard so far -My favorite tracks on Lateralus: 11 & 12 (the name's escape me) -As with much of rock, the lyrics and the mood come first