REX Kyouryuu Monogatari -serialized on Asuka, published by Kadokawa
Shoten, 1993.
This was a promotion manga for the REX movie.
The story is about a young girl who her parents are both archaeologists. Unfortunately due to some misunderstanding, her mother left Japan, leaving her husband and her child. One day, both of them went out into a thick unknown forest and found two dino eggs. They took them home and started incubating them. The news of the find spread out and a mean old archaeologist (some sort like a professor in dino studies) wanted the eggs himself, and his assistant--- the girl’s mother. For the sake of protecting the dino (the other one died), the girl ran away with the help of her friend (a boy). Finally they managed to get it back home and the dino hugged the other egg which seemed to be lifeless. Miraculously, the egg hatched and produced another dino. So they quickly escort them back into the mysterious forest to free them, and they (both the dinos and the family) live happily ever after.