Tenchi Muyo TV series 2, Shin Tenchi Muyo, has began to air in Japan. The animation has improved, and the plot thickens. In the series, Tenchi has a new girlfriend. Her name is Sakuya. Here are a few short summaries of the episodes as they air:
Episode 1: Tenchi and Yosho go to Tokyo for a spiritual thing. Tenchi goes to high school and meets Sakuya.
Episode 2: Washu invents a interdimensional warping device, Sakuya and Tenchi get to know each other, and an old ladies tryies to bind Sakuya and Tenchi together.
Episode 3: Dimensional Tunnel was blocked. Washu invented micro-mecha to monitor Tenchi's activity.
Episode 4: Sakuya visits Tenchi's place. Ayeka and Ryoko peek thru the dimensional tunnel. Jealousy overwhelms them. Tenchi escapes with Sakuya.
Episode 5: There is some financial problem with the Masaki household. This forces the girls to go to Tokyo to find part time jobs.
Episode 6: Tenchi is dating Sasami. Sasami goes into an antique shop, but Tenchi does not see her going in. He trys to find her and bumps into Sakuya during his search.
The second Tenchi movie, Tenchi Muyo! Manatsu no Eve (Tenchi Muyo: Middsummers Eve), will have Tenchi's daughter in it, Mayuka. Tsunami and the Light Hawk Wings will also show up in the movie.
Sailor Moon back in the U.S.? Yes, its true, Sailor Moon has returned to the U.S. via television with more translated episodes. It is airing on the cable channel USA as part of its "Action Extreme Teem".
Stay tuned for more updates! Do you have some news to report? If so, then contact Washu immediately!