Ronald F. Hill, 7th Dan Head Instructor

Associate Instructors

Shannon Pease, 4th Dan and Mike Robinson, 4th Dan

Our Salt Lake City Dojo is located at:

2126R (Rear) East 7000 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84121

Phone: (801) 944-4722


The Cottonwood Goju Ryu Karate-Do, Associate Schools, staff and students wish to extend their warmest welcome to our Home Page. Our humble Dojo, located in the Cottonwood area of the Salt Lake Valley at the very foot of the majestic Wasatch Mountain range, has a wide range of programs to offer the serious Martial Artist. Since 1964 Mr. Hill has been known throughout the Intermountain Region as a practitioner and competitor in the Martial Arts. Among his students are some of the finest competitors and instructors in the USA.

Our Cottonwood Dojo sponsors annual "Outdoor Environmental Training Seminar", Tournaments and Breaking Seminars. Other activities include "Food For The Homeless" drives, annual "Tea and Promotional Ceremonies" for all members and families, and goodwill promotions to the community in education and citizenship.

Instructional classes include "Traditional and Classical" Okinawan Goju Ryu Kata syllabus, Basic Weapons (Kobudo), Free Sparring (Kumite), Makiwara Undo (striking implements and practice) and Philosophy relative to our age and environment.

Classes are available for all ages. Private lessons are available for all levels from beginner to advanced Black Belt.

New Students and Visitors are always welcome. We do ask that you call ahead for an appointment, as classes are ongoing throughout the evening hours.

To View Current Class Schedules Click Here!

To Visit Our  Photo Gallery Click Here!

Students and Satellite Schools for News and upcoming Dojo events, click here!"

 Tea Ceremony 2005 click here!"

If you have any comments, questions or would like further information please "E Mail" directly by using the mail slot.


© 1997 Ron Hill