Japanese Idol PhotoGallery [THE Counter]

Hi! Welcome to my updated page, I wish you can find some pictures that you are looking for. These are my photo collections from magazines, photo, and etc.... I will try to collect more pictures of some other Japanese Idols and put them up here. If you have any good picture which you want to go up here, please send that picture to me by email. I will put them up here for people all over the world. Later on this year I will put up my midi collection, I had add some REAL AUDIO to my page, its located in the misc gallery, just go down and you should be able to find three video about Kinki Kids and Puffy.

From the list below, choose the idol that interested you

This page was last updated on Oct 9, 1997.
I had currently put some more pictures in each session, so Check it out!!! If there is any Japanese Idol that you want to see here, send your request to cujoseph@geocities.com, and I will try to find some pictures of your Idol and put them up here. Also visit the Matsu Takako Page that Linked Below!

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