Welcome to Dionel's World of Stuff Ver. 4.0.1
My Anime Top Picks (for now)
in no particular order:
-Azumanga Daioh
-Scrapped Princess
-To Heart
-Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
-Cosmic Baton Girl Comet-san
-Daa! Daa! Daa!
-Asagiri no Miko
-Princess Tutu
11-24-2003: Another Miniupdate.  I'm really not into the updating of this page anymore.  I've got a bunch of sketches to put in, but just don't feel like it.  I may just change it totally around. 

Everyone please visit my sister's web comic site
Robochicks. I appreciate any support you give them.

If you liked Azumanga Daioh, then you might like Yotsubato! Check out the
translations here. Thanks Momotato!

If you're still reading this, you have a good attention span. Thanks for taking the time out to read.

For the mean time, check out my new site that's just about me,
Dionel's Homepage ver 3.02a
Dionel's Webpage Completion O'Meter:

Started: 11-04-2002
[ My Live Journal ]
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I said please
Sign My Guestbook, pretty please View My Guestbook, if you'd like...
Come read my Live Journal.
Since Summer '97
[ The coolest group of cosplayers I have ever had the honor of hanging out with ]
Space Ghost!!!
Here's a picture of me and a bunch of other people I met doing COSPLAY at Jacon 2003.  I'm so glad people are still doing classics like Ranma.
(image opens in new window)
Its Space Ghost (George Lowe) and I.  He signed my Musical Bar-B-Que CD. It was great!!
This was the first picture of the 3 of us together.  Its a 3-way punch of sorts.  Funny!
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