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Princess Chibi-Chibi's Page

Hi Hi!!! Welcome to my homepage!!! It's under extreme consrtuction at the moment, but it will improve, with the help of my friend, Guardian Inferno. I will add more things later on. Anyways, check out my other pages which have more interesting stuff on them. One more thing, Guardian Inferno is the one that is keeping up my webrings, since I'm not too skilled in that area!. Thanks. Sailor Moon Says, See Ya!! *giggle* Oh, and please leave a message on my guestbook with questions/comments. Okie? Okie!

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Last updated of this page was on April 25th, 1999.
This site is copyright by Guardian Protocol.
Sailor Moon is copyright ©1992 Toei Animation CO.
The English language dub is copyright ©1995 DIC Entertainment.

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