I'm what a lot of people would call a simpsons freak. I think I've seen all the episodes(please send me a list of the episodes if you have it), and I make constant refrences to the Simpsons during my daily life. It pisses a lot of my friends off(heh heh).


1-Homer: "Where's the any key?"
2-Homer: "Look at that blubber fly!"
3-Homer: "My bolony has a first name..."
4-Barney: "Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp!"
5-Grandpa: "Dagnamit!"
6-Homer: "What are you going to do? Send the dogs...."
7-Apu: "I'm sorry I do not speak English"
8-Burns: "Excellllllent"
9-Ralph: "Me fail English, that's unpossible"
10-Homer: "Heh heh"
11-Homer: "No beer and no TV make homer something something"
12-Homer: "Alchohol is my way of life, and I aim to keep it"

I'm trying to think of more trivia. If you have any please mail me or sign the guestbook on the index page.
1. What is the name of Homer's half-brother? And who played his voice?
2. What does Major Quimby blame the high taxes on?(in the episode with the bears)
3. What are the three ways to indentify an episode in a full opening sequence?

Answers to the Trivia

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