Utena, Anshi, and Chu Chu. ^_^ edited by: Himemiya Anshi

Ohtori Online

     Ah. Another name change. But this time. It should stay. ^_^ We should be sticking to this layout for awhile since we have will be focusing on re-vamping the other pages. We really hope to have everything up to date real soon. I, Tenjou-Utena, will start the anime reviews section soon. (Note: we do have lives...please be patient.) And as we see more guests come in and out of our page we would like to please ask that when commenting on what you would like to see here, to please be more specific (please note that a "more graphics" comment really doesn't tell us much....). ^_^ Its the only way we can improve. ^_^ Thank you. 

                         ~Anshi, Utena, and ChuChu. ^_^

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best viewed: 800x600 resolution
utena, anshi, and chu chu side image edited by: Himemiya Anshi
ohtori online image made by: Tenjou Utena

the counter was restarted on: Feb 27, 99