Prize: A Sailor Moon t shirt.
How do I win?: Create a logo for the fanclub.
How will the logo be chosen?
All entries will be narrowed down to 5 by me, and the remaining 5 will be posted up on the web page for all members to vote on. The winning logo will win the t shirt, but the other four will also win running-up prizes. These prizes are to be mysterious...
How many logo's may I submit?: Two.
Here are some suggestions for the logo:
- Logo must be versatile. To be put on webpage, webmail, etc.
- Logo must be simple.
- To go with colors of the webpage.
- Can be just a colored sketch, or even nicer than that. It's the idea that counts.
- Must be hosted on your own server. You will be submitting a URL to be, not the actual file. The last 5 will be saved onto the fanclub server.
- Think of Sailor Saturn or Hotaru elements that can be added to the logo. (ie. glaive)
Other Notes to think of:
- I will be re-making the logo in Adobe Illustrator once the winner is picked. So don't spend a lot of time on it.
- As a graphic desiger, a tip for you - don't spend a lot of time on one idea. You can build off of one idea and morph it into many other ideas. Pick your best one or two that you think communicates Sailor Saturn and the fanclub.
Submissions must be in by August 25, 2000. Any late ones will not be included. A form will go up in a couple of days. Your logo must be finished, scanned and hosted in order to submit.