langzay - 06/04/98 02:21:56
My URL:http://www.corplink.co.au/~johnctlo/Index.htm
My Email:langzay@yahoo.com
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: in hk hahaha
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: because i know u and that i would do the same for u


me, myself and I - 06/03/98 15:23:07
My Email:danieltang88@hotmail.com
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: at my place....
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: bcoz u have done yr job *heehee*

Wanna know how really Sor you are Sor Sor.... so mail me...whenever u have time...Sor Sor...

Patrick - 04/28/98 19:20:33
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SouthBeach/Marina/6453
My Email:changps@uci.edu

Interesting homepage.... and more interesting your guestbook... anyway, if you have time, come and visit my homepage... talk to you later.

sir jesse - 03/19/98 23:14:43
My URL:http://wvu.access.wvu.edu
My Email:jpayne2@wvu.edu
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: morgantown
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: cuz you asked for my job kindly. YOu cant have it! But there are other openings! @____@

HE!HE! dont you wish the old peeps were still in chat? *reminiscing*

Dummy - 03/17/98 19:26:07
My Email:slau@globalnet.co.uk
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: My house in Ireland so come here hahahaha
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: Cuase I don't have any $$$$

I sleep when I sleep I eat when I eat and I chat when your in hahahaaa Your Stalker

BONBON - 03/16/98 22:42:27
My Email:bonrich@juno.com
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: call me MOTHER in LAW first!!!!
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: i am a good mother in law!!!!!!


BeenTaiLo - 03/16/98 22:38:13
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/b/e/e/beentailo.html
My Email:beentailo@hotmail.com
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: Toronto or ching shan
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: I LOVE YOU

My dearest Sor Sor, I woke up this morning and the first thing I thought about was you. I love the way your name rolls off my tongue. Sor_sor. Ooh baby. I dream about running my hands through your silky hair and kissing your perfect toes. I would make you a fabulous dinner a d feed you so you wouldn't have to move a muscle. Then I would give you the most amazing masage that anyone in the world would kill for. To end off the perfect evening, we would go to the nearest beach and take a romantic moonlit walk alone the water. I w uld build a sand castle for us to live in and we would have a room where we could watch the sunrise as we lay on the bed peacefully. I love you and always will. LOVE Always your been tai lo gai

jaded moon - 03/16/98 01:43:41
My Email:jaded_moon@hotmail.com
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: what $$$$$$

sor sor hey hey well my HP isn't finished yet so i can't say i'm actually leaving you anything yet but hopefully i'll get my lazy butt in gear and work on my HP... oh yeah i bet you didn't know but i'm a sor member t o..LOL... if you ever seen anyone named "sor butt" be nice...hehehehe much *huggies* jaded moon http://members.wbs.net/homepages/j/a/d/jadedmoon/moon.gif

jaded moon - 03/16/98 01:37:17
My Email:jaded_moon@hotmail.com
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: what $$$$$$

sor sor hey hey well my HP isn't finished yet so i can't say i'm actually leaving you anything yet but hopefully i'll get my lazy butt in gear and work on my HP... oh yeah i bet you didn't know but i'm a sor member t o..LOL... if you ever seen anyone named "sor butt" be nice...hehehehe much *huggies* jaded moon http://members.wbs.net/homepages/j/a/d/jadedmoon/moon.gif

Graeme Zhang - 02/28/98 21:20:31
My Email:zhangan@ihug.co.nz

well, no goodies yet, that's because I haven't seen enough yet, but i am impressed from I have seen... keep it up and I may just hand you the treasure map!!!!!!

- 02/20/98 18:40:44
My Email:wangxiao@loxinfo.co.th

I am also Thai as YOU? May we have same interests, like improving Thai polotics. Bet I were rgiht.. See you.

hi :) - 02/11/98 07:47:46
My Email:wlee@ebvc.com


nol-za - 01/21/98 22:23:35
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SunsetStrip/Palladium/7964
My Email:nol_za@hotmail.com
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: Seattle...the 206!!!
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: i must be drunk

hey sor sor
i don't know if i wanna leave you anything......but if i do...will you take good care of it for me? LOL well go to my homepage and listen to some music and look at some videos and sign my g-book too! i'll see-ya in wbs...laterz!

Never give up lives - 01/08/98 21:59:42
My Email:alaninuk_mk2@hotmail.com
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: UK, Portsmouth
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: I have no job!

I can't read Chinese in my Netscape

a power mac - 12/29/97 02:49:51
My URL:http://apple.com

mac is always the best!! forever and ever!

6148 - 12/26/97 05:13:51
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/MotorCity/Downs/6148
My Email:icetea@pcmagic.net
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: Los Angeles
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: ~~Because I love you!!~~ haha.. nice song.. ^_^

For the great mighty cute one, I finally took sometime to review your homepage. Any thought of career change? ^_^ I also took sometime to read some of your thought You are one of the smart one alive. ^_^

Froggy - 11/27/97 07:13:28
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~jssn0091
My Email:jssn@brunet.bn
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: My house
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: hehee..cos you're $$$

Umm...not bad..nice! I was searching for my chinese translator just now..hehe...anyway nice knowing you.

Chesspiece - 11/24/97 19:47:57
My Email:chess_piece@hotmail.com
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: hrm....
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: 'cuz i must be sor sor dei too....

from one sor sor to another, i like this sor sor page!!!

BUCKWEE - 11/17/97 05:58:08
My Email:dc02@pacbell.net
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: SF Kali
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: there is many reason why not to leave you mone!

sor sor, YO! nice HP got me dizzy, since i'm nice enough to sign your hp , usually i don't do it for people so you should feel special ok?. now you have to go sign my HP too eventhough i don't check it anymore but i want you to do it anyway! haaaa

Qt~Quiet~Mouse - 11/12/97 03:09:34
My Email:Mouse37@hotmail.com
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: Boston MA
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: *^.^*

Nice homepage SorSor!! See ya in WBS!!! *^.^* Qt~Quiet~Mouse

a giant pitcher of vit@soy - 11/05/97 03:59:22
My URL:http://wbs chinese chatroom
My Email:lovelyprincess@hotmail.com
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: sor yan's land *hehehe*
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: I don't have any $ to leave you..just more sor..stuff..hehehe

Add me to your hp, sor lui!!!! *LOL*

Chesspiece - 10/26/97 23:44:33
My Email:jimjiang@soda.berkeley.edu
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: California

loved your lyrics page the most...hehe....

JoYcE ~a.k.a Hello Kitty101 - 10/17/97 00:52:07
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Tokyo/Temple/6534/
My Email:rainbow6@hotmail.com
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: ToRoNtO
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: I don't..hehe

HeLLo gUrL!! NiCe HP!! *LOL* WeLL, I haVen't ChaT wiT U fUr a LonG tiMe 'N juSt HaPpeNeD tAh SeE u At WBS tOday..sO dEciDed taH sIgN uR bOoK! JuSt WaNNa wiSh u aLL Da bEst iN uR fUtuRe 'N MaY aLL uR dReAms cOme TrUe ($$$) hehe.. TAKE CARE!! LaTeS...

Newtocah - 10/13/97 00:34:23
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/tokyo/9461
My Email:newtocah@hotmail.com
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: floor
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: stole 'em myself

quite blue.

~Lil Twin Star!~ - 10/10/97 20:22:01
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SouthBeach/Boardwalk/2495
My Email:missystar@hotmail.com
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: ToROnTo....
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: me no kno.....

HEHEHEHEHE.....Another g-book?????? Just here to leave my lil' mark!!!!!!!! LATEZ!@!

Lord Death - 09/08/97 00:16:03
My Email:lord.death@ibm.net
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: Universe

hey hey.. too bad I can't read half your web site.. hahaha.. anyways, here is the not I promised.. now what.. do I get my money now? hahaha.. well.. see ya around sometime then.. take care..

Phuphur - 08/21/97 22:06:15 GMT
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/v/e/r/verbal257.html
My Email:Somebody257@hotmail.com
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: Philly
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: Cause I don't have any.

Umm......You've got a nice page but I can't understand what you have at the top.

Jay Leck - 08/21/97 03:17:33 GMT
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Tokyo/Towers/3418
My Email:jayleck@hotmail.com
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: under the toilet
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: because you are the last person on earth..LOL


I like your little dancing Sanrio characters. They are so cute!! LOL. Too bad i can't read Chinese other wise, i would know what the song was about. I love listening to music, anytype. Well, come visit my homepage sometime!

Humzinger - 08/15/97 17:58:31 GMT
My Email:humzinger@hotmail.com
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: You'll have to find it yourself.
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: 'cause I'm just such a helluva nice guy.

Nice page *****. Keep up the good work. Catch you later.

Uh? - 08/09/97 03:39:40 GMT
My URL:http://Uh??
My Email:Uh???
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: Pag in Waterbridge
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: Uh????

Uh????? UH??????

ma lai gow - 07/30/97 16:51:18 GMT
My URL:http://www.malaigow.com
My Email:mar_d@arch.usyd.edu.au
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: a good restaurant
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: cuz need someone to continue making me when im eaten so im immortal

HAHAHAHAHA bond man fianlly signs your guess book..so here are the ingredients to ma lai gow...hahah thats secret lor....if i told you that then id have to ..you know the rest..so let me finihs drinking my martini first bye bye!

安東尼 - 07/12/97 09:28:47 GMT
My URL:http://www.engr.orst.edu/~soka
My Email:sokasoka@hotmail.com
Location where i will be able to cla m those goodies: 所有屎塔都有我留俾你既黃金, 大慨有幾萬兩架!
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: 因為你係傻傻中既傻傻

嘩, 呢個西仲底死喎! 邊度搵倒個咁過引既名冊呀! 真係底死架姐! 唔介意我死左之後留0的香噴噴既 黃金俾你嗎! 哈哈! 下次同你再傾過啦!

Pasta - 07/12/97 03:23:58 GMT
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/cgi-bin/homestead/gb_entry
My Email:sor_sor@hotmail.com
b>Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: sor sor's Treasury Chest
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: Dumping ground out of space

You have the right to remain silent, you have the duty to keep everything (Hey!... they r not rubish!).... u shal be responsible for th esafe keeping of the goodies and reimburse for any damage by coming to HK to apologise personally. anything u dump will be used against u in a court of WBS. Until such time that this HP is invalid. Signed: Oos Oos! Date: 32nd July '97.5

Dong Chie - 07/08/97 01:32:04 GMT
My Email:slam@versicor.com
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: no $, me here to look for $

sor por, i finally get so e free chinese reading softwares and read all ur lyrics. dissappointed cause none of songs i know..hmmm. but i know the songs playing at ur HP. i have the CD. Anyway, it's a heck of effort u type in all those (if u didn't steal them from someone haha). ni e job and we will chat again. u know what, i might create my own HP too. Take care. SeeYa Dong Chie.. :)

Tse 4 Gor Mumucow - 07/07/97 16:36:37 GMT
My URL:http://already trashed
My Email:mumucow@usa.net
Location where i will be able to claim those goodie : The Lunatic Cow Farm
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: Huh? What are you talking about??

Ga Ling Gor! Very Cool, cooler than Ah Che. Hey, why don't you put up your yum gor (drink song) Pei Pa (yo know pei pa go gor pei pa) Hong (alley) Hau (mouth) Koo (old) Yan (friend) Loy (come)! Hahahaaaahaaaa!!! <--- the 4 gor typical laugh.

Rob - 07/07/97 14:30:58 GMT
My Email:honeypig@apanet.com.au or Rob168@Rocketmail.com
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: Australia, Sydne ...hehee
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: cuz ur SOR SOR, mah...hehehe

COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, *****....write to me sometimes, k. ^_^

痴線婆 - 07/01/97 19:44:44 GMT
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/c/l/a/clairedanesangelachase.html
My Email:
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: theeeerrrrrrreeeee
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: tsi jor sin lor

soooooorrrr soooooooorrrrr....nay sor ga? ngor doe hai wor...gum arm gar?!haaa...it took me like 5 mins to type those 3 chinese words...haaa....= )

2 por - 07/01/97 16:55:52 GMT
My Email:
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: Hong Kong
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: i luv u br>

hiiii hahaha bubyeeeee

Andrea Sze - 07/01/97 16:53:44 GMT
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/a/n/d/andreasze.html
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: HK

< >Comments:
HI sorsor sis.... nice HP!! And nice songs.... and ur 3 favorite songs r my favourite too.... : )

dave - 06/27/97 18:48:02 GMT
My Email:davidlu@mail.idt.net
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: i dunno

hehee sor sor you sillie lah..me can't read chinese hehee so dunno wut your hp saying..hehe me sillie hheehee =P

ToFuPoP - 06/27/97 16:49:48 GMT
My URL:http://ToFuPaGe
My Email:kelvinto@netvigator.com
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies: T FuFarm
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: i'll give u DouJern!!!!!!

PoP!!!!!!!! PoP!!!!!!!!!! lei hai Sor *****!!!!! Ngor hai sing mook ToFu !!!!!!!!! KAPOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

波記(pocky) =) - 06/24/97 15:08:49 GMT
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/tokyo/flats/9508
My Email:rickyl@majestic.net.au
Lo ation where i will be able to claim those goodies: Zambabwe
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: because i nicked from u. haha

關於你個HP,好話唔好聽,計我話,實情,等於,老實講,諗諗下,都係覺 得,一事間,三口六面,總括黎講,大致上,可以好肯定甘講一句, 其實,所有事實証明,如果可以既話,問題既癥結,在乎得番黎既答案, 事實上,宇宙間,大家都明白到,人所共知,可以好肯定甘講一句: "呢 荎痌瑋ㄜ蠵軉J"....至於o個DMidi,計我話,諗諗下, 雖然,前面以經提過,你都咪話,加加埋埋,聽覺上黎講,姑勿論點都好, 唔係話嚇你,呀邊個話齋,無他既,無端端,一時醒唔起,原來係,實質 上,比較客觀,綜合既查證,穩穩陣陣甘樣分析過,都係覺得,唔知幾時 開屆A證明到一句說話,就係:"好正呀"唔該前面有落,唔該。

Fan Shu - 06/24/97 14:15:50 GMT
My URL:I dont have one
My Email:s9508346@edc.rmit.edu.au
Location where i will be able to claim those goodies:Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: I have no friends. Can I buy your fiendship???

Hello Sor sor ***Prepare youself for the wise words from the wise one at the wise end of the telephone*** Well, by my observations I recall that I am the 31st previliged person to travel through your site. My comments - (voice of a dazed person exiting a cinema) It is very good. Recomend it to everyone. Best site I've seen in ages. It will have you sittin down, face towards your computer screen, hand on mouse and mouth wide open. Had me pre-occupied for hours. A good place for meditation and reaching spritual height which one has never felt before. Site is fully equiped with the latest in multi-media t chnology, including surround sound techniques accompanied with "Thats what friends are for" hit song of the 80's. A must see for all those with a fetish for these thing. Question: Where have all our stolen belonging gotten to? I want my teddy bear back. I have nightmares without my little "Ecila" beside me. I MISS ECILA *sniff, sniff.....Boo Hoo Hooooooooooo* Well thats all the wise little potato has to contribute momentarly. Thankyou for you patience. Awaiting you comments hee hee Fan Shu ^_^

Sor Jai - 06/23/97 16:07:53 GMT
My URL:http://thunder.ocis.temple.edu/~cly00000
My Email:cly@nimbus.ocis.temple.edu
Loc tion where i will be able to claim those goodies: The silliest city in the world.
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: check my handle

ummmm, I'm not the first one to sign your guestbook?? no fair!! haha a. I think I'll add a gb to my geocities page later when I get bored, hehehe. uhhh, remember to fix your link from ur wbs page too, it's screwed :P Is this thing private?? I was going to tell you how I felt about you, I think you are...ran out of room! ha aha :P

sor sor - 06/22/97 23:34:10 GMT
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/tokyo/flats/9518
My Email:sor_sor@hotmail.com
Location where will be able to claim those goodies: USA
Reason why you want to leave me all your $$$$$$: i want to start it off....so you guys would know what to do *wink*

Ever heard of that song from Problem Child 2? **it's my arty and i can cry if i want to...cry if i want to.. what would you do if it happened to you?** Well, now i'm singing... **it's my guest book and i can sign if i want to ... sign if i want to...** ^_^

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