Last Update: October 2001!

Two more strips this update.
I'm actually going to be making an effort to update from now on.
It takes less time to do one of these than a chapter of fanfiction, so I should be able to do it in the time I have that isn't quite enough to write another chapter of fanfiction.

I've also taken up RPGmaker 2000 so I'll have
a game up in a few months on this site. It's free too!
I made a character for The Shadow too.
He's not in my game, but I was just messing around and figured I
might as well put him up since I did him.
I'll add more info as time goes on. ^_^

I'm toying with the idea of puting a few animation files into the game.
I decided to put up a test and see what people thought of it.
It's right under the Shadow character I made.
I also added a face set of the defalt hero and the female hero in
various expressions.
Tell me what you think!

A new parody comic strip by Carrot Glace!!

The best part is, since it's parody, it's legal!

RPGMaker2000 Shadow Char.

RPGMaker2000 Ranma 1/2: Ranma, Girl Type Ranma, Ryoga, Mousse, and Ukyo.

Hero faces faceset. Various expressions.

Female Hero faces. Various expressions.

Hero character: walk animation test.

Carrot's World!

Characters: Who's who.

Carrots world! Preview strip 1!

Carrot's world! Preview strip 2

Carrot's world! 04/04/01

Carrot's world! 04/04/01

Carrot's world! 04/11/01

Carrot's world! 04/20/01

Carrot's world! 04/20/01

Carrot's world! 10/19/01

Carrot's world! 10/19/01


Carrot's world! 10/19/01


This site will be updated weekly. Every Friday night, or early Satrday morning.
[I work the late shift ^_^;] Hope you come to enjoy it in the coming weeks!

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