*BTW, if you aren't using Netscape, and don't have speakers, you ain't gonna hear the pretty music*


"A cat sees all and knows all

yet never says a word"

I am Sailor Heart/Skimble and welcome to my brand new home in cyberspace. What you'll find here is very
simple. You'll find stuff about my Sailor Moon fanfics and the my new Scout/Senshi profiles. On the links page
you'll find doorways to other sites that I like. While this is a Sailor Moon site, there are other anime series and movies I've seen. I've provided a ratings page for you to see what I like and what I don't like. As always, debate on some of the issues are welcome. Mail me your thoughts. In the meantime, have fun on my site and let me know what you think. Make yourself at home and soak in all you want about me.

If you've got a problem with this site, take it to the enforcers (^_^):

So, what would you like to see here, hmmmmm? A little bit about me I would think. Well, I'm only too happy to tell you. As you noticed in the first paragraph, my name is Skimble... that's by day... by night, I'm part of a small group of individuals sworn to protect the universe. Sounds far-fetched, right? It isn't when you realize that the enemy has struck before and may be mounting an attack against us.

A little history lesson:


About 1000 years ago, life existed on our Moon... It was the time of the Silver Millennium and peace reigned in our universe. Our ruler, a benevolent monarch named Queen Serenity saw over the universe and raised her daughter, Princess Serena, in her footsteps so that one day Serena would take the throne. Serena was in love with a young man from the Earth. Prince Darien and Princess Serena were betrothed from birth. Soon the enemy launched their first attack and conquered the Earth. Darien, seeing that Earth was devastated, came to the Moon to warn Queen Serenity. But it was too late. The Enemy descended upon us and caught us off guard. Soon with our ranks decimated, and the enemy advancing, Queen Beryl, the ruler of the Negaverse attempted to capture Princess Serena and Prince Darien. As this was happening , the Negaverse launched their final offensive with their most powerful warrior, the Giant Shadow! The Giant Shadow annhiliated the already weakened Moon Kingdom and devastated the entire Moon. Seeing her beautiful kingdom ravaged by the enemy, Queen Serenity concentrated her power and used the Imperium Silver Crystal to trap the Giant Shadow. She also managed to trap all the Children of the moon in the crystal as well and send them forth into the future on Earth praying that they would have a peaceful and happy future. The children would have no memory of their Moon Kingdom existences or any memory of the enemy either. The Imperium Silver Crystal also managed to banish Queen Beryl and her minions back to the Negaverse. However, the enemy has re-surfaced recently. Queen Serenity sent the Moon's cats into the future as well in case of an enemy uprising to locate and re-"activate" the Princess and her court.

That's where I come in. Although I was not part of the official court, I was part of the Moon Kingdom's warriors. My guardian, Poseidon found me only two years ago. The princess's guardian, a black cat named Luna, had found her and three others in the princess's court. Another guardian cat, a white one named Artemis, had found his charge, and reunited the five girls bringing the princess and her court together again as the Sailor Senshi.

I am also a senshi (warrior). My guardian, a zebra-striped cat named Poseidon has trained me to fight the evil of the Negaverse. I fight at the side of the Princess and her court as Sailor Heart.

Here's what you'll find on my page:

1) Information about new Sailor Scouts that I've created: THE ELEMENTAL SCOUTS

Heart Earth Wind Fire Water

2) Fics I've done as well as team-up fics *THE FICS ARE UP!!!*

3) A handy-dandy links page

4) An even handier-dandier credits page

5) A page of things I would like to own at some point in time.

6) A public service announcement about the planned live-action movie produced by Geena Davis

7) My anime ratings page

8) More stuff eventually (give me time)

Well, I think those are the important things. Soon, I'll put more stuff on this site. But not bad for an
attempt with no HTML knowledge, eh?(^_^) Hey, folks, if anybody who accesses this page has an idea where to get good subs of Japanese Sailor Moon, or anything else on the WANTS page (in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) please let me know. (^_^)

BTW, Unless otherwise noted, all the stuff on this site is copyrighted to Stupid Productions; a subsidy of THE COOL FOUNDATION. Please don't take without asking first. I'm pretty easy-going, so ask first.

Well, do you want to mail me? Try here or here.

Some of my favorite links:

Skimble's Homepage -my alter-ego's little house on the internet


Meet the family!!

From left to right: Sailor Water, Sailor Earth, Sailor Heart,

Sailor Wind, Sailor Fire and Poseidon!


This site is proud to be Canadian!!!

This site was reborn on April 3rd, 1999 and last updated on July 13th, 1999