Sheer Boredom

A dull sluggish flow of bauble flits by my ears
The crisp air is promising, yet there is no plan
There's nothing to do, nothing to say
The sheer boredom of it all just ruins the day.
A lethargy invades your limbs
Your mind just ceases to function
Over the meaningless chattering din
A listless mood prevails
No interest in any games
As you have to sit there hour after hour
Minute after minute
Second after second
Waiting to be released from this place of nothingness
This place of no interest, no intrigue, no complexity
In short, you're bored, bored, BORED!!
Bored beyond words
Bored beyond belief
Bored beyond description
Bored by disbelief
Bored by contradiction
Bored by inspiration
Bored toward the end of this entire week
So bored to start writing about being bored
Like me.

~MY June 9, 1998

Dana's Designs

Decoration courtesy of Dana's Designs. ^^ And let's go back now...