
Anointed with a fallen angel's blood,
The Darkness towers ominously, bathed in crimson waters
Whispering silently with a voice that's never heard
Yet echoes endlessly to the heart of you mind, the soul of your will
No, you can't deny it
Not when its eye fall upon your face
Hands stained with sin reaching out for you
Embracing you
Turning you
Shifting you
Changing you...
You can't deny it...
Let it bury you
Overwhelm you
Burn you into the depths of time
Running, drifting on… with no destination save to serve
Where the Darkness may lie
Entranced, bewitched, mesmerized...

~MY August 17, 1999

Dana's Designs

Decoration courtesy of Dana's Designs. ^^ And let's go back now...