Yield Unto Thyself

Hmmm... a story where Usagi is denounced as the Moon Princess and cast out of the Sailor senshi! How cruel! But things are more than they seem as Usagi finds an aspect of herself she'd never imagined. Events reach a boiling point when a new nemesis appears--Mistress Ten, following Mistress after Mistress 9. For a punch line, I threw Street Fighter into this fic, even though I know next to zilch on it and plan to have it stay that way... =p (I'm terrible, I know...) The story's messy, and the spelling is jacked up. I never really bothered to edit yet, but I will after I complete this fic... eventually... -.- I can be reached at ironic_balance@hotmail.com.

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Format by Authors * Format by Series * Format by Titles * Short Summeries