Excerpt from the JASC Executive Committee Case Study (1)
Example of AEC and JEC conflict

   I'm very sorry for the lack of "information." 
   I'd like to add a couple more things.
   * JAPANESE theme was settled unanimously at the last retreat 
     after the long-time brainstorming.
   * [d] sent us e-mail about objection to Japanese theme on 
     31st Oct.
   * JEC frequently use phone and fax because e-mail is less
     convenient and efficient way to decide or discuss things in 
   * When I read [d's] mail, I thought that it is an urgent   
     issue because theme is the most important, and draft for    
     all kinds of publications are nearly completed and changing 
     the theme would need so many correction.
   * I called some ECs to discuss what to do on this issue and 
     decided to send mail.
   * This time I happened to make a draft to put on this list   
    serve, although I'm not the chair.  I did as a member of EC.
   * But ALL JECs checked the draft and the draft was revised.
   * So, the mail below [ml-50ec36] was not MY opinion but ALL 
     ECs WISH.
   * It is not the big problem WHO TYPED.  The issue seems   
     urgent and I have a bit more chance to acsess [sic] e-mail.    
     It does not mean I am in charge of the theme.
   * [A] spends her holiday in Kyoto after checking the   
     draft 1-3 Nov.
   * [H] spends her holiday in NY and she will back in    
     Japan till 8th. So the earliest, we can make change 
     to Japanese theme on the next weekend.
   * I faxed [a's] mail [ml-50e37] to 6ECs (except [H],   
     include [A]) so WE will rethink what to do next.
   * send you reply to [a's] e-mail by Monday night.

   I feel irritated with MY English ability.....
   I believe that all the 16 ECs have the same vision   
     and wish for the 50th JASC.
   No difference between AEC and JEC.
   Theme also prove our same vision...