
In response to my column in the Asahi Shimbun on August 30, 1998, I received more than 500 e-mail messages from all over Japan.

People of all ages, from 11 to 81 years old, gave me their opinions and experiences with the Internet, learning English, studying abroad, and so on. Some had been using e-mail for years, others just a few months. Several wrote that they had never sent an e-mail to a stranger before, so I was the first one! Others asked me, "how can I find an e-mail pen pal from another country?"

I was so impressed that I decided to make this home page in order to post excerpts from their messages. Regrettably, I was never able to finish reading all the messages, and I lost the password for the e-mail account, so these messages are just a partial representation.

Click here for Japanese messages pages 1-12

Click here for Japanese messages pages 13-18

Click here for English messages

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Last modified - August, 2003