I'm Ugly
  this place stinks, get outta here
Welcome to what I humbly like to call, "The Best Place, EVER!" It is my attempt at the best webpage to ever exist on the internet.  I think this is a realistic goal, and with your help I'm sure I'll acheive it.  I realize my page is currently the technical equivalent of a dirty litter box, but I am willing to work at it.
So now, on with the excitement......
Or, go to the super-speedy TEXT ONLY index page!
EXCITEMENT???  he calls THIS excitement?????
now what?  he wants you to look at all his stupid stuff? don't do it, he's an idiot!
 only real losers visit this site, so if you're here you're a
loser.  don't you have better things to do with your time?
 he is really lonely, it's so pathetic.  you wouldn't believe the things he tells me
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