
This is a Hentai Free page
Hi, welcome ^^ please enjoy your stay. Whatever it is you're looking for, I'm sure you'll find here then any other place out on the web. We have...
-tons of detailed articles discussing the profiles of the Sailor Senshi, describtion and progress of BSSM sessions. Article proving the controversial homosexuality in Sailor Moon (this one turned to be quite successful), often used Japanese phrases, dispute around DiC's treatment of Sailor Moon in the US, the renowned Laws of Anime (ver 6.0), Sailor Moon quiz and many more.
The image gallery is classified into cathegories by character, allowing immediate and fast download. Similar section, the Sailor Moon goodies, offers all the neat icons, cursors, skins, Saturn Calculator and a couple of screen savers + some games.
The Audio gallery should be up in a few days, drop by, I'm gonna upload some serious megabytes ^^
If you'll decide to spend some time on this site, I'd appreciate if you sign my guestbook. Thanx!


Release date: July 25th 2000
Last update iniciated on: N/A
Author: Malachite (Alternatively Rumiko - on IRC)
Optimised for: Internet Explorer 4 +, Netscape Navigator,
Used software: Notepad, Photoshop 5.0
E-mail: malachite9@bishoujosenshi.com
IRC contact:
IRC Server:US Dalnet Servers
Channel: #animelair
Nickname: Rumiko

Add Me! Sailormoon is copyright © 2000 Naoko Takeuchi, Toei Animation and relevant companies.
All articles, unless stated otherwise, are striclty based on my own experiences and various sources. If you have any intentions of copying the contents or layout, I ask you to properly link to my site.
DHTML scripts were adopted from Dynamic Drive web site under terms of use.