Welcome to the Coffee Shop's Entrance.

Before you want to proceed into the shop, please read the Introduction and Instruction below:

This mini site is only distributing the works from the web-mistress (me of course ^_^). It's contain original works, fanarts from some certain animes (or non-animes) and popular movies, and other galleries.

Gundam Wing
Weiss Kreuz
Shaman King

Harry Potter
Eve Zero - the ark of matter

Warning: This page have contained some Yaoi rating (M/M), which is not suitable to those who are underage and those who are very allergic on or totally against it. As for safety, to who has interest of entering my page, please apply a VIP Pass by giving me the details that I have requested below. I know it's very troublesome but this is for good. So, please understand.


1. Please don't be so sure that I will totally give you the URL even though you have join the Coffee Shop Mailing List and post up your info to apply it. I might reject your application if I have to.

2. For those who has successfully got my approval to enter my site, please keep the URL for your own use and DO NOT pass it or tell anyone about it. If you are stubborn to do so, I will have no other choices but to either change the URL (even you have applied once but you have to apply for the URL again) or totally close the page down.

Salazar S: Welcome.
After you have read the Attention and Warning above, do proceed to the form below (if you wish ^_^) for your VIP Pass application:

VIP Pass:

Age *
Homepage URL (If you have)
Comments/Reasons **
Where/How do you know about my page?

* To those who are underage and still want to get into the shop, do remember that you have been warned ^_^ And I am NOT going to responsible if your parents caught you seeing any dirty materials! Good Luck! ~_'

** This is because I'm sick of those people writing nonsense about my HP in my BBS/Guest Book even though I have given my warning!


Garydian G: Please join the Coffee Shop's Mailing List to proceed into the Shop Coffee Shop Yahoo!Group

This page is Link Free!



Page reopen date: 10 May 2002

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My cute little Sweetheart, Yume from Neopet!

Shaman Twins - Shaman King Group/Doumei

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