Welcome to Fisheye's Anime Website created by Lantis...and Tamahome!.....remember to bookmark my page and sign my guestbook!!!  ^.^


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X 1999

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Fushigi Yuugi

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DragonBall Z

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Gundam Wing

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Yu Yu Hakusho

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About us


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Yo!  I was gonna make this homepage on just one character, but then I couldn't decide who, cuz I like practically ALL of the characters that cast in Fushigi Yuugi.  So...I'll just make a website on whatever I feel like for the time being.  Also, it's not only me working on this webiste now, my sister (Tamahome) is helping me do some of it.  If you have any comments, suggestions, insults, compliments...please feel free to send them to Tamahome at:  sou_kishuku@mailexcite.com or to Lantis at: trunks_trowa@geocities.com and we'll try to reply you A.S.A.P...^.^

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This is a website based on our interest of certain characters, so not ALL of the characters of FY will appear here.  And sorry...we don't do summeries, but we do have a  lot of profiles, image galleries, even fanart...etc on the characters we like.  Sorry if that bothers you...but I'm sure there are a lot of other websites with better summeries and deeper information then we could ever provide, so if you are interested, please visit our FY links to check it out.  For the time being...enjoy!

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suzakugod.gif (11121 bytes)  <Suzaku/a>

seiryuugod.gif (8412 bytes)  Seiryuu

genbugod.gif (10173 bytes)  <Genbu

byakkogod.gif (10820 bytes)  Byakko


PS~this is one of those sites that is constantly changing for your enjoyment.  Since it's always under constructbar.gif (26723 bytes), please be sure to bookmark our page and come back every so often to see what's new and improved!

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* Merry Christmas all you FY fans! *

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Thanks for visiting!

Since November 29, 1998, people have came here.


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Please Please PLEASE sign my guestbook!

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