Well here are my (low quality) sounds. Well I will write up how my DBZ tapes translates them on some, I don't feel like doing others. Unless you email me to do it. Well just because my DBZ tapes translates them that way doesn't means it right. So don't tell me I made a mistake translating them. If you want I give you the name of the company that makes my DBZ tapes and you can email them. If you want to email me with a better translation than sure. Did I mention there low quality. Well it doesn't matter if your using them for your computer. If you want, you can donate wavs.
File | Description | KBytes |
Angela | If you don't know who Angela is, I'll put up a Bio for her. Angela says sadly "I'll go, I'll go" then happily says "TO THE HALLWAY" because she wants to go with Gohan, who's in the Hallway. | 70.1kb |
Angela2 | Gohan looks at Angela and then she makes a wierd sound. Sounds like Awwoooo in a girly voice. | 37.7kb |
OrangeStarBell | It's the Bell to Gohan's High school. His High school if you haven't guessed it is called Orange Star High school | 111kb |
Bye Kinto | Gohan say Bye-bye to the Kinto-cloud. | 32.3kb |
cool | When Gohan first gets his Great Saiya-man costume, Goten says Wow!! Brother you look cool!. | 44kb |
ooops(damnit!) | Gohan says "oops" but I think it was atcually translated to damn it! | 27.3kb |
Darn | This is from one of my favorite scenes. After Gohan gets in trouble he has to go stand in the hallway while holding two buckets of water. After getting in trouble he says "darn" | 27.9 |
Dream | This is the first part above. Gohan is thinking about something and not noticing the teacher calling him. Then when he looks up and the teachers right in front of his face he yells "ga-aaaahh!!" | 240kb |
Eliza | Eliza one of Gohan's friends (I'll put up her bio too) says "wow!! he's pretty cute, just my type." When she first sees Gohan. Gohans a Chick-magnet. | 43.1kb |
Haaa!! | Gohan yells Haaa!! while firing invisble ki to knock over a truck with criminals in it. | 14.3kb |
Hiya! | When Gohan goes over Bulma's house, he visit Trunks. When he sees trunks he says "Hiyyaa Trunks!" | 24.2kb |
huh | Gohan says Huh? .....well that's it. | 2.74 |
I'm Son | On his first day of school Gohan greets the class by saying "I'm Son, Son Gohan. Pleased to meet you. | 40.8kb |
Champion of Justice | Gohan says "Champion of Justice?!? | 17.9kb |
Laugh | Gohan Laughing. | 35kb |
Laugh2 | Gohan Laughing again, but this ones better. (oh God! do I get tired of writing these. | 16.2kb |
Lucky | Gohan drops a bat and then says "Lucky, lucky!" in a very funny scene. | 16.2kb |
Music | A short BGM from DBZ, when Gohan rescues Videl and a bunch of old people, yes old people. This came out very well. | 110kb |
Music2 | Another short BGM from Dbz. This music is associated with that crazy girl Angela. | 136kb |
Not Again | Gohan sick of all the crime in Satan City, says something like "Not again, I can't believe this city." | 48kb |
What Page? | This is another funny scene where Gohan isn't following what's going on in his class because of his friends and the teachers ask him to start reading and then the wav starts here when Gohan says "Yes, ummm....uhhh...what's the page number? Then Sharpener (one of Gohan's friends) starts to laugh at him and the teacher frowns up at him. | 70kb |
Right Here | On Gohan's first day of school the teacher tells him to find a seat and in the wav Eliza says "Right Here" | 24.2kb |
Saiyaman | one of the Great Saiyaman's intro. | 86kb |
Saiyaman2 | Another of The Great Saiyaman's intro. but much longer | 240kb |
Slept | Anoter funny scene. Chi-chi tells Gohan that he should go to sleep now or he might wake up late for school. Gohan tells her that he's fine. Then the next day Gohan wakes up late. On the wav it has him waking up late saying "Wa-aaaahhhh!! I woke up too late!!!" See mother knows best. | 46kb |
Transform | Right before Gohan turns into the Great Saiyaman he yells "Transform!!" | 34.6kb |
Videl | Here's a great Videl one. She says "The Golden Haired Warrior! Again? | 34kb |
Wrong | Yet again another funny one (gosh that Gohan). In the middle of class while the teacher is talking, Gohan hears some classmates talking about The Great Saiya-man. There not sure what his name is and one boy suggest that it's The Great Tire-Man. The wav starts with Gohan saying, "Your wrong!! It's the Great Saiyaman." Then everyone in the class stops and looks at him. | 42kb |