Below you can find a bunch of links that are one of the following. Interesting, informative, or chosen to please people. Find out what falls into each category.
The New York Times - The Times is the ultimate paper. Its online version is free and full of links to previous articles and interesting websites. The catch is its archiving system. You have to pay if you want to access any issue except for that days. So if you are really impressed print it out, because you will be paying tomorrow.
Pella Christian High School - This is the High School attended and where Sarah's Dad is the Principal. Check this link out to see the best constructed High School page on the Web.

Calvin College - Our alma mater. If you are interested in Calvin at all this is the place to go. You can read the Chimes, find out email addresses, or take care of any business you have with Calvin right over the Web. - If you have been inspired by this homepage maybe you want to create your own. Well, you can, and it is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Just go here and start clicking around and in no time at all you too can have a spiffy page like this one.
Amakusa Technical High School - This is Dan's school homepage. It may be difficult to understand, as it is in Japanese, but keep checking it out because soon there will be an English version.