Enjoy your stay! ^o^

I am open to any donations as long as the language is not as violent as where the whole story is a cursing-efficiency test. And the "lemony" parts are controlled in modest proportions. And don't forget to tell me your name and the title of the story. Please send your stories/novels (hee hee) to me at KonekoNeeko@hotmail.com.
Thank you!

Updated on 2000.06.23.

Gallery of Fan Fiction

Here's a message from Sailor V . . .
(= Donated by Yesenia =)
Sailor V warns

Read at your own leisure

These writers have worked very hard and dutifully to bring their stories to you.  Please take a look-see at them.  Thank you!  ^_^

Contents of this Gallery

yellow heart Sailor Moon (8 stories :: 0 links)
yellow heart Ranma 1/2
(0 stories :: 4 links)
yellow heart Cross-over
(2 stories :: 4 links)
yellow heart Other Anime (1 story :: 0 links)
yellow heart Non-Anime
(7 stories :: 0 links)