Welcome!...*Curtsies and smiles*
I am known to some as Mysteria-X...
"A Woman of Mystery"... And, you have just entered my domain... Please,
feel free to roam around, if you wish...
- Real Name: Unknown
- Age: Unknown
- Birthday: Unknown
- Location: Unknown
Now, I hope you did not think that I would freely give you the information... Did you?... After all, I am "A Woman of Mystery"... *Smiles*... However, I can give you this...
- C-Fiance: Lord Ace
(C-Wedding will be November 12, 1997 in Anime)
- C-Brothers: Feilong 1 and Hunter Ichijyo
- C-Sister: Sailor Io
- C-Cousin: Princess Serenity
Friendly links: (Still to come)