YO! The name's Izumi Ishtar. Welcome to my homepage. Feel free to surf in. DO NOT steal anything (which is made by me) from my page and CLAIM you did it! Ask me if you want to take it or simply give me some credit (aka link to my page). I'll be incorporating my other functions of sites affiliated with me and mine to further use any limited room this site has.

Plus... don't complain if there are fewer images over here. I'm not that genius in making webpages... and, I prefer my pages to load fast w/out those interfering long-loading images... and, I have small webspace...

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*Updated* (27/08/2007)

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This Page was created to appreciate the works of the people in the industry. This page is not intended to violate anybody's rights. The content in this page is only for public viewing and NOT for benefit. It is intolerable that nobody should ever benefit from this page.

Copyright of Izumi Ishtar©2000