PlayStation Gamer


                     BREATH                        |
                        |____    ___    ___    ____|
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                             |  |   |OF|   |  |
                         ____|  |___|  |___|  |____
                        |                         FIRE

                      A walkthrough by Henry LaPierre
                         Version 2, June 4th 1998
                   Updated for the North American release
                     Copyright (c) 1998  Henry LaPierre

Table of Contents:

  Special notice
  Dragon gene system
  Dragon genes
  Dragon transformations
  Master system
  Special actions
  Character abilities
  Abilities listing
  Enemies list
  Learning abilities from enemies
  Miscellaneous items/weapons/armors
  Fishing notes
  Fish list
  Fishing spots(including Manillo trade shops)
  The Faerie Realm
  The Walkthrough
  Thanks list
  Idiot list
  Copyright notice

Special notice:
Sorry to start this walkthrough out on a less than happy note, but due
to happenings in the past, I need to state this up front...
Permission is NOT granted to reprint this summary in a for-profit magazine
or publication without my prior consent. Nor is permission granted for
this document to be used as any type of "source material" for for-profit
magazines or publications to use in any way. Be it basing their own
articles from, reading/reviewing it prior to writing their own articles in
order to get ideas/make sure they didn't miss anything, or outright
copying. I do not write these walkthroughs so some hack writers can sit
back and get paid for it. This happened way too often in the past, and
it's time to put a stop to it. If your job is to write articles for gaming
magazines, then do your own work, and stop stealing from mine.

Now on to the good part :)


  Menu screen:

    Shows portraits of the three current party members
    Above them are seven icons:

      1. Items
      2. Ability(magic)
      3. Equip
      4. Tactics(formation)
      5. Status
      6. Configuration
      7. Camp(only highlighted if usable)

    1. Items:

      Consists of the sub-groups, Item/Weapon/Armor/Option

        Use: use selected item
        Sort: individually, by types of items
        Drop: Yes/No after choosing item
        Vital: items in your inventory that you need to progress

    2. Ability:

      Consists of the sub-groups, Heal/Assist/Attack/Skill

        Ability: cast selected spell
        Sort: individually, high AP, low AP
        Note: remove one current skill from a character and place it in
          the Skill note category of your Camp menu, Yes/No
        Gene: lists all dragon genes currently in your possession

    3. Equip:

      Consists of the sub-groups, Weapon/Armor/Option

        Equip: equip weapon, shield, helmet, breastplate, options
          Statistics shown are: Power, Defense, Intelligence
            and Agility
        Optimum: equip best attack selections for character
        Fast: equip best selections for maximum speed for character
        Pool: take off selected equipment, Yes/No

    4. Formation:
      Consists of the sub-groups, Form/Ally
          Choose character lineup, then battle formation according to the
          chosen lineup(assigned number to each character). You start with
          three selectable formations, and after using certain Masters,
          you will gain three more, for a total of six. They are:
            #1: Normal,   no special effects
            #2: Attack,   point member's power raised
            #3: Defense,  all member's defense is raised
            #4: Chain,    all speeds equal the point member's speed
            #5: Magic,    rear member's magic is raised
            #6: Refuge,   HP recovered each turn
          When on the world map(and not in camp), choose Formation from
          your menu, and you will be able to change current party
          members(note, this selection is only available while on the
          world map)

    5. Status:

      Choose desired character to see their current statistics, HP,
        AP(magic points) and equipped items. Statistics at the right
        are as follows:

          Power              Intelligence
          Defense            Agility

    6. Configuration:

      Change the standard game settings to your liking. Quit(exit) and
        Initialize(default) are at the top

        Message speed: fast, medium, slow
        Window color: semi-transparent, dark, green, red
        Background: wooden panel, brick, tile, leaf
        Sound: stereo, monoaural
        Auto run: Off(manual, hold button), On(dash always instead of
        Controller(configure): assign buttons to the following commands
          (note, "X" is Accept, and "Triangle" is Cancel. You cannot
          assign functions to the L2 or R2 buttons)

         Action(perform character's special action)
         View(rotate screen, hold + Directional Pad)
         Change(lead character)

    7. Camp(accessible on the world map):

      Inspect the book on the table in the tent to see the camp menu

        Rest: current party members will be assembled after resting. Any
          character that has been penalized Maximum HP(if they have died
          in battle) will be restored after resting if you stay at an
          inn(note, you will not be restored by resting at the camp).
        Save: choose memory card, then save file(Yes/No to save over file)
        Change party members: choose two characters other than the main
        Look at skill notes: sort(individually/by highest AP/by lowest
          AP) by choosing "Look", or trade skills between different
          characters by choosing "Change":
            You must have one Skill ink per skill traded(number in
            inventory shown at right). Choose an empty slot in desired
            character's skill inventory, then choose the skill you would
            like that character to have from your existing choices.
        Look at Master list: list of all the Masters you've currently
          found, their locations and which characters are presently being
          trained by each. A star next to the Master's name means that
          you have received at least one of everything that you can from

  World map controls:
    (note, these buttons, as with all controller schemes, may vary
    depending on your controller configuration)

    Select: bring up/cancel the compass and location descriptions box
    Start: camp(if possible)
    X: enter location/battle
    Triangle: gives you a small text guide to what the current location is
    R1: Rotates the world map(hold + Directional Pad)
    Square: Enters the regular menu screen

  Battle menu:
    (note, in addition to pressing the Accept button, you can double tap
      the Directional Pad in the direction of the icon to choose it, this
      also works for the L1 or R1 shift buttons)

    L1: Charge(all weapon attack, all characters attack with weapons,
          auto battle, press "Triangle" to cancel at start of next
          battle turn)
    R1: Escape
    Icon Grid, Top: Use Ability
    Icon Grid, Center: Use Weapon
    Icon Grid, Bottom: Use Item(after choosing this, press up while in
                         the item selection menu to receive the choice of
                         either using an equipped item, or re-equipping
                         the character
    Icon Grid, Left: Examine(choose which enemy to watch, if enemy does
                       spell/attack, there is a chance you will learn
                       it as a skill. Note, not all characters can learn
                       all spells)
    Icon Grid, Right: Defend

  Dragon Gene System:

    During a battle, the main character has the ability to transform into
    one of a number of different dragons. To do this, first choose to
    perform a spell. Next, choose Accession from the Attack list, as
    this is the Dragon Gene System. You will be presented with a box
    containing all of the dragon genes that you have discovered so far.
    Just above this box are three choices:

      Data:   This contains the past six dragon transformations, choose
                any of them to repeat the transformation. (Note, press
                the Square button to save the data from any dragon in
                this group to save them in the "Best" category.
      Pick:   From the box of dragon genes below, select up to three
                dragon genes to combine for a dragon transformation. The
                cost in AP varies from gene to gene.
      Best:   Choose one from up to twelve previously saved dragon

    You must have the correct amount of AP necessary to complete the
      transformation(total sum of all genes used). Also, your character
      will lose a specific amount of AP each battle turn(dependent on
      which dragon you transform into. Note, you lose approximately half
      the total AP cost of the mutation per round, while in Dragon form),
      and will automatically change back to human form if/when his supply
      of AP is depleted.

  Order of Dragon Genes in Battle Menu(cost in AP to use):

    Top row:
    Flame(5), Frost(5), Thunder(5), Shadow(5), Radiance(5), Force(8)

    Center row:
    Defender(8), Eldritch(8), Miracle(16), Gross(8), Thorn(8), Reverse(3)

    Bottom row:
    Mutant(3), ? ? ?(8), Trance(8), Failure(1), Fusion(16), Infinity(40)

Dragon Gene locations:
  (Note, only your main character can pick up dragon genes)

  Flame:    Grants flame property
            Automatically appears in your inventory after you transform
            into a dragon in front of Balio and Sunder

  Defender: Grants a defensive form
            Automatically appears in your inventory after you slide down
            Mt. Boumore with Nina to escape being captured by Sunder

  Reverse:  Reverse abilities and properties
            Found in the "?" area at the base of Mt. Boumore, on the
            Eastern side

  Thorn:    Enhances special characteristics
            Found in the area where the rocket you rode out of Momo's
            Tower crash landed

  Frost:    Grants frost property
            Found on the right side of the house beneath the Maekyss
            Gorge bridge

  Thunder:  Grants electric property
            Found on the beach behind the house to the Northwest of the
            port town of Rhapala

  Eldritch: Grants a magical form
            Found on the roof of the lighthouse next to the port town of

  Miracle:  Grants a large form
            Found in the third section of the caves within Mt. Zublo

  Shadow:   Grants shadow property
            Received after defeating the Dragon Zombie in the Dauna Mine

  Fusion:   Combines power with allies'
            Received from female spirit in the Dauna Mine, just after
            receiving the Shadow dragon gene

  Force:    Grants a powerful form
            Found on duct in facility under Plant

  Gross:    Enhances abilities
            Found on the exit path to the Tidal Caves, just before
            reaching the village of Cliff, where Gaist lives

  ???:      Mystery effect... ???
            Found in the "?" house area on the peninsula in the Urkan

  Mutant:   Causes random change
            Found on Steel Beach

  Trance:   Mystery effect... ???
            Found in the "?" tree area after leaving Kombinat

  Failure:  Unknown
            Found in the Colony temple

  Radiance: Grants radiance property
            Found in the teleporter room in Container Yard

  Infinity: Unleashes full power of the Brood
            Received after defeating Jono, the Dragnier elder, in his
            elder dragon form

Dragon transformations
  (Note, these may not be all the transformation combinations. Also,
  the Defender Gene adds the ability "Counter" to most dragon mutations.
  The Eldritch Gene adds the next highest base ability, along with it's
  regular healing abilities to existing dragons, example: Fire Dragon
  will receive Inferno, along with the healing abilities, Dark Dragon
  will receive Death, along with the healing abilities)

  Momo Hybrid Dragon:      Have Momo in the battle party + Fusion Gene
                           Cost 16 AP, 8 AP per turn
    Speed:           2 AP  Raise one target's agility
    Protect:         2 AP  Raise one target's defense
    Might:           3 AP  Raise one target's power
    Restore:         9 AP  Heal heavy wounds on one target
    Remedy:          6 AP  Cures all status changes
    Combustion:      0 AP  Flame and wind attack vs all targets
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Nina Hybrid Dragon:      Have Nina in the battle party + Fusion Gene
                           Cost 16 AP, 8 AP per turn
    Typhoon:         6 AP  Wind attack vs all targets
    Lightning:       6 AP  Electric attack vs all targets
    Inferno:         8 AP  Flame attack vs all targets
    Blizzard:        8 AP  Frost attack vs all targets
    Temptation:      0 AP  Causes confusion, abilities down
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Rei Hybrid Dragon:       Have Rei in the battle party + Fusion Gene
                           Cost 16 AP, 8 AP per turn
    Shadow walk:     6 AP  Warp attack, critical blow
    Dragon breath:   0 AP  Breath, damage altered by HP
    Tempest:         0 AP  Wind, damage altered by HP
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Peco Hybrid Dragon:      Have Peco in the battle party + Fusion Gene
                           Cost 16 AP, 8 AP per turn
    Dream breath:    3 AP  Induces sleep in all targets
    Venom breath:    3 AP  Poison all targets
    Dragon breath:   0 AP  Breath, damage altered by HP
    Geo breath:      0 AP  Earth, damage altered by HP
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Whelp:                   Failure Gene
                           Cost 1 AP, 1 AP per turn
    Whelp breath:    0 AP  Breath, damage altered by HP
    Blind:           0 AP  Attack, induces blindness
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Whelp(Fire):             Flame Gene
                           Cost 5 AP, 3 AP per turn
    Whelp breath:    0 AP  Breath, damage altered by HP
    Blind:           0 AP  Attack, induces blindness
    Flame breath:    0 AP  Flame, damage altered by HP
    Flame claw:      0 AP  Flame attack vs one target
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Whelp(Ice):              Frost Gene
                           Cost 5 AP, 3 AP per turn
    Whelp breath:    0 AP  Breath, damage altered by HP
    Blind:           0 AP  Attack, induces blindness
    Frost breath:    0 AP  Frost, damage altered by HP
    Frost claw:      0 AP  Frost attack vs one target
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Whelp(Lightning):        Thunder Gene
                           Cost 5 AP, 3 AP per turn
    Whelp breath:    0 AP  Breath, damage altered by HP
    Blind:           0 AP  Attack, induces blindness
    Thunder breath:  0 AP  Electric, damage altered by HP
    Thunder claw:    0 AP  Electric attack vs one target
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Whelp(Dark):             Shadow Gene
                           Cost 5 AP, 3 AP per turn
    Whelp breath:    0 AP  Breath, damage altered by HP
    Blind:           0 AP  Attack, induces blindness
    Shadow breath:   0 AP  Death vs all targets
    Chlorine:        0 AP  Attack, poisons target
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Whelp(Light):            Radiance Gene
                           Cost 5 AP, 3 AP per turn
    Whelp breath:    0 AP  Breath, damage altered by HP
    Blind:           0 AP  Attack, induces blindness
    Divine breath:   0 AP  Holy, damage altered by HP
    Shining claw:    0 AP  Holy attack vs one target
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Whelp(Protect):          Defender Gene
                           Cost 8 AP, 4 AP per turn
    Whelp breath:    0 AP  Breath, damage altered by HP
    Blind:           0 AP  Attack, induces blindness
    Counter:         0 AP  Auto counter, attack when in use
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Whelp(Magical):          Eldritch Gene
                           Cost 8 AP, 4 AP per turn
    Whelp breath:    0 AP  Breath, damage altered by HP
    Blind:           0 AP  Attack, induces blindness
    Remedy:          7 AP  Cures all status changes
    Restore:        12 AP  Heal heavy wounds on one target
    Vitalize:       20 AP  Heal medium wounds on all targets
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Dragon:                  Thorn Gene + Defender Gene
                           Cost 16 AP, 8 AP per turn
    Dragon breath:   0 AP  Breath, damage altered by HP
    Snap:            0 AP  Attack vs one target, lowers defense
    Counter:         0 AP  Auto counter, attack when in use
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Dragon(Fire):            Flame Gene + Defender Gene
                           Cost 13 AP, 7 AP per turn
    Dragon breath:   0 AP  Breath, damage altered by HP
    Snap:            0 AP  Attack vs one target, lowers defense
    Flame breath:    0 AP  Flame, damage altered by HP
    Flame claw:      0 AP  Flame attack vs one target
    Counter:         0 AP  Auto counter, attack when in use
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Dragon(Ice):             Frost Gene + Defender Gene
                           Cost 13 AP, 7 AP per turn
    Dragon breath:   0 AP  Breath, damage altered by HP
    Snap:            0 AP  Attack vs one target, lowers defense
    Frost breath:    0 AP  Frost, damage altered by HP
    Frost claw:      0 AP  Frost attack vs one target
    Counter:         0 AP  Auto counter, attack when in use
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Dragon(Lightning):       Thunder Gene + Defender Gene
                           Cost 13 AP, 7 AP per turn
    Dragon breath:   0 AP  Breath, damage altered by HP
    Snap:            0 AP  Attack vs one target, lowers defense
    Thunder breath:  0 AP  Electric, damage altered by HP
    Thunder claw:    0 AP  Electric attack vs one target
    Counter:         0 AP  Auto counter, attack when in use
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Dragon(Dark):            Shadow Gene + Defender Gene
                           Cost 13 AP, 7 AP per turn
    Dragon breath:   0 AP  Breath, damage altered by HP
    Snap:            0 AP  Attack vs one target, lowers defense
    Shadow breath:   0 AP  Death vs all targets
    Chlorine:        0 AP  Attack, poisons targets
    Counter:         0 AP  Auto counter, attack when in use
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Dragon(Light):           Radiance Gene + Defender Gene
                           Cost 13 AP, 7 AP per turn
    Dragon breath:   0 AP  Breath, damage altered by HP
    Snap:            0 AP  Attack vs one target, lowers defense
    Divine breath:   0 AP  Holy, damage altered by HP
    Shining claw:    0 AP  Holy attack vs one target
    Counter:         0 AP  Auto counter, attack when in use
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Dragon(Magical):         Eldritch Gene + Defender Gene
                           Cost 16 AP, 8 AP per turn
    Dragon breath:   0 AP  Breath, damage altered by HP
    Snap:            0 AP  Attack vs one target, lowers defense
    Remedy:          7 AP  Cures all status changes
    Restore:        12 AP  Heal heavy wounds on one target
    Vitalize:       20 AP  Heal medium wounds on all targets
    Counter:         0 AP  Auto counter, attack when in use
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Trygon:                  Flame Gene + Frost Gene + Thunder Gene
                           Cost 15 AP, 8 AP per turn
    Flame breath:    0 AP  Flame, damage altered by HP
    Frost breath:    0 AP  Frost, damage altered by HP
    Thunder breath:  0 AP  Electric, damage altered by HP
    Dragon breath:   0 AP  Breath, damage altered by HP
    Snap:            0 AP  Attack vs one target, lowers defense
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Behemoth:                Miracle Gene
                           Cost 16 AP, 8 AP per turn
    Meteor strike:   0 AP  Comet, damage altered by HP
    Blitz:           0 AP  Attack vs all, user's HP halved
    Charge:          0 AP  Damage altered based on defense
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Behemoth(Fire):          Miracle Gene + Flame Gene
                           Cost 21 AP, 11 AP per turn
    Meteor strike:   0 AP  Comet, damage altered by HP
    Blitz:           0 AP  Attack vs all, user's HP halved
    Charge:          0 AP  Damage altered based on defense
    Flame breath:    0 AP  Flame, damage altered by HP
    Flame claw:      0 AP  Flame attack vs one target
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Behemoth(Ice):           Miracle Gene + Frost Gene
                           Cost 21 AP, 11 AP per turn
    Meteor strike:   0 AP  Comet, damage altered by HP
    Blitz:           0 AP  Attack vs all, user's HP halved
    Charge:          0 AP  Damage altered based on defense
    Frost breath:    0 AP  Frost, damage altered by HP
    Frost claw:      0 AP  Frost attack vs one target
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Behemoth(Lightning):     Miracle Gene + Thunder Gene
                           Cost 21 AP, 11 AP per turn
    Meteor strike:   0 AP  Comet, damage altered by HP
    Blitz:           0 AP  Attack vs all, user's HP halved
    Charge:          0 AP  Damage altered based on defense
    Thunder breath:  0 AP  Electric, damage altered by HP
    Thunder claw:    0 AP  Electric attack vs one target
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Behemoth(Dark):          Miracle Gene + Shadow Gene
                           Cost 21 AP, 11 AP per turn
    Meteor strike:   0 AP  Comet, damage altered by HP
    Blitz:           0 AP  Attack vs all, user's HP halved
    Charge:          0 AP  Damage altered based on defense
    Shadow breath:   0 AP  Death vs all targets
    Chlorine:        0 AP  Attack, poisons target
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Behemoth(Light):         Miracle Gene + Radiance Gene
                           Cost 21 AP, 11 AP per turn
    Meteor strike:   0 AP  Comet, damage altered by HP
    Blitz:           0 AP  Attack vs all, user's HP halved
    Charge:          0 AP  Damage altered based on defense
    Divine breath:   0 AP  Holy, damage altered by HP
    Shining claw:    0 AP  Holy attack vs one target
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Behemoth(Power):          Miracle Gene + Force Gene
                           Cost 24 AP, 12 AP per turn
    Meteor strike:   0 AP  Comet, damage altered by HP
    Blitz:           0 AP  Attack vs all, user's HP halved
    Charge:          0 AP  Damage altered based on defense
    Focus:           0 AP  Raise power when used, maximum x2
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Behemoth(Magical):       Miracle Gene + Eldritch Gene
                           Cost 24 AP, 12 AP per turn
    Meteor strike:   0 AP  Comet, damage altered by HP
    Blitz:           0 AP  Attack vs all, user's HP halved
    Charge:          0 AP  Damage altered based on defense
    Remedy:          7 AP  Cures all status changes
    Restore:        12 AP  Heal heavy wounds on one target
    Vitalize:       20 AP  Heal medium wounds on all targets
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Warrior:                 Force Gene
                           Cost 8 AP, 4 AP per turn
    Gambit:          0 AP  Critical damage if enemy is hit
    Aura:           20 AP  Holy attack vs one target, power x2
    Focus:           0 AP  Raise power when used, maximum x2
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Warrior:(Fire)           Force Gene, Flame Gene
                           Cost 13 AP, 7 AP per turn
    Gambit:          0 AP  Critical damage if enemy is hit
    Aura:           20 AP  Holy attack vs one target, power x2
    Flame Breath     0 AP  Flame, damage altered by HP
    Flame Claw       0 AP  Flame attack vs one target
    Focus:           0 AP  Raise power when used, maximum x2
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Warrior(Frost):          Force Gene, Frost Gene
                           Cost 13 AP, 7 AP per turn
    Gambit:          0 AP  Critical damage if enemy is hit
    Aura:           20 AP  Holy attack vs one target, power x2
    Frost Breath     0 AP  Frost, damage altered by HP
    Frost Claw       0 AP  Frost attack vs one target
    Focus:           0 AP  Raise power when used, maximum x2
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Warrior:(Lightning):     Force Gene, Thunder Gene
                           Cost 13 AP, 7 AP per turn
    Gambit:          0 AP  Critical damage if enemy is hit
    Aura:           20 AP  Holy attack vs one target, power x2
    Thunder Breath   0 AP  Electric, damage altered by HP
    Thunder Claw     0 AP  Electric attack vs one target
    Focus:           0 AP  Raise power when used, maximum x2
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Warrior(Dark):           Force Gene, Shadow Gene
                           Cost 13 AP, 7 AP per turn
    Gambit:          0 AP  Critical damage if enemy is hit
    Aura:           20 AP  Holy attack vs one target, power x2
    Shadow Breath:   0 AP  Death vs all targets
    Chlorine:        0 AP  Attack, poisons target
    Focus:           0 AP  Raise power when used, maximum x2
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Warrior(Light):          Force Gene, Radiance Gene
                           Cost 13 AP, 7 AP per turn
    Gambit:          0 AP  Critical damage if enemy is hit
    Aura:           20 AP  Holy attack vs one target, power x2
    Divine Breath:   0 AP  Holy, damage altered by HP
    Holy Strike      0 AP  Holy attack vs one target
    Focus:           0 AP  Raise power when used, maximum x2
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Warrior(Magical):        Force Gene, Eldritch Gene
                           Cost 16 AP, 8 AP per turn
    Gambit:          0 AP  Critical damage if enemy is hit
    Aura:           20 AP  Holy attack vs one target, power x2
    Focus:           0 AP  Raise power when used, maximum x2
    Remedy:          7 AP  Cures all status changes
    Restore:        12 AP  Heal heavy wounds on one target
    Vitalize:       20 AP  Heal medium wounds on all targets
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Mammoth:                 Miracle Gene + ??? Gene
                           Cost 24 AP, 12 AP per turn
    Giant growth:    0 AP  Attack vs multiple targets
    Meteor strike:   0 AP  Comet, damage altered by HP
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Pygmy:                   Mutant Gene + ??? Gene
                           Cost 11 AP, 6 AP per turn
    Dragon breath:   0 AP  Breath, damage altered by HP
    Snap:            0 AP  Attack vs one target, lowers defense
    Magma breath:    0 AP  Flame, damage altered by HP
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Wildfire:                Miracle Gene + Thorn Gene + Reverse Gene
                           Cost 27 AP, 14 AP per turn
    Whelp breath:    0 AP  Breath, damage altered by HP
    Charge:          0 AP  Damage altered based on defense
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Tiamat:                  Shadow Gene + Trance Gene
                           Cost 13 AP, 7 AP per turn
    Doom breath:     0 AP  Neutral, damage altered by HP
    Shadow breath:   0 AP  Death vs all targets
    Venom breath:    3 AP  Poison all targets
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Myrmidon:                Force Gene + Trance Gene
                           Cost 16 AP, 8 AP per turn
    Gambit:          0 AP  Critical damage if enemy is hit
    Aura:           20 AP  Holy attack vs one target, power x2
    Flame strike:    1 AP  Flame attack vs one target
    Thunder strike:  4 AP  Electric attack, paralyzes
    Frost strike:    4 AP  Frost attack, induces sleep
    Wind strike:     1 AP  Wind attack vs one target
    Holy strike:     2 AP  Holy attack vs one target
    Aura breath:     0 AP  Holy, damage altered by HP
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Kaiser(uncontrollable):  Infinity Gene
                           Cost 40 AP, 20 AP per turn
    Kaiser breath:   0 AP  Neutral, Damage altered by HP
    Bone break:      0 AP  Attack, usable at fixed intervals
    Howling:         0 AP  Attack, induces confusion
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

  Kaiser(controllable):    Failure Gene + Infinity Gene
                           Cost 41 AP, 21 AP per turn
    Kaiser breath:   0 AP  Neutral, Damage altered by HP
    Bone break:      0 AP  Attack, usable at fixed intervals
    Howling:         0 AP  Attack, induces confusion
    Restore form:    0 AP  Return to human form

Using Masters:

  After aligning yourself with a Master, raise levels and return to them.
    You will be rewarded with Skills/Spells/Items/New Battle Formations,
    and other helpful things. When a Master gives you the option of using
    them, first they ask if you would like any of your current party
    members to align with them(learn from them), Yes/No. If you choose No
    at this point, they then ask you if you would like them to remove the
    current alignment from a member of your current party, Yes/No. A
    Master may only remove his own alignment from a party member(IE: Lee
    may only remove an alignment with Lee, not any other Master). However,
    a Master may align with a character who is currently aligned with
    another Master, thereby overriding the previous Master(IE: if Nina is
    currently aligned with Bunyan, but wishes to align herself with
    Emitai, she need not have Bunyan take his alignment off of her. Just
    have Emitai align with Nina, and Bunyan's alignment will be gone).
    The statistic enhancers/penalty are added/subtracted to the statistic
    amount that you raise at each level while aligned with the particular
    Master. If the number in a particular statistic is a negative by way
    of the Master, and you wouldn't normally receive a boost in that
    statistic during a level raise, you won't be penalized so that it
    cuts into your already established statistics.

Master list:

  1.  Bunyan: Woodsman in Cedar Woods
         HP+2                AP-2
         Power+2             Intelligence-3

  2.  Mygas: Yraall Region, just West of McNeil Town
         AP+1                Power-1
         Intelligence+2      Defense-1

  3.  Yggdrasil, the Tree of Wisdom: Eastern Wyndia, outside Plant,
                                     need Peco to contact this Master
         AP+1                HP-1
         Defense+1           Power-2
         Intelligence+2      Weak vs flame

  4.  Durandal: Wyndia, in the shack between outer walls of the castle
         ???                 ???

  5.  Giotto: Fishman in Rhapala Region
         HP+4                Power-1
         AP+3                Defense-1

  6.  Emitai: Dauna Hills, house with golem
         AP+4                Power-2
         Intelligence+4      Defense-2

  7.  Hachio: Wyndia Castle cook
         HP+2                AP-2
         Power+2             Agility-1
         Defense+1           Intelligence-1

  8.  Bais: Wyndia, one of the four teenagers, leader boy

  9.  Lang: Wyndia, one of the four teenagers, fat boy

  10. Lee: Wyndia, one of the four teenagers, short girl

  11. Wynn: Wyndia, one of the four teenagers, tall girl

  12. D'lonzo: Coffee shop, girl at the top of the hill
         Power+1             HP-1
         Agility+1           AP-2
         Accuracy heightened

  13. Meryleep: Eastern Wyndia, in the forest "?" area to the Northwest
                of the Coffee shop. Faerie
         Agility+2           HP-1

  14. Fahl: Genmel fortress to the South of Wyndia, horse barkeep in pub
         HP+4                Agility-3
         Power+1             Intelligence-3

  15. Hondara: Urkan Tapa, robed priest
         AP+1                Power-2
         Holy property up

  16. Ladon, the Dragon God: Dragon portrait, need main character to
                             contact, Dragnier
         Power+2             HP-6
         Defense+2           AP-6

  17. Deis: Girl revived at Angel Tower, resides at the temple(Cave
            of Ages) in Mt. Zublo
         AP+3                HP-3
         Power+1             Defense-3

Master requirements and Skill lists: (Note, level skill attained at refers
  to "full" levels raised. The first level raised, since not completely
  under the alignment of the particular Master does not count towards the
  amount of levels needed) Also, if you have learned a skill from an
  enemy, you cannot learn a second copy of the skill from a master(or
  vice versa). The Master will just skip that particular skill when you
  are aligned with him/her/it.

  Bunyan: Return to him at any point in the game after Rei and Teepo
          have left your party.
    Learned at 2  levels raised: Risky blow                     AP 0
    Learned at 5  levels raised: Focus                          AP 0
    Learned at 8  levels raised: Super Combo(press in order)    AP 12
    Learned at 10 levels raised: Disembowel(leaves 1 HP)        AP 0

  Mygas: Wants all your z, appears after you return from Mt. Glaus.
    Learned at 1 level raised:   Frost                          AP 2
    Learned at 4 levels raised:  Meditation                     AP 0
    Learned at 6 levels raised:  Magic ball                     AP 2
    Learned at 8 levels raised:  Typhoon                        AP 7

  Tree of Wisdom: Wants a Wisdom fruit, you must have Peco contact this
                  Master each time you with to contact him.
    Learned at 2 levels raised:  Sanctuary                      AP 5
    Learned at 5 levels raised:  Recall                         AP 2
    Learned at 8 levels raised:  Shield                         AP 4

  Durandal: No requirement.
    Learned at 1 level raised:   Unmotivate                     AP 0
    Learned at 2 levels raised:  Feign swing                    AP 0
    Learned at 3 levels raised:  Backhand                       AP 0

  Giotto: Must have fishing rank of Rod Master or higher.
    Learned at 2 levels raised:  Trump(must have 0 AP)          AP 0
    Learned at 5 levels raised:  Berserk                        AP 2
    Learned at 8 levels raised:  Sudden death                   AP 1

  Emitai: 10,000z.
    Learned at 1 level raised:   Barrier                        AP 4
    Learned at 3 levels raised:  Mind sword                     AP 2
    Learned at 5 levels raised:  Enlighten                      AP 2

  Hachio: Needs the following four items for a dish he's making, Beef
          jerky, Angler(fish), Martian squid(fish) and Swallow eye.
    Learned at 1 level raised:   Mighty chop                    AP 0
    Learned at 3 levels raised:  Demonbane                      AP 1

  Bais: Find him the second time he hides(when he's a teenager, in Dauna
        Mine). All four teenagers must be found first.
    Learned at 2 levels raised:  Battle Formation #4, Chain Form

  Lang: Find him the second time he hides(when he's a teenager, in Wyndia
         Royal Tombs). All four teenagers must be found first.
    Given at 2 levels raised:    Cupid's Lyre(option item)

  Lee: Find her the second time she hides(when she's a teenager, at the
       Eastern checkpoint). All four teenagers must be found first.
    Learned at 2 levels raised:  Battle Formation #5, Magic Form

  Wynn: Find her the second time she hides(when she's a teenager, in Junk
        Town). All four teenagers must be found first.
    Learned at 2 levels raised:  Battle Formation #6, Refuge Form

  D'lonzo: You must have fifteen different types of weapons in your
    Learned at 2 levels raised:  Monopolize(all EXP. to caster) AP 0
    Learned at 3 levels raised:  Intimidate                     AP 0
    Learned at 4 levels raised:  Steal                          AP 0

  Meryleep: Peco must knock a rock into the pond she lives in, you also
            must possess the Flower jewel. Need Peco in your party to
            make initial contact with her each time. You must also be
            past the point at which you can enter the Faerie Village
            before contacting Meryleep or she will not appear.
    Learned at 2 levels raised:  Charm                          AP 0
    Learned at 5 levels raised:  Shadow Walk                    AP 8
    Learned at 8 levels raised:  War shout                      AP 6

  Fahl: You must win 30 battles in a row without resting.
    Learned at 2 levels raised:  Charge                         AP 0
    Learned at 4 levels raised:  Counter                        AP 0
    Learned at 6 levels raised:  Resist                         AP 2

  Hondara: Must have previously learned the Skill "Backhand" from the
           Master, Durandal.
    Learned at 2 levels raised:  Purify                         AP 4
    Learned at 5 levels raised:  Kyrie(undead)                  AP 5
    Learned at 8 levels raised:  Benediction                    AP 20

  Ladon, Dragon God: Need Infinity dragon gene in your inventory, you
                     must have your main character contact this Master
                     each time you wish to contact him.
    Learned at 2 levels raised:  Mind's eye                     AP 0
    Learned at 4 levels raised:  Holy Strike                    AP 2
    Learned at 6 levels raised:  Ward of light                  AP 5
    Learned at 8 levels raised:  Aura                           AP 20

  Deis: Available in the temple at Mt. Zublo(Cave of Ages) after
        reviving her at Angel Tower. Must use your main character to
        gain access to her inner chamber. You must also choose, "I
        like you this way" when she tells you that the human form that
        you first saw her in limited her powers. Also, after she's
        rested, you must choose, "yes Ma'am" when addressing her.
    Learned at 2 levels raised:  Inferno                        AP 10
    Learned at 5 levels raised:  Blizzard                       AP 10
    Learned at 8 levels raised:  Myollnir                       AP 10
    Learned at 11 levels raised: Sirocco                        AP 12
    Learned at 15 levels raised: Celerity(needs time to charge) AP 0

Special actions of characters:

  You(Ryu): Sword swipe, only character that can pick up dragon genes
  Rei:      Lockpick
  Teepo:    Kick
  Nina:     Wand blast
  Momo:     Bazooka
  Garr:     Push
  Peco:     Bash(same as kick)

Character Abilities listing:
  Here is a listing of all the abilities each character will earn
  through normal level raising


    Level   Category    Ability            AP Cost

      1     Heal        Heal                  4
      4     Heal        Purify                4
      6     Assist      Protect               2
      10    Heal        Rejuvenate            7
      16    Assist      Shield                4
      19    Heal        Raise Dead            10
      20    Heal        Remedy                7
      23    Heal        Vitalize              20
      26    Assist      Barrier               4
      29    Heal        Restore               12
      31    Heal        Resurrect             20
      34    Heal        Vigor                 50
      36    Attack      Bonebreak             0
       *    Attack      Accession             0 (*received with 1st gene)


    Level   Category    Ability            AP Cost

      1     Attack      Flare                 2
      4     Attack      Frost                 2
      7     Attack      Simoon                4
      13    Attack      Fireblast             5
      14    Attack      Iceblast              5


    Level   Category    Ability            AP Cost

      5     Attack      Pilfer                0
      9     Attack      Jolt                  3
      12    Assist      Slow                  1
      13    Assist      Silence               2
      16    Assist      Speed                 2
      19    Attack      Lightning             7
      20*   Attack      Were-Tiger            0 (*received at return)
      29    Attack      Death                 5
      38    Attack      Myollnir              10


    Level   Category    Ability            AP Cost

      5     Attack      Cyclone               3
      5     Attack      Frost                 2
      5     Attack      Jolt                  3
      7     Attack      Simoon                4
      9     Assist      Blunt                 1
      10    Assist      Weaken                1
      12    Attack      Iceblast              5
      13    Assist      Slow                  1
      15    Attack      Typhoon               7
      16    Attack      Lightning             7
      18    Heal        Drain                 3
      23    Heal        Leech Power           0
      28    Attack      Blizzard              10
      33    Attack      Sirocco               12
      37    Attack      Myollnir              10


    Level   Category    Ability            AP Cost

      10    Heal        Heal                  4
      10    Heal        Purify                4
      10    Assist      Identify              0
      10    Assist      Foretell              0
      10    Assist      Protect               2
      10    Assist      Silence               2
      12    Assist      Sleep                 3
      13    Attack      Quake                 7
      14    Assist      Confuse               2
      17    Assist      Speed                 2
      19    Heal        Rejuvenate            7
      20    Assist      Might                 4
      24    Heal        Remedy                7
      27    Heal        Raise Dead            10
      29    Attack      Ragnarock             12
      33    Heal        Vitalize              20
      36    Heal        Restore               12


    Level   Category    Ability            AP Cost

      10    Assist      Dream Breath          3
      17    Assist      Venom Breath          3
      20    Heal        Rejuvenate            7
      21    Heal        Purify                4
      30    Attack      Ice Breath            4
      31    Attack      Fire Breath           4


    Level   Category    Ability            AP Cost

      13    Attack      Pyrokinesis           1
      13    Attack      Flare                 2
      14    Attack      Fireblast             5
      21    Attack      Gambit                0
      26    Attack      Kyrie                 5
      30    Attack      Inferno               10

Abilities listing


    Skill        AP Cost   Description

    Air Raid        3      Attack, cancels next move
    Aura            20     Holy attack vs one target, power x2
    Backhand        0      attack vs one target, non lethal
    Bad Back        0      Your enemy throws it's back out
    Barrier         4      Raise one target's magic defense
    Benediction     20     Restores all dead members...?
    Berserk         2      Raises power for three turns, then death
    Blind           0      Attack, induces blindness
    Blitz           0      Attack vs all, user's HP halved
    Blizzard        10     Frost attack vs all targets
    Bone Dart       3      Bone attack, causes confusion
    Burn            1      Flame attack vs one target
    Celerity        0      Abilities up, usable at fixed time
    Charge          0      Damage altered based on defense
    Charm           0      Increases chance of finding an item
    Chill           7      Frost attack, lowers agility
    Counter         0      Auto counter, attack when in use
    Demonbane       1      Attack, extra damage to devils
    Disembowel      0      Fatal blow, maximum HP down
    Double Blow     2      Double attack vs one target
    Douse           1      Weaken one target vs flame attacks
    Enlighten       2      Raises user's intelligence
    Evil Eye        7      Paralyze single target
    Feign Swing     0      Take a practice swing
    Flame Strike    1      Flame attack vs one target
    Flying Kick     0      Damage altered based on agility
    Focus           0      Raise power when used, maximum x2
    Frost           2      Frost attack vs one target
    Frost Strike    4      Frost attack, induces sleep
    Gloom           1      Turns single target into undead
    Holy Strike     2      Holy attack vs one target
    Inferno         10     Flame attack vs all targets
    Influence       0      Bait enemy
    Intimidate      0      Cancels one target's movement
    Jump            0      Jump attack(random damage)
    Kyrie           5   
   Destroy undead
    Last Resort     0      Raises power by lowering defense to zero
    Lava Burst      7      Flame attack vs all targets
    Magic Ball      2      Attack using solid ball of magic
    Meditation      0      Raises intelligence when used, maximum x2
    Mighty Chop     0      Attack vs one target, ignores defense
    Mind Flay       0      Attack, lowers intelligence
    Mind Sword      2      Attack target with magic sword
    Mind's Eye      0      Raises to-hit percentage temporarily
    Monopolize      0      Steals all experience
    Multistrike     0      One - three attacks, half damage
    Myollnir        10     Electric attack vs one target
    Purify          4      Cures poison
    Recall          2      Cast random magic spell
    Resist          2      Invulnerability for one turn
    Risky Blow      0      Critical damage if enemy is hit
    Sacrifice       1      Target = fatal wound, user = death
    Sanctuary       5      Dispells all support magic
    Shadow Walk     8      Warp attack, critical blow
    Shield          4      Raise all target's defense
    Sirocco         12     Flame + wind attack vs all targets
    Snap            0      Attack vs one target, lowers defense
    Snooze          0      Restores a few HP and AP
    Spirit Blast    0      Attack vs one target, ignores defense
    Steal           0      Steals item from enemy
    Sudden Death    1      Casts death on random target
    Super Combo     12     Attack(one target), press buttons in sequence
    Target          0      Raises to-hit percentage, damage halved
    Thunderstrike   4      Electric attack, paralyzes
    Thunderclap     4      Electric attack vs one target
    Timed Blow      0      Damage = HP, user fatally wounded
    Transfer        10     Share AP with one target
    Tornado         4      Fatally wounds random target
    Trump           0      Usable at 0AP, casts random spell
    Tsunami         8      Reduces all targets' HP by half
    Typhoon         7      Wind attack vs all targets
    Unmotivate      0      Target loses the will to fight
    Wall of Fire    4      Flame attack vs one target
    War Shout       6      Raise all targets' power
    Ward of Light   5      Raises defense and counter attack percentage
    Wind Strike     1      Wind attack vs one target


    Ability      AP Cost   Description

    Drain           3      Steal one target's HP
    Heal            4      Heal light wounds on one target
    Leech Power     0      Steal one target's AP
    Purify          4      Cures poison
    Raise Dead      10     Chance of restoring dead member
    Rejuvenate      7      Heal medium wounds on one target
    Remedy          7      Cures all status changes
    Restore         12     Heal heavy wounds on one target
    Resurrect       20     Restore dead member
    Vigor           50     Heal heavy wounds on all targets
    Vitalize        20     Heal medium wounds on all targets


    Ability      AP Cost   Description

    Barrier         4      Raise one target's magic defense
    Blunt           1      Lower one target's Power
    Confuse         2      Induce confusion in one confusion
    Dream Breath    3      Induce sleep in all targets
    Foretell        0      Divine the outcome of combat
    Identify        0      Displays enemies data
    Might           4      Raise one target's power
    Protect         2      Raise one target's defense
    Shield          4      Raise all target's defense
    Silence         2      Stop magic use by all targets
    Sleep           3      Induce sleep in all targets
    Slow            1      Lower one target's agility
    Speed           2      Raise one target's agility
    Venom Breath    3      Poison all targets
    Weaken          1      Lower one target's defense


    Ability      AP Cost   Description

    Accession       0      Change into dragon form
    Blizzard        10     Frost attack vs all targets
    Bonebreak       0      Attack, usable at fixed intervals
    Cyclone         3      Wind attack vs one target
    Death           5      Destroy one target
    Fireblast       5      Flame attack vs all targets
    Fire Breath     4      Flame, damage altered by HP
    Flare           2      Flame attack vs one target
    Frost           2      Frost attack vs one target
    Gambit          0      Critical damage if enemy is hit
    Iceblast        5      Frost attack vs one target
    Ice Breath      4      Frost, damage altered by HP
    Inferno         10     Flame attack vs all targets
    Jolt            3      Electric attack vs all targets
    Kyrie           5      Destroy undead
    Lightning       7      Electric attack vs all targets
    Myollnir        10     Electric attack vs one target
    Pilfer          0      Steals item from enemy
    Pyrokinesis     1      Flame attack vs one target
    Quake           7      Earthquake, attack vs all targets
    Ragnarock       12     Comet, attack vs all targets
    Simoon          4      Flame + wind attack vs one target
    Sirocco         12     Flame + wind attack vs all targets
    Typhoon         7      Wind attack vs all targets
    Were-Tiger      0      Raises power, slowly becomes berserk

Enemy list(in order of appearance, including spells they cast, items,
          experience gained and zenny. *boss):

  Boss Goblin:    12 Exp.       10 z           Casts: Influence
                  Stolen item:  Waist Cloth
                  Dropped item: Brass Helmet

  Goblin:         2 Exp.        5 z            Casts: Unmotivate
                  Stolen item:  Bent Sword
                  Dropped item: Old Popper

  Eye Goo:        2 Exp.        4 z            Casts:
                  Stolen item:  Healing Herb
                  Dropped item: Vitamin

  Gong Head:      8 Exp.        10 z           Casts: Giant Growth
                  Stolen item:  Vitamin
                  Dropped item: Life Shard

  Ripper:         7 Exp.        5 z            Casts: Blind
                  Stolen item:  Berries
                  Dropped item: Swallow Eye

  Mage Goo:       6 Exp.        20 z           Casts: Burn
                  Stolen item:  Healing Herb
                  Dropped item: Wisdom Seed

  Man Trap:       24 Exp.       40 z           Casts: Dream Breath
                  Stolen item:  Pointed Stick         Devour
                  Dropped item: Panacea

  Puff Goo:       15 Exp.       7 z            Casts:
                  Stolen item:  Healing Herb
                  Dropped item: Vitamin

  Gooey:          9 Exp.        4 z            Casts:
                  Stolen item:  Marbles
                  Dropped item: Nothing

  Curr:           7 Exp.        4 z            Casts: Chlorine
                  Stolen item:  Antidote
                  Dropped item: Nothing

  Zombie:         8 Exp.        8 z            Casts:
                  Stolen item:  Clothing
                  Dropped item: Bracers

  Bat:            8 Exp.        0 z            Casts:
                  Stolen item:  Berries
                  Dropped item: Nothing

  Nue*:           96 Exp.       50 z           Casts: Nue Stomp
                  Stolen item:  Power Food            Jolt
                  Dropped item:

  Pooch*:         57 Exp.       10 z           Casts: Snap
                  Stolen item:  Vitamin
                  Dropped item:

  Rocky*:         87 Exp.       0 z            Casts: Jump
                  Stolen item:  Life Shard            Ovum
                  Dropped item:

  Volt:           84 Exp.       6 z            Casts: Charge
                  Stolen item:  Taser
                  Dropped item: Nothing

  Roach:          10 Exp.       0 z            Casts: Jump
                  Stolen item:  Healing Herb
                  Dropped item: Vitamin

  Guard:          12 Exp.       24 z           Casts: Healing Herb
                  Stolen item:  Healing Herb
                  Dropped item: Iron Helmet

  Torast*:        32 Exp.       8 z            Casts: Sleep
                  Stolen item:  Magic Shard
                  Dropped item:

  Kassen*:        38 Exp.       20 z           Casts: Leech Power
                  Stolen item:  Magic Shard           Drain
                  Dropped item:

  Galtel*:        36 Exp.       4 z            Casts: Weaken
                  Stolen item:  Magic Shard           Blunt
                  Dropped item:

  Doksen*:        46 Exp.       24 z           Casts: Flare
                  Stolen item:  Magic Shard
                  Dropped item:

  Amalgam*:       210 Exp.      200 z          Casts: Frost
                  Stolen item:  Magic Shard           Astral Warp
                  Dropped item:                       Sleep

  Nut Mage:       17 Exp.       18 z           Casts: Flare
                  Stolen item:  Molotov
                  Dropped item: Berries

  Nut Troop:      15 Exp.       16 z           Casts: Double Blow
                  Stolen item:  Berries
                  Dropped item: Broad Sword

  Tarman:         70 Exp.       15 z           Casts: Tarbaby
                  Stolen item:  Clay Vase
                  Dropped item: Multivitamin

  Ghoul:          22 Exp.       20 z           Casts: Bone Dart
                  Stolen item:  Leather Armor
                  Dropped item: High Boots

  Thunder:        16 Exp.       18 z           Casts: Jolt
                  Stolen item:  Taser
                  Dropped item: Nothing

  Nut Archer:     25 Exp.       14 z           Casts: Lucky Strike
                  Stolen item:  Berries
                  Dropped item: Panacea

  Gonger:         30 Exp.       27 z           Casts: Venom Breath
                  Stolen item:  Multivitamin
                  Dropped item: Life Shard

  Orc:            58 Exp.       62 z           Casts: Last Resort
                  Stolen item:  Bronze Shield
                  Dropped item: Titan Belt

  Lizard:         28 Exp.       25 z           Casts: Blind
                  Stolen item:  Panacea
                  Dropped item: Nothing

  Protobot:       30 Exp.       0 z            Casts:
                  Stolen item:  Marbles
                  Dropped item: Cuirass

  Ice Toad:       63 Exp.       45 z           Casts: Ice Breath
                  Stolen item:  Life Shard
                  Dropped item: Soul Gem

  Armorbot:       45 Exp.       0 z           Casts: Charge
                  Stolen item:  Breastplate
                  Dropped item: Marbles

  Hyperbot:       120 Exp.      0 z           Casts: Blitz
                  Stolen item:  Cuirass
                  Dropped item: Ginseng

  Painweed:       57 Exp.       40 z           Casts: Weaken
                  Stolen item:  Bat Amulet
                  Dropped item: Nothing

  Rankweed:       57 Exp.       40 z           Casts: Weaken
                  Stolen item:  Bat Amulet
                  Dropped item: Nothing

  Fireslug:       94 Exp.       50 z           Casts: Fire Breath
                  Stolen item:  Panacea
                  Dropped item: Moxa

  Slug:           35 Exp.       20 z           Casts: Chlorine
                  Stolen item:  Nothing
                  Dropped item: Nothing

  Eye Bulb:       80 Exp.       42 z           Casts: Silence
                  Stolen item:  Mandrake
                  Dropped item: Vitamins

  Bomber:         102 Exp.      45 z           Casts: Air Raid
                  Stolen item:  Vitamin
                  Dropped item: Ivory Dice

  Mutant*:        600 Exp.      300 z          Casts: Venom Breath
                  Stolen item:  Nothing               Dream Breath
                  Dropped item:

  Claw*:          150 Exp.      200 z          Casts: Blind
                  Stolen item:  Silver Knife          Double Blow
                  Dropped item:

  Cawer*:         165 Exp.      70 z           Casts: Protect
                  Stolen item:  Dream Ring            Frost, Speed
                  Dropped item:                       Cyclone, Heal

  Patrio*:        200 Exp.      120 z          Casts: Lucky Strike
                  Stolen item:  Scale Mail            Frost Strike
                  Dropped item:

  Emitai*:        200 Exp.      340 z          Casts:
                  Stolen item:  Mage's Robes
                  Dropped item:

  Golem*:         Included in battle w/Emitai  Casts: Spirit Blast
                  Stolen item:  Life Shard
                  Dropped item:

  Garr*:          - Exp.        - z            Casts: Lucky Strike
                  Stolen item:  Scale Mail            Flare
                  Dropped item:                       Pyrokinesis

  Bully 1*:       80 Exp.       120 z          Casts:
                  Stolen item:  Beef Jerky
                  Dropped item: Ballock Knife

  Bully 2*:       80 Exp.       115 z          Casts: Flare
                  Stolen item:  Beef Jerky
                  Dropped item: Ballock Knife

  Bully 3*:       80 Exp.       115 z          Casts: Blind
                  Stolen item:  Beef Jerky
                  Dropped item: Ballock Knife

  Stallion*:      801 Exp.      500 z          Casts: Barrier
                  Stolen item:  Life Shard            Jolt, Resist
                  Dropped item:                       Utmost Attack

  Blood Bat:      55 Exp.       30 z           Casts: Syphon
                  Stolen item:  Berries
                  Dropped item: Nothing

  Tricker:        70 Exp.       120 z          Casts: Flying Kick
                  Stolen item:  Gems                  Blind
                  Dropped item: Thieves Knife

  Lizardman:      160 Exp.      102 z          Casts: Double Blow
                  Stolen item:  Broad Sword           Wind Strike, Shield
                  Dropped item: Flame Shield          Rejuvenate

  Ghost:          90 Exp.       80 z           Casts: Jolt
                  Stolen item:  Wisdom Seed           Sleep
                  Dropped item: Buckler               Cyclone

  Spectre:        150 Exp.      75 z           Casts: Depress
                  Stolen item:  Wisdom Seed           Leech Power
                  Dropped item: Barrier Ring

  Gazer*:         1500 Exp.     1000 z         Casts: Hypnotize
                  Stolen item:  Wisdom Fruit          Eye Beam
                  Dropped item:

  Dolphin*:       900 Exp.      200 z          Casts: Tsunami
                  Stolen item:  Fish Head             Intimidate
                  Dropped item:

  Lavaman:        90 Exp.       75 z           Casts: Fireblast
                  Stolen item:  Vitamin               Flare
                  Dropped item: Firecracker           Burn

  Vulcan:         180 Exp.      300 z          Casts: Lavaburst
                  Stolen item:  Protein
                  Dropped item: Magma Armor

  Gisshan*:       500 Exp.      334 z          Casts: Vitalize
                  Stolen item:  Magician's Rod        Confuse
                  Dropped item:                       Sleep

  Charyb*:        500 Exp.      333 z          Casts: Snap
                  Stolen item:  Power Food            Wall of Fire
                  Dropped item:

  Scylla*:        500 Exp.      333 z          Casts: Snap
                  Stolen item:  Power Food            Wall of Fire
                  Dropped item:

  Cerebus:        72 Exp.       45 z           Casts: Howling
                  Stolen item:  Beef Jerky
                  Dropped item: Vitamins

  Phantom:        115 Exp.      200 z          Casts: Lucky Strike
                  Stolen item:  Belladonna            Death
                  Dropped item: Crepe Cape

  Garr*:          400 Exp.       0 z           Casts: Lucky Strike
                  Stolen item:  Nothing
                  Dropped item:

  Zombie Dr:      80 Exp.       215 z          Casts: Bone Dart
                  Stolen item:  Multivitamin          Vitalize
                  Dropped item: Vitamins

  Giant Roach:    85 Exp.       0 z            Casts: Jump
                  Stolen item:  Healing Herb          Douse
                  Dropped item: Vitamin

  Dragon Zombie*: 1000 Exp.     300 z          Casts: Rotten Breath
                  Stolen item:  Power Food            Bone Dance
                  Dropped item:

  Goo Titan:      660 Exp.      200 z          Casts: Burn
                  Stolen item:  Life Shard            Timed Blow
                  Dropped item: Protectors

  Blue Goblin:    95 Exp.       75 z           Casts: Jolt
                  Stolen item:  Beef Jerky            Rejuvenate
                  Dropped item: Scramasax

  Vagabond:       88 Exp.       80 z           Casts: Healing Herb
                  Stolen item:  Moon Sword
                  Dropped item: Mithril Armor

  Slasher:        95 Exp.       70 z           Casts: Mind Flay
                  Stolen item:  Berries
                  Dropped item: Swallow Eye

  Were-Tiger*:    - Exp.        - z            Casts: Snap
                  Stolen item:  Nothing               Focus
                  Dropped item:

  Mikba*:         3000 Exp.     1500 z         Casts: Venom Breath
                  Stolen item:  Silver Mail           Resist, Quake
                  Dropped item:                       Multistrike

  Fly Man:        160 Exp.      140 z          Casts: Fire Breath
                  Stolen item:  Scale Mail            Flame Strike
                  Dropped item: Flame Spear

  Toxic Fly:      70 Exp.       20 z           Casts: Chlorine
                  Stolen item:  Antidote
                  Dropped item: Nothing

  Big Bulb:       100 Exp.      75 z           Casts: Pollen
                  Stolen item:  Mandrake
                  Dropped item: Life Shard

  Huge Slug*:     2100 Exp.     300 z          Casts: Molasses
                  Stolen item:  Vitamins              Syphon
                  Dropped item:

  Shroom*:        3900 Exp.     300 z          Casts: Head Cracker
                  Stolen item:  Wisdom Fruit          Restore, Ragnarock
                  Dropped item:                       Lava Burst, Blitz

  Sleepy:         95 Exp.       66 z           Casts: Snooze
                  Stolen item:  Baby Frog             Hypnotize
                  Dropped item: Fat Frog

  Bombseed:       212 Exp.      150 z          Casts: Sacrifice
                  Stolen item:  Vitamin
                  Dropped item: Ivory Dice

  Spiker:         240 Exp.      125 z          Casts: Venom Breath
                  Stolen item:  Antidote              Giant Growth
                  Dropped item: Soul Gem              Rejuvenate

  Barb Bulb:      125 Exp.      110 z           Casts: Steroids
                  Stolen item:  Croc Tear
                  Dropped item: Ginseng

  Torch*:         - Exp.        - z             Casts: Flare
                  Stolen item:  Nothing
                  Dropped item:

  Gaist*:         1000 Exp.     500 z           Casts: Sanctuary
                  Stolen item:  Nothing                Corona, Howling
                  Dropped item:                        Risky Blow

  Angler*:        3000 Exp.     300 z           Casts: Thunderclap
                  Stolen item:  Fish Head              Bone Dart
                  Dropped item:                        Venom Breath

  Bolt Archer:    190 Exp.      100 z           Casts: Lucky Strike
                  Stolen item:  Berries                Blind
                  Dropped item: Panacea

  Bolt:           160 Exp.      85 z            Casts: Frost Strike
                  Stolen item:  Berries
                  Dropped item: Royal Dagger

  King Toad:      280 Exp.      150 z           Casts: Influence
                  Stolen item:  Healing Herb           Ice Breath
                  Dropped item: Life Shard

  Bolt Mage:      185 Exp.      180 z           Casts: Silence
                  Stolen item:  Berries                Iceblast
                  Dropped item: Robe of Wind           Jolt

  Giant Crab:     230 Exp.      150 z           Casts: Death
                  Stolen item:  Belladonna             Double Blow
                  Dropped item: Blizzard Mail

  Bolt Lord:      320 Exp.      550 z           Casts: Heal
                  Stolen item:  Berries
                  Dropped item: Lacquer Helmet

  Ammonite*:      9000 Exp.     1000 z          Casts: Confuse
                  Stolen item:  Moon Tears             Tsunami, Blizzard
                  Dropped item:                        Multistrike

  Tankbot:        500 Exp.      0 z             Casts: Transfer
                  Stolen item:  Wisdom Seed            Sacrifice
                  Dropped item: Wisdom Fruit           Vitalize

  Multibot:       300 Exp.      0 z             Casts: Thunderclap
                  Stolen item:  Silver Mail
                  Dropped item: Barrier Ring

  Audrey:         330 Exp.      110 z           Casts: Pollen
                  Stolen item:  Green Apple            Devour
                  Dropped item: Mandrake               Absorb

  Thrasher:       185 Exp.      110 z           Casts: Timed Blow
                  Stolen item:  Wisdom Seed            Watch Enemy
                  Dropped item: Nothing

  Assassin:       225 Exp.      380 z           Casts: Disembowel
                  Stolen item:  Light Clothing         Target
                  Dropped item: Katzbalger

  Toxic Man:      225 Exp.      25 z            Casts: Chlorine
                  Stolen item:  Clay Vase              Venom Breath
                  Dropped item: Nothing

  Toxic Man 2:    325 Exp.      25 z            Casts: Chlorine
                  Stolen item:  Clay Vase              Venom Breath
                  Dropped item: Nothing

  Toxic Man 3:    335 Exp.      25 z            Casts: Chlorine
                  Stolen item:  Clay Vase              Venom Breath
                  Dropped item: Nothing

  Codger:         380 Exp.      230 z           Casts: Bad Back
                  Stolen item:  Rare Book              Magic Shuffle
                  Dropped item: Skill Ink              Flying Kick

  Dragonfly:      250 Exp.      60 z            Casts: Chlorine
                  Stolen item:  Panacea                Snap
                  Dropped item: Nothing

  Insector:       520 Exp.      220 z           Casts: Typhoon
                  Stolen item:  Beef Jerky             Tornado
                  Dropped item: Gale Javelin

  Reaper:         420 Exp.      270 z           Casts: Focus
                  Stolen item:  Magic Shard            Multistrike
                  Dropped item: Phantom Dress

  Elder Dragon*:  6000 Exp.     0 z             Casts: Inferno, Myollnir
                  Stolen item:  Dynamite               Bad Back, Sirocco
                  Dropped item:                        Double Blow

  Hobgoblin:      800 Exp.      300 z           Casts: Intimidate
                  Stolen item:  Power Food             Spirit Blast
                  Dropped item: Nothing

  Pipebomb:       495 Exp.      180 z           Casts: Protect
                  Stolen item:  Vitamin                Air Raid
                  Dropped item: Ivory Dice             Sacrifice

  Egg Gang:       560 Exp.      420 z           Casts: Ovum
                  Stolen item:  Beads                  Magic Ball
                  Dropped item: Ivory Dice

  Gold Egg:       100 Exp.      20000 z         Casts: Ovum
                  Stolen item:  Diamond Ring           Resist
                  Dropped item:

  Giant Orc:      480 Exp.      260 z           Casts: Magic Belt
                  Stolen item:  Titan Belt             Protect
                  Dropped item:                        Blitz

  Drak:           850 Exp.      350 z           Casts:
                  Stolen item:  Titan Belt
                  Dropped item: Mind Shield

  Cacti:          510 Exp.      210 z           Casts: Pollen
                  Stolen item:  Croc tear
                  Dropped item: Ginseng

  Scorpion:       620 Exp.      320 z           Casts: Tornado
                  Stolen item:  Antidote               Double Blow
                  Dropped item: Protein                Chlorine

  Magmaite:       1300 Exp.     300 z           Casts: Lava Burst
                  Stolen item:  Napalm                 Flying Kick
                  Dropped item: Royal Armor            Air Raid

  Manmo*:         6000 Exp.     1500 z          Casts: Feign Swing
                  Stolen item:  Power Food             Focus, Quake
                  Dropped item:                        Howling

  Archmage:       48000 Exp.    2000 z          Casts: Myollnir
                  Stolen item:  Soul Gem               Mind Sword
                  Dropped item: Holy Avenger           Benediction

  Berserker:      45000 Exp.    3000 z          Casts: Fire Whip
                  Stolen item:  Aries Gloves           Berserk
                  Dropped item:

  Armor:          1220 Exp.     100 z           Casts: Frost Strike
                  Stolen item:  Claymore               Risky Blow
                  Dropped item: Gideon's Garb

  Adept:          650 Exp.      550 z           Casts: Meditation
                  Stolen item:  Holy Robe              Magic Shuffle
                  Dropped item: Shaman's Ring

  Nitemare:       850 Exp.      220 z           Casts: Syphon
                  Stolen item:  Hawk's Ring            Magic Ball
                  Dropped item: Burglar Garb           Sleep

  Deathbot:       960 Exp.      100 z           Casts: Barrier
                  Stolen item:  Damascus Mail          Protect, Might
                  Dropped item: Atomic Bomb            Triple Blow

  Ice Drake:      2050 Exp.     250 z           Casts: Frost Breath
                  Stolen item:  Ring of Ice            Howling
                  Dropped item: Dragonfang

  Hopper:         380 Exp.      120 z           Casts: Air Raid
                  Stolen item:  Fat Frog               Hypnotize
                  Dropped item: Balance Ring           Watch Enemy

  Newt:           1550 Exp.     350 z           Casts: Mighty Chop
                  Stolen item:  Heat Shotel            Shield
                  Dropped item: Mind Shield            Simoon

  Red Drake:      2050 Exp.     250 z           Casts: Flame Breath
                  Stolen item:  Ring of Fire
                  Dropped item: Dragonfang

  Clone:          320 Exp.      255 z           Casts: Blind
                  Stolen item:  Vitamin
                  Dropped item: Bell Collar

  Chimera*:       9000 Exp.     2000 z          Casts: Paralyzer
                  Stolen item:  Firecracker            Blizzard
                  Dropped item:                        Inferno, Restore

  Wraith:         1250 Exp.     275 z           Casts: Fireblast
                  Stolen item:  Soul Gem               Iceblast, Typhoon
                  Dropped item: Divine Helmet          Depress, Lightning

  Foulweed:       1700 Exp.     250 z           Casts: Quake
                  Stolen item:  Power Food             Devour
                  Dropped item: Protein                Absorb

  Plant 42:       1200 Exp.     0 z             Casts: Pollen
                  Stolen item:  Mandrake               Snap
                  Dropped item: Vitamins               Absorb

  Goo King:       15000 Exp.    1000 z          Casts: Tornado
                  Stolen item:  Green Apple            Sirocco
                  Dropped item: Goo King Sword         Ragnarock

  Vampire:        12000 Exp.    1000 z          Casts: Frost, Flare
                  Stolen item:  Burglar Garb           Triple Blow
                  Dropped item: Life Stealer           Evil Eye, Death

  Mist Man:       5200 Exp.     400 z           Casts: Thunderstrike
                  Stolen item:  Seeking Sword
                  Dropped item: Mist Armor

  Night Bat:      350 Exp.      58 z            Casts: Gloom
                  Stolen item:  Power Food
                  Dropped item: Protein

  Revenant:       1500 Exp.     500 z           Casts: Multistrike
                  Stolen item:  Belladonna             Chill
                  Dropped item: Diana's Dress

  Sample 8*:      85 Exp.       0 z             Casts: Air Raid
                  Stolen item:  Life Shard             Ovum
                  Dropped item:

  Sample 10*:     7500 Exp.     800 z           Casts: Barrier
                  Stolen item:  Life Shard             Iceblast
                  Dropped item:                        Utmost Attack

  Sample 11*:     7500 Exp.     800 z           Casts: Barrier
                  Stolen item:  Life Shard             Fireblast
                  Dropped item:                        Utmost Attack

  Sample 12*:     7500 Exp.     800 z           Casts: Barrier
                  Stolen item:  Life Shard             Lightning, Resist
                  Dropped item:                        Utmost Attack

  Sample 2*:      2100 Exp.     300 z           Casts: Syphon
                  Stolen item:  Vitamins               Molasses
                  Dropped item:

  Sample 1*:      95 Exp.       50 z            Casts: Nue Stomp
                  Stolen item:  Power Food             Chlorine
                  Dropped item:

  Sample 3*:      2000 Exp.     1500 z          Casts: Venom Breath
                  Stolen item:  Silver Mail            Resist
                  Dropped item:                        Multistrike

  Sample 9*:      2000 Exp.     500 z           Casts: Risky Blow
                  Stolen item:  Nothing                Corona
                  Dropped item:                        Howling

  Sample 7*:      6000 Exp.     1000 z          Casts: Double Blow
                  Stolen item:  Nothing                Quake
                  Dropped item:

  Sample 4*:      6000 Exp.     500 z           Casts: Evil Eye
                  Stolen item:  Ring of Fire           Double Blow
                  Dropped item:                        Snap

  Sample 6*:      6000 Exp.     1000 z          Casts: Tsunami
                  Stolen item:  Nothing                Confuse, Iceblast
                  Dropped item:                        Blizzard

  Sample 5*:      3000 Exp.      200 z          Casts: Venom Breath
                  Stolen item:  Nothing                Thunderclap
                  Dropped item:                        Bone Dart

  Mad Gong:       850 Exp.       0 z            Casts: Charge
                  Stolen item:  Ginseng
                  Dropped item:

  Vileweed:       750 Exp.       0 z            Casts: Heal, Simoon
                  Stolen item:   Rice Ball             Shield, Death(fake)
                  Dropped item:                        Sirocco(fake)
                                                       Watch Enemy

  Thanotos:       755 Exp.      0 z             Casts: Leech Power
                  Stolen item:  Clothing               Blizzard
                  Dropped item:                        Drain

  Arwan*:         5000 Exp.     0 z             Casts: Sleep
                  Stolen item:  Nothing                Chill
                  Dropped item:                        Blizzard

  Dragon Lord*:   15000 Exp.    3000 z          Casts: Blizzard, Howling
                  Stolen item:  Dragon Blade           Inferno, Sirocco
                  Dropped item: Dragon Armor           Triple Blow

  Myria*:         - Exp.        - z             Casts: Blizzard, Evil Eye
                  Stolen item:                         Venom, Sirocco
                  Dropped item:                        Sanctuary, Inferno
                                                       Holocaust, Restore

Learning Abilities from enemies:
  With the Examine command and Master system, you can learn these skills
  from the following enemies and Masters:

    Skill           Learned from

    Air Raid        Bomber, Pipebomb, Magmaite, Hopper, Sample 8
    Aura            Ladon
    Backhand        Durandal
    Bad Back        Codger, Elder Dragon
    Barrier         Stallion, Sample 10, Sample 11, Sample 12, Emitai
    Benediction     Archmage, Hondara
    Berserk         Berserker, Giotto
    Blind           Ripper, Lizard, Claw, Bully 3, Tricker, Bolt Archer
    Blitz           Hyperbot, Shroom, Giant Orc
    Blizzard        Thanotos, Dragon Lord, Myria, Deis
    Bone Dart       Ghoul, Zombie dr, Angler, Sample 5
    Burn            Mage Goo, Lavaman, Goo Titan
    Celerity        Deis
    Charge          Volt, Armorbot, Goo King, Mad Gong, Fahl
    Charm           Meryleep
    Chill           Revenant, Arwan
    Counter         Fahl
    Demonbane       Hachio
    Disembowel      Assassin, Bunyan
    Double Blow     Nut Troop, Claw, Lizardman, Giant Crab, Elder Dragon
                      Scorpion, Sample 7, Sample 4
    Douse           Giant Roach
    Enlighten       Emitai
    Evil Eye        Vampire, Sample 4, Myria
    Feign Swing     Manmo, Durandal
    Flame Strike    Fly Man
    Flying Kick     Tricker, Codger, Magmaite
    Focus           Were-Tiger, Reaper, Manmo, Bunyan
    Frost           Vampire, Mygas
    Frost Strike    Patrio, Bolt, Armor
    Gloom           Nightbat
    Holy Strike     Ladon
    Inferno         Myria, Deis
    Influence       Boss Goblin, King Toad
    Intimidate      Dolphin, Hobgoblin, D'lonzo
    Jump            Rocky, Roach, Giant Roach
    Kyrie           Hondara
    Last Resort     Orc
    Lava Burst      Shroom, Magmaite, Vulcan
    Magic Ball      Egg Gang, Nitemare, Mygas
    Meditation      Adept, Mygas
    Mighty Chop     Newt, Hachio
    Mind Flay       Slasher
    Mind Sword      Archmage, Emitai
    Mind's Eye      Ladon
    Monopolize      D'lonzo
    Multistrike     Mikba, Ammonite, Reaper, Revenant, Sample 3
    Myollnir        Deis
    Purify          Hondara
    Recall          Yggdrasil
    Resist          Stallion, Mikba, Gold Egg, Sample 12, Sample 3, Fahl
    Risky Blow      Gaist, Armor, Sample 9, Bunyan
    Sacrifice       Bombseed, Tankbot, Pipebomb
    Sanctuary       Gaist, Myria, Yggdrasil
    Shadow Walk     Meryleep
    Shield          Newt, Vileweed, Yggdrasil
    Sirocco         Goo King, Dragon Lord, Myria, Deis
    Snap            Pooch, Charyb, Scylla, Were-Tiger, Dragonfly, Plant 42
                      Sample 4
    Snooze          Sleepy
    Spirit Blast    Golem, Hobgoblin
    Steal           D'lonzo
    Sudden Death    Giotto
    Super Combo     Bunyan
    Target          Assassin
    Thunderclap     Angler, Multibot, Sample 5
    Thunderstrike   Mist Man
    Timed Blow      Goo Titan, Thrasher
    Transfer        Tankbot
    Tornado         Insector, Scorpion, Goo King
    Trump           Giotto
    Tsunami         Dolphin, Ammonite, Sample 6
    Typhoon         Mygas
    Unmotivate      Goblin, Durandal
    Wall of Fire    Charyb, Scylla
    War Shout       Meryleep
    Ward of Light   Ladon
    Wind Strike     Lizardman


  McNeil Town

    Items shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Healing Herb     10     Restores 40 HP
      Croc Tear        5      Chance of restoring status
      Antidote         12     Cures poison
      Eye Drops        20     Cures blindness
      Moltov           10     Flame attack vs one target
      Ammonia          200    Revives party member
      Wooden Rod       40     Used when fishing
      Worm             20     Used when fishing
      Toad             20     Used when fishing
      Old Popper       20     Used when fishing
      Sinker           20     Used when fishing

    Weapon/Armor shop:

      Weapon/Armor     Cost   Description

      Ballock Knife    100    Pwr 6 Wgt 1
      Bronze Sword     240    Pwr 8 Wgt 2
      Leather Armor    180    Def 4 Wgt 4
      Bracers          30     Def 1 Wgt 0
      Cloth Shield     150    Def 3 Wgt 1
      Bandana          30     Def 1 Wgt 0
      Brass Helmet     120    Def 3 Wgt 1

  Wyndia Castle grounds

    Bread shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Bread            20     Restores 20 HP

    Item shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Healing Herb     10     Restores 40 HP
      Vitamin          50     Restores 100 HP
      Antidote         12     Cures poison
      Eye Drops        20     Cures blindness
      Panacea          100    Cures all status changes
      Ammonia          200    Revives party member
      Worm             20     Used when fishing
      Toad             20     Used when fishing
      Old Popper       20     Used when fishing
      Sinker           20     Used when fishing

    Toshihiro's general store:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Midas Stone      3000   Increases profits, Wgt 10
      Talisman         500    Protection vs death attacks
      Life Sandals     500    Raises defense vs status changes
      Molotov          10     Flame attack vs one target
      Dynamite         200    Earthquake attack vs all targets
      Weather Vane     200    Wind attack vs all targets
      Taser            200    Electric attack vs all targets

    Armor shop:

      Armor            Cost   Description

      Leather Armor    180    Def 4  Wgt 4
      Leather Apron    330    Def 6  Wgt 4
      Ranger Garb      520    Def 7  Wgt 4
      Cuirass          620    Def 12 Wgt 6
      Mage's Robes     610    Def 9  Wgt 3
      Gauntlet         400    Def 5  Wgt 1
      Bronze Shield    610    Def 8  Wgt 2
      Iron Helmet      380    Def 6  Wgt 2
      Glass Domino     450    Def 6  Wgt 1

    Weapons shop:

      Weapon           Cost   Description

      Bronze Sword     240    Pwr 8   Wgt 2
      Broad Sword      600    Pwr 15  Wgt 3
      Claymore         2500   Pwr 43  Wgt 8
      Mace             400    Pwr 12  Wgt 3

    Innoculation shop(these are shops where you can get shots so that you
                     are immune to various types of attacks. The shots
                     last until you rest. There are innoculation shops
                     here in Wyndia, Rhapala, Urkan Tapa and Junk Town.
                     They all carry the same immunizations. Cost is 10
                     per level of the intended character):

      Shot                    Description

      Flameblock              Raises flame attack resistance
      Frostblock              Raises frost attack resistance
      Thunderblock            Raises electric attack resistance
      Earthblock              Raises earth attack resistance
      Windblock               Raises wind attack resistance
      Mindblock               Raises ability/magic resistance
      Changeblock             Raises status change resistance
      Deathblock              Raises death attack resistance


    Item shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Healing Herb     10     Restores 40 HP
      Vitamin          50     Restores 100 HP
      Antidote         12     Cures poison
      Eye Drops        20     Cures blindness
      Panacea          100    Cures all status changes
      Ammonia          200    Revives party member
      Dynamite         200    Earthquake attack vs all targets
      Weather Vane     200    Wind attack vs all targets
      Taser            200    Electric attack vs all targets

    Weapon/Armor shop:

      Weapon/Armor     Cost   Description

      Broad Sword      600    Pwr 15  Wgt 3
      Scramasax        1200   Pwr 23  Wgt 2
      Mace             400    Pwr 12  Wgt 3
      Magician Rod     780    Pwr 20  Wgt 2  Raises intelligence
      Rippers          600    Pwr 10  Wgt 1
      Ranger Garb      520    Def 7   Wgt 4
      Cuirass          620    Def 12  Wgt 6
      Breastplate      1000   Def 16  Wgt 4
      Gauntlet         400    Def 5   Wgt 1
      Bronze Shield    610    Def 8   Wgt 2
      Glass Domino     450    Def 6   Wgt 1

  Momo's Tower

    Item shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Healing Herb     10     Restores 40 HP
      Vitamin          50     Restores 100 HP
      Antidote         12     Cures poison
      Eye Drops        20     Cures blindness
      Ammonia          200    Revives party member
      Toad             20     Used when fishing
      Old Popper       20     Used when fishing
      Mage's Robes     610    Def 9   Wgt 3
      Cuirass          620    Def 12  Wgt 6
      Gauntlet         400    Def 5   Wgt 1
      Glass Domino     450    Def 6   Wgt 1

  Coffee Shop

    Item shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Healing Herb     10     Restores 40 HP
      Croc Tear        5      Chance of restoring status
      Antidote         12     Cures poison
      Eye Drops        20     Cures blindness
      Moltov           10     Flame attack vs one target
      Ammonia          200    Revives party member
      Wooden Rod       40     Used when fishing
      Worm             20     Used when fishing
      Toad             20     Used when fishing
      Old Popper       20     Used when fishing
      Sinker           20     Used when fishing


    Item shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Mandrake         100    Heals all HP and...
      Antidote         12     Cures poison
      Eye Drops        20     Cures blindness
      Molotov          10     Flame attack vs one target

  Genmel Arena

    Weapon shop:

      Weapon           Cost   Description

      Scramasax        1200   Pwr 23  Wgt 2
      Moon Sword       2000   Pwr 32  Wgt 4
      Claymore         2500   Pwr 43  Wgt 8

    Item Shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Vitamin          50     Restores 100 HP
      Multivitamin     300    Restores all HP
      Antidote         12     Cures poison
      Eye Drops        20     Cures blindness
      Panacea          100    Cures all status changes
      Ammonia          200    Revives party member
      Firecracker      500    Flame attack vs all targets
      Icicle           500    Frost attack vs all targets
      Napalm           800    Flame + wind attack vs all targets

    Armor shop:

      Armor            Cost   Description

      Breastplate      1000   Def 16  Wgt 4
      Scale Mail       1450   Def 21  Wgt 6
      Buckler          1100   Def 12  Wgt 2
      Knight's Helmet  720    Def 8   Wgt 2


    Item shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Healing Herb     10     Restores 40 HP
      Vitamin          50     Restores 100 HP
      Antidote         12     Cures poison
      Eye Drops        20     Cures blindness
      Panacea          100    Cures all status changes
      Ammonia          200    Revives party member
      Spirit           50     Used when fishing
      Baby Frog        50     Used when fishing
      Popper           50     Used when fishing
      Float            50     Used when fishing

    Weapon/Armor shop:

      Weapon/Armor     Cost   Description

      Flame Chrysm     500    Pwr 50  Wgt 1  Property: Flame
      Moon Sword       2000   Pwr 32  Wgt 4
      Long Spear       1000   Pwr 24  Wgt 3
      Quarter Staff    1100   Pwr 28  Wgt 4
      Spiked Claws     1300   Pwr 18  Wgt 1
      Breastplate      1000   Def 16  Wgt 4
      Scale Mail       1450   Def 21  Wgt 6
      Gauntlet         400    Def 5   Wgt 1
      Buckler          1100   Def 12  Wgt 2
      Glass Domino     450    Def 6   Wgt 1
      Knight's Helmet  720    Def 8   Wgt 2

  Urkan Tapa

    Item shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Healing Herb     10     Restores 40 HP
      Vitamin          50     Restores 100 HP
      Antidote         12     Cures poison
      Eye Drops        20     Cures blindness
      Panacea          100    Cures all status changes
      Ammonia          200    Revives party member
      Spirit           50     Used when fishing
      Baby Frog        50     Used when fishing
      Popper           50     Used when fishing
      Float            50     Used when fishing

    Weapon/Armor shop:

      Weapon/Armor     Cost   Description

      Claymore         2500   Pwr 43  Wgt 8
      Flame Sword      3200   Pwr 38  Wgt 4  Property: Flame
      Long Spear       1000   Pwr 24  Wgt 3
      Halberd          2100   Pwr 33  Wgt 4
      Mithril Armor    2100   Def 26  Wgt 6
      Mithril Helmet   1100   Def 12  Wgt 1
      Mithril Shield   1600   Def 17  Wgt 3

  Dauna Mine

    Item shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Healing Herb     10     Restores 40 HP
      Vitamin          50     Restores 100 HP
      Antidote         12     Cures poison
      Eye Drops        20     Cures blindness
      Panacea          100    Cures all status changes
      Ammonia          200    Revives party member
      Dynamite         200    Earthquake attack vs all targets
      Weather Vane     200    Wind attack vs all targets
      Taser            200    Electric attack vs all targets
      Titan Belt       3000   Raises power
      High Boots       3000   Raises defense

  Syn City

    Weapon/Armor shop:

      Weapon/Armor     Cost   Description

      Silver Knife     1400   Pwr 12  Wgt 1  Property: Holy
      Thieves Knife    3200   Pwr 36  Wgt 1  Property: Enhances psionics
      Wind Cutter      2200   Pwr 34  Wgt 3  Property: Wind
      Shotgun Shell    2200   Pwr 78  Wgt 1
      Rood Spear       2900   Pwr 41  Wgt 4
      Light Clothing   2700   Def 16  Wgt 1
      Silver Mail      3900   Def 32  Wgt 6
      Steel Gauntlets  3000   Def 21  Wgt 1
      Gold Hairpin     2200   Def 14  Wgt 0

    Item shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Vitamin          50     Restores 100 HP
      Antidote         12     Cures poison
      Eye Drops        20     Cures blindness
      Panacea          100    Cures all status changes
      Ammonia          200    Revives party member
      Spirit           50     Used when fishing
      Baby Frog        50     Used when fishing
      Popper           50     Used when fishing
      Float            50     Used when fishing

    Ashura weapons shop:

      Weapon/Armor     Cost   Description

      Ashura Sword     3600   Embodies the power of Ashura
      Manly Clothes    1000   Unlimited use of Skill Notes


    Item shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Healing Herb     10     Restores 40 HP
      Vitamin          50     Restores 100 HP
      Antidote         12     Cures poison
      Eye Drops        20     Cures blindness
      Panacea          100    Cures all status changes
      Ammonia          200    Revives party member
      Spirit           50     Used when fishing
      Baby Frog        50     Used when fishing
      Popper           50     Used when fishing
      Float            50     Used when fishing

  Junk Town

    Weapon shop:

      Weapon           Cost   Description

      Flame Chrysm     500    Pwr 50  Wgt 1  Property: Flame
      Ice Chrysm       500    Pwr 50  Wgt 1  Property: Frost
      Shotgun Shell    2200   Pwr 78  Wgt 1
      Barbarossa       12000  Pwr 82  Wgt 10  Property: Electric
      Thunder Rod      9500   Pwr 69  Wgt 10  Property: Electric
      Gigantess        8800   Pwr 78  Wgt 12

    Item shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Titan Belt       3000   Raises power
      High Boots       3000   Raises defense
      Wisdom Ring      3000   Raises intelligence
      Lion's Belt      3000   Raises willpower
      Dynamite         200    Earthquake attack vs all targets
      Weather Vane     200    Wind attack vs all targets
      Taser            200    Electric attack vs all targets
      Belladonna       200    Destroy one target
      Firecracker      500    Flame attack vs all targets
      Icicle           500    Frost attack vs all targets


    Weapon/Armor shop:

      Weapon/Armor     Cost   Description

      Bent Sword       20     Pwr 2   Wgt 5
      Baselard         6500   Pwr 59  Wgt 3
      Flying Spear     5000   Pwr 50  Wgt 2
      Ruby Scepter     3200   Pwr 43  Wgt 3  Property: Flame
      Tiger Claws      3800   Pwr 34  Wgt 1
      Silver Mail      3900   Def 32  Wgt 6
      Amber Breast     6100   Def 45  Wgt 4
      Kite Shield      4700   Def 28  Wgt 3
      Platinum Helmet  2800   Def 18  Wgt 1

    Item shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Vitamin          50     Restores 100 HP
      Antidote         12     Cures poison
      Eye Drops        20     Cures blindness
      Panacea          100    Cures all status changes
      Ammonia          200    Revives party member
      Firecracker      500    Flame attack vs all targets
      Icicle           500    Frost attack vs all targets
      Caro             200    Used when fishing
      Frog             200    Used when fishing
      Top              200    Used when fishing
      Hanger           200    Used when fishing


    Item shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Healing Herb     10     Restores 40 HP
      Vitamin          50     Restores 100 HP
      Antidote         12     Cures poison
      Eye Drops        20     Cures blindness
      Panacea          100    Cures all status changes
      Ammonia          200    Revives party member
      Caro             200    Used when fishing
      Frog             200    Used when fishing
      Top              200    Used when fishing
      Hanger           200    Used when fishing

    Weapon/Armor Shop:

      Weapon/Armor     Cost   Description

      Heat Shotel      9500   Pwr 76  Wgt 3  Property: Flame
      Piercing Edge    14500  Pwr 91  Wgt 4
      Beryl Rod        7200   Pwr 61  Wgt 4  Raises intelligence
      Gale Javelin     9100   Pwr 68  Wgt 4  Property: Wind
      Raptor Claws     5800   Pwr 46  Wgt 1
      AP Shells        10000  Pwr 158 Wgt 1
      Sage's Frock     9300   Def 53  Wgt 3  Raises intelligence
      Spiked Gauntlets 6800   Def 28  Wgt 1  Raises power
      Lacquer Armor    8000   Def 57  Wgt 8
      Lacquer Shield   6500   Def 33  Wgt 3
      Lacquer Helmet   5500   Def 21  Wgt 2


    Item shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Damascus Sword   16000  Pwr 105 Wgt 4
      Damascus Mail    11000  Def 58  Wgt 6
      Healing Herb     10     Restores 40 HP
      Vitamin          50     Restores 100 HP
      Multivitamin     300    Restores all HP
      Antidote         12     Cures poison
      Eye Drops        20     Cures blindness
      Panacea          100    Cures all status changes
      Ammonia          200    Revives party member

  Oasis Town

    Item shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Healing Herb     10     Restores 40 HP
      Vitamin          50     Restores 100 HP
      Antidote         12     Cures poison
      Eye Drops        20     Cures blindness
      Panacea          100    Cures all status changes
      Ammonia          200    Revives party member
      Titan Belt       3000   Raises power
      High Boots       3000   Raises defense
      Wisdom Ring      3000   Raises intelligence
      Lion's Belt      3000   Raises willpower

  Caer Xahn

    Item shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Healing Herb     10     Restores 40 HP
      Vitamin          50     Restores 100 HP
      Antidote         12     Cures poison
      Eye Drops        20     Cures blindness
      Panacea          100    Cures all status changes
      Ammonia          200    Revives party member
      Titan Belt       3000   Raises power
      High Boots       3000   Raises defense
      Wisdom Ring      3000   Raises intelligence
      Lion's Belt      3000   Raises willpower

    Weapon/Armor shop:

      Weapon/Armor     Cost   Description

      Seeking Sword    20000  Pwr 110 Wgt 2  Heroic strength
      Blessed Staff    11000  Pwr 73  Wgt 3  resists death attack
      Gunginir         22000  Pwr 99  Wgt 10 To hit percentage up
      Brass Claws      11000  Pwr 64  Wgt 1
      Atomic Bomb      16000  Pwr 198 Wgt 1
      Royal Armor      18000  Def 72  Wgt 8
      Force Armor      22000  Def 65  Wgt 6  Defense up vs psionics
      Protectors       11000  Def 16  Wgt 1  Resist status change
      Mind Shield      18000  Def 34  Wgt 3  Raises intelligence
      Sun Mask         7200   Def 22  Wgt 1  Resists flame

  Faerie Village

    Handyman/Ability shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Berries          5      Restores 5 HP
      Beef Jerky       50     Restores 100 HP
      Taser            200    Electric attack vs all targets
      Tiger Claws      3800   Pwr 34  Wgt 1
      Angling Rod      2000   Used when fishing
      Lion's Belt      3000   Raises willpower
      Bell Collar      10000  Raises chance of meeting enemies
      Soul Gem         3000   Saves wearer from death once
      Holy Mantle      10000  Lowers chance of meeting enemies
      Molotov          10     Flame attack vs one target
      Hidden Dagger    7000   Pwr 51  Wgt 1  Chance of instant kill

    Handyman/Speed shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Berries          5      Restores 5 HP
      Beef Jerky       50     Restores 100 HP
      Clothing         50     Def 2  Wgt 3
      Flame Chrysm     500    Pwr 50  Wgt 1  Property: Flame
      Napalm           800    Flame + wind attack vs all targets
      Bell Collar      10000  Raises chance of meeting enemies
      Angling Rod      2000   Used when fishing
      Belladonna       200    Destroy one target
      Royal Dagger     6200   Pwr 54  Wgt 2
      Holy Mantle      10000  Lowers chance of meeting enemies
      Soul Gem         3000   Saves wearer from death once

    Weapon/Ability shop:

      Weapon/Armor     Cost   Description

      Pointed Stick    10     Pwr 1   Wgt 1
      Waist Cloth      210    Def 5   Wgt 3
      Bronze Sword     240    Pwr 8   Wgt 2
      Crepe Cape       1300   Def 19  Wgt 2
      Flame Talons     3300   Pwr 25  Wgt 1  Property: Flame
      Amber Breast     6100   Def 45  Wgt 4
      Piercing Pike    7400   Pwr 62  Wgt 4
      Katzbalger       9200   Pwr 61  Wgt 1
      Protectors       11000  Def 16  Wgt 1  Resist status change
      Tiger's Cap      5300   Def 17  Wgt 1  Raises power
      Ouroboros        22000  Pwr 80  Wgt 5  Raises intelligence

    Weapon/Speed shop:

      Weapon/Armor     Cost   Description

      Pointed Stick    10     Pwr 1   Wgt 1
      Waist Cloth      210    Def 5   Wgt 3
      Bronze Sword     240    Pwr 8   Wgt 2
      Buckler          1100   Def 12  Wgt 2
      Wind Cutter      2200   Pwr 34  Wgt 3  Property: Wind
      Crepe Cape       1300   Def 19  Wgt 2
      Flame Talons     3300   Pwr 25  Wgt 1  Property: Flame
      Laurel           1800   Def 15  Wgt 0
      Royal Dagger     6200   Pwr 54  Wgt 2
      Spiked Gauntlets 6800   Def 28  Wgt 1  Raises power
      Ice Halberd      12500  Pwr 80  Wgt 6  Property: Frost

    Item/Ability shop:

      Item             Cost   Description

      Green Apple      5      Restores 20 HP
      Vitamin          50     Restores 100 HP
      Panacea          100    Cures all status changes
      Ammonia          200    Revives party member
      High Boots       3000   Raises defense
      Lion's Belt      3000   Raises willpower
      Napalm           800    Flame + wind attack vs all targets
      Dream Ring       1000   Protection vs sleep
      Balance Ring     1000   Protection vs confusion
      Barrier Ring     3000   Raises defense vs psionic attacks
      Diamond Ring     3000   Protection vs death attacks

    Item/Speed shop

      Item             Cost   Description

      Green Apple      5      Restores 20 HP
      Vitamin          50     Restores 100 HP
      Panacea          100    Cures all status changes
      Multi Vitamin    300    Restores all HP
      Ammonia          200    Revives party member
      Talisman         500    Protection vs death attacks
      Life Sandals     500    Raises defense vs status changes
      High Boots       3000   Raises defense
      Titan Belt       3000   Raises power
      Dream Ring       1000   Protection vs sleep
      Balance Ring     1000   Protection vs confusion


      Item                    Description

      Clay Vase
      Moldy Vase
      Swallow Eye             Raises user's agility


      Hawk's Ring             Raises chance of surprise attack


      Myria Icon              Appears valuable

Miscellaneous Items/Weapons/Armors:

  Item           Description                            Found

  Aries Spear    Pwr 88  Wgt 4  Devilslayer             Factory
  Artemis' Cap   Raises to-hit chance                   Dump
  Asbestos Armor Def 18  Wgt 6  Resists flame           Mt. Zublo
  Ascension      Pwr 70  Wgt 4  Property: Holy          Blackship
  Bamboo Rod     Used when fishing                      Momo's tower
  Bat Amulet     Protection vs blindness                Mt. Myrneg
  Beads          Appears valuable                       Faerie exp/Daytrip
  Beast Spear    Pwr 150 Wgt 0  Drain life(from user)   Cliff
  Blizzard Mail  Def 51  Wgt 8  Resists frost           The Craggs
  Burglar Garb   Def 64  Wgt 0  Raises agility          Defeat Nitemare
  Card Key A     Allows entry into secret level A       Station Myria
  Card Key B     Allows entry into secret level B       Station Myria
  Cheese         Restores 20 HP                         Wyndia Castle
  Clay Vase      Appears valuable                       Faerie exp/Daytrip
  Coin           Used when fishing                      Various locations
  Coupons        Handy when shopping                    Dauna Mine
  Cupid's Lyre   Restores HP while walking              Station Myria
  Deadly Blade   Pwr 55  Wgt 4  Critical blow % up      Tidal Caves
  Death Claws    Pwr 73  Wgt 1  Chance of instant kill  Desert of Death
  Deluxe Rod     Used when fishing                      Dauna Checkpoint
  Demonsbane     Pwr 99  Wgt 7  Devilslayer             Station Myria
  Dragon Armor   Def 73  Wgt 6  Protection vs flame     Station Myria
  Dragon Blade   130 Pwr Wgt 4  Property: Flame         Station Myria
  Dragon Helmet  Def 30  Wgt 2  Protection vs flame     Station Myria
  Dragon Shield  Def 42  Wgt 3  Protection vs flame     Station Myria
  Dragon Spear   Pwr 110 Wgt 6  Dragonslayer            Station Myria
  Eggs           Some things you can't get rid of       McNeil henhouse
  Faerie Tiara   Needed to enter faerie village         Lighthouse
  Feather Sword  Pwr 48  Wgt 1  Property: Wind          Dauna Mine
  Fish Head      Raises user's intelligence             Various locations
  Flash Shells   Pwr 96  Wgt 1  Induces blindness       Blackship
  Flower Jewel   Appears valuable                       "?" near Maekyss
  Flyer          All items 20 - 30 percent off          Genmel
  Gems           Appears valuable                       Various locations
  Giant Shield   Def 45  Wgt 5                          Station Myria
  Guild Badge    A cat, the porter's guild symbol       Rhapala
  Guild Letter   Allows passage through Mt.Zublo        Rhapala
  Hawk's Ring    Raises chance of surprise attack       Various locations
  HE Shells      Pwr 166  Wgt 1                         Station Myria
  Heavy Dagger   Pwr 67  Wgt 2  Property: Frost         The Craggs
  Holy Robe      Def 62  Wgt 3  Blessed Armor           Station Myria
  Horseradish    Restores 5 HP                          Ogre Road
  Hourglass      Stops all but user for three turns     Various locations
  Ice Shield     Def 28  Wgt 3  Resists frost           The Craggs
  ID Card        Needed for blackship's bridge(lift)    Blackship
  Ivory Dice     Mystery effect if used on enemies      Various locations
  Key            Key needed to start the portal         Colony
  Lacquer Staff  Pwr 50  Wgt 3                          Relay Point A
  Light Bangle   Raises defense vs status changes       Various locations
  Life Armor     Def 80  Wgt 8  Regenerates HP          Desert of Death
  Life Shard     Raises user's maximum HP               Various locations
  Magic Shard    Raises user's maximum AP               Various locations
  Marbles        Appears valuable                       Various locations
  Memo           List of repair items needed            Dock
  Mist Armor     Def 75  Wgt 4  Sacred Armor            Defeat Mist Man
  Moldy Vase     Appears valuable                       Faerie exp/Daytrip
  Moon Tears     Restores party's HP + status           Various locations
  Moxa           Raises user's willpower                Wyndia bread shop
  Myria Icon     Appears valuable                       Faerie exp/Distant
  Old Painting   Appears valuable                       Syn City
  Part A         Engine parts                           Steel Beach
  Part B         Engine parts                           Steel Beach
  Part C         Engine parts                           Steel Beach
  Part D         Engine parts                           Steel Beach
  Part E         Engine parts                           Steel Beach
  Part F         Engine parts                           Steel Beach
  Part G         Engine parts                           Steel Beach
  Part H         Engine parts                           Steel Beach
  Passport       Needed for checkpoints(turns old)      King of Wyndia
  Plate          Appears valuable                       Various locations
  Protein        Raises user's defense                  Various locations
  Rakda Meat     Restores 100 HP                        Desert of Death
  Rare Book      Appears valuable                       Defeat Codger
  Rice Ball      Smells burnt                           Faerie copy shop
  Ring of Fire   Protection vs flame attacks            Mt. Zublo
  Ring of Ice    Protection vs frost attacks            Momo's tower
  Robe of Wind   Def 41  Wgt 0  Pro vs el, wind, earth  Steel Beach
  Rockbreaker    Pwr 55  Wgt 1  Property: Earth         Factory
  Sea Charts     Sailing manual                         Mayor of Parch
  Shaman's Ring  Lowers AP usage by 25 percent          Station Myria
  Silver Tiara   Def 23  Wgt 1  Blessed armor           Station Myria
  Sleep Shells   Pwr 80  Wgt 1  Induces sleep           Facility at Plant
  Slicer         Pwr 85  Wgt 1  Critical blow % up      Station Myria
  Spanner        Used when fishing(rod)                 Steel Grave
  Speed Boots    Raises agility                         Desert/Steel Grave
  Swallow Eye    Raises user's agility                  Various locations
  Tea Cup        Appears valuable                       Junk Town
  Thunder Ring   Protection vs electric attacks         Tidal Caves
  UV Glasses     Protection vs blindness                Steel Grave
  Vinegar        Chance of restoring status             Coffee Shop well
  Wallet         A very old, very used wallet           McNeil's yard
  Water Jug      Water - needed for desert travel       Horis'
  Wisdom Fruit   Restores 100 AP                        Various locations
  Wisdom Seed    Restores 20 AP                         Various locations

Fishing notes:

  Fishing menu

    Equip: Rod/Lure
    Data: Notes on fish #'s 1-23

      X:            Press to start power meter, then again to cast at
                      desired power level. Reels in line when fish is
      Triangle:     Cancel/Brings up exit menu
      Square  :     Brings up fishing menu
      Left(D-pad):  Reels line left after cast
      Right(D-pad): Reels line right after cast
      Back(D-pad):  Jerks line after cast

      Press "X" to start the power meter rising, the press "X" again
        at the desired power level to cast. When fish is on the line,
        press, and hold the "X" button to reel it in.
      The depth meter shows how far the lure has sunk. If it reaches the
        sea floor, there is a good chance the line will break.
      If your line breaks, or a fish escapes after being caught on the
        line, you lose the lure you were using.
      There are ways to increase your technique while fishing. While the
        lure is in the water, cause it to move(by any means) in the
        following rhythmic patterns to earn the following extra technique
        points(think of each of the movements/skips as a second of time):

          Tug,  Skip, Tug:                         1 point
          Tug,  Tug:                               2 points
          Tug,  Tug,  Skip, Tug:                   3 points
          Tug,  Tug,  Skip, Skip, Tug,  Skip, Tug: 4 points

      When you have a fish on the line, keep it in the green highlighted
        area on the Player vs Fish meter. Use the Directional Pad to move
        the meter. Tugging the line while reeling it in pulls it faster.

      At 60 meters out, a fish will escape.

      Catching fish earns you points towards your fishing rank. Each new
        type of fish caught earns points, as well as fish that bring you a
        size record. Fish that you catch can also be used as items, such
        as healing or AP restoring items or as spells used in battle.
        Manillo fish can be traded along with other items in your
        inventory, for special items such as lures or equipment.

      Once you've caught a particular fish, it's name will appear on the
        guide listing in every fishing spot that it can be found in.

  Which lures to use for catching fish:
    (others will work, but these are common)

    Fish #             Lure         Item used as                Average

    1.  Jellyfish      Worm         Restores 1 HP               20  CM
    2.  Piranha        Worm         Restores 20 HP              30  CM
    3.  Puffer         Sinker       Flame vs one target         35  CM
    4.  Trout          Sinker       Restores 40 HP              50  CM
    5.  Rainbow Trout  Sinker       Restores 5 AP               50  CM
    6.  Red Catfish    Toad         Earthquake vs all targets   60  CM
    7.  Bass           Worm         Restores 80 HP              30  CM
    8.  Martian Squid  Worm         Blindness in one target     60  CM
    9.  Black Bass     Worm         All members 80 HP           65  CM
    10. Barandy        Toad         All members 240 HP          150 CM
    11. Man o' War     Worm         Restores 1 HP               20  CM
    12. Flying Fish    Old Popper   Restores 20 HP              15  CM
    13. Blowfish       Sinker       Cures poison                15  CM
    14. Sea Bream      Worm         Restores 5 AP               30  CM
    15. Sea Bass       Worm         Restores 80 HP              45  CM
    16. Black Porgy    Toad         Restores 20 AP              45  CM
    17. Octopus        Worm         Blindness in all targets    50  CM
    18. Angler         Sinker       Earthquake vs all targets   75  CM
    19. Devilfish      Worm         Electric vs one target      90  CM
    20. Spearfish      Deep Diver   All members 240 HP          120 CM
    21. Whale          Deep Diver   All members Full HP/status  180 CM
    22. Mackerel       Worm         Fish(Used to make Shisu)    50  CM
    23. Manillo        Coin         Opens Manillo trade shop*   150 CM

    * Manillo Trade Shop(Trading Fish #23), 1st column is item you can get
                        2nd column is items to trade with the Manillo fish
                        Lower column is amount of items you have

Fishing spots:

  Yraall Region:

    West of Mygas
      Jellyfish, Piranha, Rainbow Trout

    West of Farm
      Piranha, Manillo*, Trout, Puffer

      *Manillo Trade Shop(see fish list above for type numbers)
        Item             Description                     Cost=Amount/Type

        Silver Knife     Pwr 12 Wgt 1 Property: Holy       2/5, 2/4
        Iron Helmet      Def 6  Wgt 2                      1/4, 2,2
        Waist Cloth      Def 5  Wgt 3                      1/4, 1/3
        Spirit           Used when fishing                 3/2
        Baby Frog        Used when fishing                 3/2
        Popper           Used when fishing                 2/3
        Float            Used when fishing                 2/3
        Skill Ink        Used for writing Skill Notes      1/5, 1/4
        Blue Collar      Raises chance of meeting enemies  3/18, 3/8, 5/14
        Holy Mantle      Lowers chance of meeting enemies  3/9, 9/7, 9/15

    Between Ogre Road and Mt. Levett
      Puffer, Trout, Black Bass

  Central Wyndia:

    Base of Mt. Myrneg
      Jellyfish, Bass, Martian Squid

    Next to the hangout of the river gang, near Maekyss Gorge
      Puffer, Rainbow Trout, Bass

    Maekyss Gorge(available later in the game)
      Puffer, Martian Squid, Mackerel

  Eastern Wyndia:

    Across the bridge from Wyndia Castle
      Piranha, Trout, Rainbow Trout, Bass, Black Bass

    Next to Momo's Tower
      Flying Fish, Blowfish, Black Porgy, Octopus, Manillo*

      *Manillo Trade Shop(see fish list above for type numbers)
        Item             Description                     Cost=Amount/Type

        Chain Cap        Def 19 Wgt 5                      1/7, 3/13
        Crepe Cape       Def 19 Wgt 2                      1/16, 4/12
        Spirit           Used when fishing                 3/13
        Baby Frog        Used when fishing                 3/13
        Popper           Used when fishing                 2/12
        Float            Used when fishing                 2/12
        Skill Ink        Used for writing Skill Notes      2/17

  Rhapala Region:

    Next to Giotto
      Man o' War, Flying Fish, Sea Bass, Octopus

    North of bridge to Eastern Wyndia
      Man o' War, Flying Fish, Sea Bream

    Next to Cliff
      Octopus, Angler, Devilfish, Manillo*

      *Manillo Trade Shop(see fish list above for type numbers)
        Item             Description                     Cost=Amount/Type

        Hawk's Ring      Raises chance of surprise attack  3/9, 5/7
        Artemis' Cap     Raises to-hit chance              2/9, 2/18, 5/14
        Speed Boots      Raises agility                    1/10, 1/9, 2/19
        Soul Gem         Saves wearer from death once      1/10, 2/15
        Bell Collar      Raises chance of meeting enemies  2/19, 3/18, 9/14
        Holy Mantle      Lowers chance of meeting enemies  3/9, 9/7, 9/15
        Skill Ink        Used for writing Skill Notes      2/17, 1/19

  Urkan Region:

    Path leading to the Tidal Caves
      Sea Bream, Black Porgy, Angler, Manillo*

      *Manillo Trade Shop(see fish list above for type numbers)
        Item             Description                     Cost=Amount/Type

        Wisdom Ring      Raises intelligence               1/18, 2/16, 2/14
        Lion's Belt      Raises willpower                  2/8, 2/7, 4/15
        Ginseng          Raise one target's power          1/8, 2/17, 3/15
        Caro             Used when fishing                 3/14
        Frog             Used when fishing                 3/14
        Top              Used when fishing                 2/17
        Hanger           Used when fishing                 2/17
        Skill Ink        Used for writing Skill Notes      1/16, 1/18

    End of peninsula between Outer Sea and Middle Sea
      Man o' War, Flying Fish, Blowfish, Sea Bream, Sea Bass, Black Porgy,
      Octopus, Angler, Devilfish, Spearfish, Manillo*

      *Manillo Trade Shop(see fish list above for type numbers)
        Item             Description                     Cost=Amount/Type

        Demonsbane       Pwr 99 Wgt 7 Devilslayer          1/20, 2/9
        Aries Spear      Pwr 88 Wgt 4 Devilslayer          1/20, 9/15, 9/14
        Heavy Caro       Used when fishing                 1/19, 1/8, 2/17
        Fat Frog         Used when fishing                 1/19, 1/8, 2/17
        Dog Walker       Used when fishing                 1/19, 1/8, 2/17
        Deep Diver       Used when fishing                 1/19, 1/8, 2/17
        Skill Ink        Used for writing Skill Notes      2/17, 1/19

  Dauna Hills:

    Next to the checkpoint
      Piranha, Trout, Rainbow Trout, Barandy, Manillo*

    *Manillo Trade Shop(see fish list above for type numbers)
      Item             Description                     Cost=Amount/Type

      Wisdom Ring      Raises intelligence               1/9, 5/5, 5/4
      Lion's Belt      Raises willpower                  1/18, 9/5, 9/4
      Ginseng          Raise one target's power          2/7, 5/5, 5/4
      Caro             Used when fishing                 2/5, 3/4
      Frog             Used when fishing                 2/5, 3/4
      Top              Used when fishing                 3/5, 2/4
      Hanger           Used when fishing                 3/5, 2/4
      Skill Ink        Used for writing Skill Notes      2/8, 1/5, 1/4
      Katzbalger       Pwr 61 Wgt 1                      1/10, 2/9, 1/6
      Laurel           Def 15 Wgt 0                      1/10, 2/9, 1/7

    Near Emitai's shack
      Red Catfish, Bass, Martian Squid

  Lost Shore:

    East of Kombinat
      Man o' War, Flying Fish, Spearfish, Whale, Manillo*

      *Manillo Trade Shop(see fish list above for type numbers)
        Item             Description                     Cost=Amount/Type

        Royal Sword      Pwr 158 Wgt 8 Property: Electric  1/21, 3/20, 1/10
        Life Armor       Def 80  Wgt 8 Regenerates HP      1/21, 1/20, 3/10
        Cupid's Lyre     Restores HP while walking         1/21, 2/10, 5/6
        Shaman's Ring    Lowers AP usage by 25%            1/21, 3/20, 5/6
        Ivory Dice       Mystery effect on enemies         1/20, 1/6, 5/22
        Skill Ink        Used for writing Skill Notes      1/20, 1/19

The Faerie Realm:


    Later in the game you will have to enter the Faerie Realm, and once
    there, attempt to help the faeries. The objective to reach in the
    Faerie Realm, is to help organize the faeries so that they are able to
    build a fortress for themselves. To do this, from time to time,
    enter the Faerie Realm and speak with the faerie floating near the
    front left corner of the shack. The faerie will ask you if you would
    like to designate jobs to each of the available faeries(note, if you
    choose no, you will be given information about the fairies in a
    similar fashion to how Beyd, Shadis and Sinkar gave you information
    about Rhapala). After answering yes, highlight each faerie(in turn)
    available in the long thin box at the top of the job designation
    screen, then place them in the job that you think best suits them.
    The first available jobs are:
      Scholar: the eight central boxes, only one available to place
                   faeries in at first(corresponds to the shack). Can be
                   changed to Merchant or others after new topics are
                   learned. Each later box corresponds to a room in the
                   Faerie fortress. From Scholar you can choose either,
                     Job: New jobs
                     Culture: Can be raised to 7, the higher the culture,
                              the better the jobs you will acquire
      Hunting/Exploring: top right box
      Tend crops/Clearing materials: center right box
      Building: lower right box
    The way to determine which faeries will be best suited to each job, is
    by the four colored status bars that appear under their name when
    highlighted. The bars represent:
      Red:         Hunting/Exploring prowess
      Green:       Strength/Stamina
      Blue:        Merchant skills
      Light Blue:  Intelligence
    From these status bars you can determine that faeries with the highest
    hunting/exploring prowess would make the best hunters or explorers,
    whereas faeries with the highest strength/stamina would be good at
    gathering or building. Faeries with the highest merchant skills would
    be your best choice to run the shops that you set up within the faerie
    village(shop types are selectable once you gain new topics by way of
    scholars), and faeries with the highest intelligence will make the
    best scholars to earn you new topics(note, the appropriate colored bar
    in each faerie's status will light up as you highlight each job). If
    you do well in assigning the faeries, the Faerie Village will
    flourish, if you do poorly, faeries will begin to die. New faeries can
    be found/hatched by the faeries positioned in the Hunting/Exploring

  Faerie merchants:

    After learning new topics(merchant types), faerie shopkeepers can be
    designated to run a shop of the chosen type inside the fortress(or
    shack) in the Faerie village. The shop types are determined by the
    level of culture attained by your scholars. On the job designation
    screen, the type of shop you choose to open, is shown in the icon that
    appears in the frame at the top left corner of each box. Shop types
    include merchants(weapons/items/handyman), inns(note, when you assign
    three faeries to an inn, the second and third faeries, when spoken
    to, will tell you the following statistics about your current game:
    total zenny, encounters, looked in drawers, fished, found treasure,
    time played), gift shops, fortune tellers, explorers(note, if you
    assign more than one faerie to be an explorer, they will search
    separately for items), antiques(resale) shops(note, if you assign
    more than one faerie to an antique shop, the extra faeries will tell
    you hints on what's available to find), musicians(this becomes a
    music select, with more songs added the better you do in the Faerie
    Village. Note, when you assign more than one faerie to the musician
    selection, they will help find the music selections faster. The
    third faerie will sing for you if you speak to her personally),
    casinos(note, when you assign three faeries to a casino, the third
    faerie will allow you to rename any of your main characters, as well
    as any of the faeries in the Faerie Village if you speak to her
    personally) and copy shops. To use the copy shop, talk to the faerie
    running the shop and she will ask you if you would like to leave an
    item to be copied. After answering yes, choose an item from your
    inventory, then leave it to be copied. You can pick it up again
    later when the faerie is finished with it(note, the faeries will not
    always be able to copy the item correctly, or even be able to copy
    it at all. Also if you assign more than one faerie to a copy shop,
    each individual faerie will be able to copy an item for you. You
    must talk to each faerie separately to choose the item for that
    faerie to copy). For the casino gambling shops, you are given two
    different types of games to play when you talk to the faerie that
    runs them:
      High and Low
      Numbers(code breaker)
    To play Hi and low, first bet any amount from 1 - 100z, then choose
    whether the next eight cards in line will be either higher or lower
    than the previous.
      High = first choice(left)
      Low = second choice(center)
      Stop/Exit = last choice(right)
    When you play numbers(code breaker), the object is to guess the three
    digit code that is hidden under the upper set of cards within a
    certain amount of guesses. To do this, scroll to the desired numbers
    that you want on the three lower cards, then press the accept button.
    Your guess will then appear in the list at the top left of the
    screen. The red highlighted number next to your number is how many you
    guessed exactly right(number and position), while the blue highlighted
    number is how many you guessed right, but aren't in the correct
    position. Upon winning at code breaker, you will receive prizes such
    as HP/statistic up or ability items.


Chapter One
Falling In With The Wrong Crowd

    After naming your character and choosing your in-game options, the
game begins inside the Dauna Mine in Dauna Hills territory. It seems
as though a baby dragon has been found sealed inside a large crystal.
After using dynamite to free the dragon, the miners are surprised to find
that the baby dragon is alive. They immediately attack the dragon out of
fear. You play the role of the baby dragon. After killing the miners(they
would have killed you), inspect their bodies to find the melted blade,
then make your way out of the mine shafts to the area just outside the
tunnels where the wooden platform is. Once arriving here, a large bull
attempts to stop you from leaving. Upon attacking the bull, you are
momentarily distracted and your attention is drawn to the mine. The crane
operator uses this opportunity to his advantage, and swings the crane at
you. It hits you in the side, knocking you unconscious. You are then
caged and put onto a small train to be brought elsewhere. During the
train ride, use the D-pad to shake and rattle yourself within the cage.
After enough shaking, the cage will fall off the train and crash open upon
impact with the ground below. The scene then cuts to show a tiger thief
named Rei hunting wild boar in the Cedar Woods. Just as he is about to
capture his dinner, a loud crash occurs, and the boar is scared off. Rei
goes to inspect the area where the noise came from, and is surprised to
find a small naked boy lying on the ground surrounded by two wolves that
look ready to pounce. With a show of his knife wielding skills, Rei saves
the boy, then brings him to his home in the woods to assure his safety.
Upon your arrival at Rei's home, you meet Teepo, Rei's partner in crime.
Together they put the small boy to bed so he can rest and regain his
strength. While sleeping, the boy finds out that he has dragon blood
flowing through his veins. This is his story.

Chapter Two

    Upon awaking the next morning(you now control the small boy), you find
yourself all alone in the house. Leave the house and make your way to
McNeil Town(small town on the world map just below the woods you were
just in), where you will find Rei and Teepo. After your initial meeting
with Rei and Teepo in the town of McNeil, speak to Teepo, and Rei will
attempt to steal some weapons from a local merchant. It doesn't go well.
Once you catch up with Rei and Teepo after this fiasco, you join up with
them and all three of you will then travel together. Teepo suggests going
to the Yraall Road(the path crossroads just below the farm area on the
world map), so make that your first stop. Once there, walk to the
crossroads, and Teepo will explain that the road to the right leads to
Wyndia, and that someone is coming. At this point, hide behind the bushes
in the grassy area above the road leading to Wyndia(where the hand shaped
cursor points to). As soon as Bunyan walks by on the road below, Teepo
pushes you out of the bushes into him. After realizing that no one is at
Bunyan's, Rei and Teepo decide that now would be a fine time to rob his
house. Make your way to Bunyan's house in Cedar Woods(same woods Rei and
Teepo's house is in), and once you arrive, have Rei pick the lock on the
front door. Once inside, make your way down the ladder to the basement of
the house and inspect the bookcase that you'll see there. After finding
some beef jerky in the bookcase(this item will be needed later in the
game when you wish to gain Hachio, the Wyndia Castle chef as a Master, so
don't use it until he asks for it), Rei and Teepo come down the ladder to
see what you have. At this point Bunyan comes home unexpectedly, and can
be heard by way of squeaky floorboards upstairs. Seeing as how there is
no other way out of the basement, Rei goes up the ladder to try and take
care of Bunyan. With a loud yell, and much crashing about, Rei is
captured. Teepo goes to help his friend, and as soon as he is at the top
of the ladder, more crashing sounds are heard. Going up the ladder
reveals that the house is now empty. Proceed outside to get a better
idea of what has happened to your friends. As soon as you step outside,
you are cold cocked by Bunyan who was waiting just outside the front
door. After tying the three of you up, Bunyan demands that Rei travel to
Mt. Glaus(mountain just above Cedar Woods on the world map)and kill the
monster that lives there. After Rei leaves, Bunyan decides that if you
and Teepo split enough firewood for him, then the both of you may leave
to help Rei in his task at Mt. Glaus. Upon accepting this request, press
the "Triangle" button to split the pieces of firewood, just as Teepo
releases them. After splitting enough wood, Bunyan lets you and Teepo go
as well(note, the pond near Bunyan's house is filled with the "Croc Tear"
item. Each time you inspect the water you will receive one of that item).
Leave Cedar Woods and make your way up the path(on the world map) leading
Northeast, until you come to a "?" area. Enter the "?" area, and use
Teepo's special action(kicking) to roll the small rocks scattered about
the ground. Some rocks will reveal holes in the ground containing items,
while once the small rock next to the large round rock(just across the
small bridge where you entered the area) is kicked away from it, the
large rock will roll into the stream below and block the flow of water.
This will allow you to walk down the lower, now empty, stream bed and
access a new area at the end of it containing a chest. After getting all
the items from underneath the rocks, and from the chests, proceed to the
opposite end of the "?" area and you will find a sign that tells you this
is the way to Mt. Glaus. Leave the area by the exit next to the sign.
Once out of the "?" area and back out on the world map, proceed to the
end of the path and you will find the entrance to Mt. Glaus. Enter the
Mt. Glaus area and make your way up the hill towards the rear. Attempt
to cross the bridge that the path at the top of the hill leads to. As
soon as you do, night starts to fall, and Teepo leads you into a house
that is nearby. Rei is inside the house, and calls out to you and Teepo
as soon as you enter it. He tells you all he's discovered about the
monster that is supposed to inhabit this mountain, the one Bunyan sent
him to kill. The next morning your party is awoken by a bloodcurdling
yell. Upon rushing outside, you will see a giant creature that looks like
a mutated lion with three snakes for a tail. The creature jumps down from
the cliff above the house and lands in front of your party members. It
then begins it's attack on them. After inflicting a certain amount of
damage on the creature, it flees into the mountain above. Make your way
to the cave entrance in the side of the cliff above the house(you may use
the dragon statue directly behind the house as a save spot) and enter it.
Once inside the cave, you spot blood pools along the ground. Walk to the
center branch off tunnel on the left, and enter the opening at the end of
it. Once inside, walk to the skeleton at the rear and Teepo will spot
more blood on the ground. Return to the main cave passage(where you
entered the area with the skeleton from), and Teepo will suggest finding
a way to enter the opening to the passage that was behind the waterfall
that you just saw in the previous area. Walk to the rear left branch off
passage and enter the opening at the end of it. Once inside, Teepo will
suggest jumping into the water, and swimming to the passage behind the
waterfall. At this point, choose to jump into the water(note, if you
choose not to enter the water at this time, you need only to walk to the
edge of the water in this room to be asked if you will jump in again).
Your characters will swim downstream and fall into the passage opening
behind the waterfall. After entering the passage behind the waterfall,
and drying yourselves off, walk towards the opening at the end of this
new passage. Just as you reach the opening, a loud screeching sound is
heard from within. The lion creature(Nue) that you fought earlier leaps
out from inside and attacks your party. After defeating the creature, it
falls dead, slightly blocking the opening at the end of the passage.
Inspect the body to squeeze by, and enter the passage behind it. Once
past the body, you will come to a nest with three dead babies in it. The
creature that you just killed was just a mother trying to protect the
bodies of her young. After learning this sad news, leave these passages
and return to the waterfall. Once at the waterfall, you will be asked if
you'd like to swim downstream to exit the caves. After choosing yes, your
characters jump into the water and swim downstream. Once out of the caves,
and back on dry land, Bunyan shows up. Your characters tell him what
they have learned, and the sad fate of the monster they were sent to kill.
The scene then fades.

Chapter Three
The First Of Many

    Upon regaining control of your characters, leave Cedar Woods and walk
towards McNeil Town on the world map. Just to the West of McNeil Town is
a newly opened area(looks like a small open area with a tree stump in it,
between McNeil Town and the fishing spot to the West) marked with a "?".
Enter this new area to meet your first of seventeen Masters. Once in the
area, walk to the end of the path and you will see a man standing next to
a tree stump. This man is Mygas, and he is what's known as a Master. A
Master is basically a trainer. After aligning yourself(or others in your
party) with them, you will gain new skills and other useful things, after
a certain amount of level raising. You need to keep the alignment the same
while you are level raising(until you are rewarded with the desired skill
or item), as once you switch Masters, you start over again as far as the
amount of levels needed to raise. Some Masters have more than one skill or
item to give you, so you may not want to be so quick to change alignment
from one Master to the next(a star next to the Master's profile in the
Master list lets you know when a Master has given you everything he/she/it
has). Upon talking to Mygas, he will explain the theory of the Masters
to you, then ask if any of your party members would like to align
themselves with him(note, you can align more than one party member to a
Master, but only one of each skill will be awarded to your party. Also,
some Masters demand something in return for letting you use them). After
aligning(or not) some of your party members with Mygas, leave his area
and proceed to McNeil Town.

Chapter Four
Breaking And Entering

    Once in McNeil Town, your party will be surrounded by the townsfolk.
After straightening out the situation, speak to the robed man(Loki)
walking near your party. Tell him that you'll help him, then go to talk
to him in the small shed in the farm(wheat field) area, as you'll have
more privacy there. Upon talking to him in the shed, you find out that
he wants you to steal back the tax money McNeil has collected from the
townsfolk(note, McNeil is the dictator that rules the town of McNeil).
After talking to Loki, you wait in the shed until nightfall, then make
your way to the grounds of McNeil's house(note, on the world map McNeil's
house is just to the left of the farm/wheat field). Rei and Teepo then
run off to look for a way into the house. Inspect the broken section of
the wall(to the left) and Rei and Teepo will come and see what you've
found. Rei leans against the wall, and before you know it, you've found
a way into McNeil's front yard. Once in the yard, make your way along the
wall to the left, and you will find another robed man. Speak to him and
he will give you 50 zenny(monetary denomination) that you can use to
bribe the guards that are patrolling the grounds with. After receiving
the money, approach the first guard and use the 50 z to bribe him into
letting you pass. After bribing the guard, talk to the second guard
standing nearby, then walk up the stairs just ahead. Once up the stairs,
open the chest that is hidden just down the balcony to the left and take
the wallet from inside it. After receiving the wallet, walk down the
balcony to the right and speak to the next guard that is there. He
notices the wallet, and lets you pass if you give it to him(he takes it
from you automatically). After passing the guard and continuing down the
balcony to the right, you will come to more guards, these carrying
lanterns so that they can keep better watch over the grounds in the dark.
Be careful not to step in the light cast by any of the lanterns or you
will be spotted and thrown out of the yard(you will then need to re-bribe
the first guard after re-entering the yard. Note, if you don't give the
wallet to the guard on the balcony, it is possible to sneak by the guard
with the lantern at the bottom of the stairs in front of where the guard
who wants the wallet is, you just need to time your run by him so that he
is turning towards you just as you go by, that way his lantern isn't
shining either way for a moment. You must be very quick). After
proceeding past the guards on the balcony, you will walk down a flight of
stairs and come to a lookout post(high platform with ladder) with a bell
on it. Climb the lookout post, and use either your character's or Teepo's
special action(sword swipe/kick) to ring the bell. The ringing of the
bell signals one of the guards below to leave the area he is in and take
his cigarette break, thus allowing your party to further explore the
yard. Proceed to the Northeast and talk to the guard having his cigarette
break by the fountain. After speaking with him, walk down the walkway in
front of him, towards the main gate. You will then be spotted by a large
watchdog who will then attack your party. After defeating the watchdog,
return to the guard smoking at the fountain. Speak to him now, and he
will let you pass onto the right side of the yard. Once on the right side
of the yard, talk to the guard standing in the grass without a lantern,
then speak to the three peasants(one on the guard's side of the lower
wall, and two on the opposite), then finally walk up to the small green
shack beside the balcony to the right and talk to the guard standing in
front of it. After he leaves, enter the green shack and you will find out
it is the hen house. Just as Teepo takes some eggs from one of the nests,
a giant chicken appears and attacks your party. After defeating the
chicken, and the ruckus at the hen house dies down, the guards from the
center balcony attempt to capture the escaping chickens. Use this
opportunity to climb the stairs to the center balcony and approach the
front door of the house(go to the right once on the center balcony). Rei
notices that most of the guards have positioned themselves by the front
door, so he runs by them brandishing his knives, in order to distract
them so that you and Teepo can sneak into the house. Once you and Teepo
are inside the house, enter the door to the right wing of the house. Here
you will be able to rest and save your game by talking to the butler in
the bedroom before progressing through the rest of the house. After
resting and saving(if necessary), return to the house's entryway and
attempt to climb the main stairs that are there. You will be stopped by
an invisible force. A ghost then appears and attacks you and Teepo in an
attempt to stop you from proceeding further into the house. After
defeating the ghost, it turns into a small flame and runs up the stairs.
Proceed up the stairs and enter the rooms to the left. Towards the rear
hall, you will see McNeil, or at least what you believed was him, for as
you are talking to him, he turns into another of the ghost type creatures
that you fought downstairs. Once the ghost reveals itself, it begins it's
attack on you. After defeating this second ghost, it too turns into a
small flame and runs off. Continue through the house, and just as you are
about to descend the stairs at the rear right, another ghost appears to
confront you and Teepo. After defeating this third ghost, it runs off
down the stairs that you were about to descend. Go down the stairs and
continue your journey through the house. In the room behind the kitchen
you will be approached by yet another ghost. After defeating this ghost
and watching it run off, you realize that these are the ghosts of the men
in the portraits on the walls of the first room in the right wing of the
house(just off the entryway). Continue through the house in the direction
that this last ghost ran off in, and you will find the elevator. Inspect
the switch on the side of the elevator, and you will be asked if you
would like to ride to the floor above. After taking the elevator to the
floor above, walk up the stairs in the room you arrive at, and you will
find a bed to rest in, and a save book to save your progress. After
resting and saving your game(if necessary), proceed up the ladder that
is in the room, to the roof of the house. Once on the roof, you realize
that you must find a way to reach the roof of the wing of the house to
the left, as all the doors leading to it inside the house are locked.
Proceed to the far end of the roof you are on, there you will find a
grappling hook and rope in the lower left corner. After receiving the
grappling hook and rope, Rei shows up and helps you get across to the
other roof. Once across to the other roof, walk down the stairs in the
open section to the North(almost directly across from the rope, the open
section to the South only leads to the steam room area). Once down the
stairs, proceed through the first room, and start to enter the master
bedroom in the rear. As you approach the doorway, you will witness McNeil
chasing a woman around the room. Upon entering and speaking to McNeil,
five small flames(the ghosts of the dead McNeils) suddenly appear
throughout the room. The flames then merge to create a large version of
the ghost creatures you fought as you made your way through the house.
Once formed, the ghost then attacks your party. After defeating the
ghost, and threatening McNeil, Rei and Teepo leave, followed shortly
behind by your character. The scene then fades.

Chapter Five
Nice Cow

    When you regain control of your characters, you are back at your home
in Cedar Woods. Make your way back to the farm(wheat field) beneath the
town of McNeil(you may want to save, or go see the Master first), and
speak to Loki(green cloak). After telling him what happened at McNeil's
house, enter the small shed to the right(just across the road from the
wheat field). Your characters will begin to talk about Loki, when in
walks Bunyan and a cow. After speaking to Bunyan about Loki and McNeil,
leave the shed and return to your home in Cedar Woods.

Chapter Six
Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires

    Once you arrive at your home, you will behold a horrible sight. Your
tree house is engulfed in flames. As Rei rushes to see if there is
anything he can do to stop this tragedy, Teepo calls out to him that
there is trouble below. Two unicorn beasts are at the footbridge below
your home, and they mean to do no good. The two unicorns, Balio(blue
mane) and Sunder(green mane), have come for Teepo, who at this point is
terrified. After a few threats, Balio and Sunder begin their attack on
your party. You cannot win this battle, so let your party be defeated
quickly, and don't waste any healing or AP items.

Chapter Seven
There's Nothing For Me Here Now

    After the battle, your character comes to in Bunyan's house. After
waking up, walk outside the house and talk to Bunyan. He tells you that
he found you in the forest and brought you to his home to help you get
well. You are very upset over your loss of Rei and Teepo, and decide to
set out for Wyndia. After Bunyan gives you directions on how to reach
Wyndia, make your way to Mt. Myrneg(to the right of Yraall Road on the
world map), which you must cross if you hope to reach Wyndia. Once you
reach Mt. Myrneg, make your way to the top of it. At the top of the
mountain, your character will run into Sunder, who alerts Balio to your
arrival. As Balio distracts you, Sunder quietly sneaks behind you and
draws a sword. You never knew what hit you. As Sunder and Balio are
laughing at what they have apparently done, something they find very
confusing happens. Upon your supposed death, the dragon blood that flows
through your veins, mutates your body into that of a small dragon(note,
at this point you are automatically given the "Flame" dragon gene).
Shocked by this turn of events, Balio and Sunder cage you and bring you
before the King of Wyndia. Balio and Sunder intend to give the baby
dragon to the King, but upon uncovering the cage in front of him, all that
is inside the cage is a small boy(your character). Balio and Sunder are
very upset by this and start kicking and punching the cage in an attempt
to cause you to revert back to dragon form. All this does is anger the
King, who orders all three of you to be thrown into the dungeon. While
Balio and Sunder are complaining in their cell, and you are crying in
yours, the King's daughter, Princess Nina, enters the dungeon and
introduces herself to you. While you are talking to Nina, Sunder calls
for Nina to come over to their cell. Once she gets there, Sunder and
Balio persuade Nina to unlock the cell door. As soon as they are free,
instead of thanking her, Sunder knocks Nina unconscious. They then take
her hostage and start an attempt to escape by heading down the stairs in
the back. At this point, inspect your cell's door. Choose to try to break
the door(don't call the guard for help, as he just ignores you) and your
character will perform a running smash into the door to try and knock it
open. It doesn't work. Inspect the door a second time, and choose to hit
the door again. This time your character will start running from further
away in order to build up more momentum, and is successful in knocking
the door loose. After getting back to your feet, make your way down the
stairs to the rear right of the dungeon. At the bottom of the stairs you
will find Balio and Sunder, still holding Nina captive. After spotting
you, Balio kicks Nina aside and the two villainous unicorns attack you.
As in your previous battle with Balio and Santo, you cannot win, so don't
waste any healing or AP items during this fight. Once Balio and Sunder
defeat you(or if the battle lasts too long), they run off, leaving you
with Nina. Nina helps you get back to your feet, and tells you that she
would like to travel with you, and that she will help you escape from
the palace through the underground cemetery.

Chapter Eight
Escape Through The Boneyard

    Make your way down the stairs at the back of the room, and you will
descend into the palace's underground cemetery. Walk through the cemetery
until you find the large tombstone at the end of the stone ramp to the
Northwest. Inspect the tombstone and it will tell you that you need to
answer the questions on the other seven tombstones correctly in order to
proceed. Walk around the cemetery and inspect the other seven
tombstones(there are actually eight others, but ignore the tombstone
furthest South at the top of the dirt ramp. There is a tombstone next to
it that contains a question that needs answering however). When asked the
question upon inspecting each tombstone, choose the answer highlighted in
green. This will trigger the tombstones correctly. After you have
triggered all seven tombstones correctly(one is slightly hidden below a
drop spot to the Southwest), return to the large tombstone and inspect it
again. Choose the top choice when prompted to make a selection, and you
will open a hole in front of the tombstone that you and Nina will fall
through. Upon landing in the area below, open the treasure chest that is
there to receive a Light Bangle, then jump down the drop spot and make
your way to the ladder to the North. After climbing the ladder and
returning to the cemetery above, open the chest on the platform you
appear on to receive a helmet. After receiving the helmet, proceed to the
one tombstone that you didn't inspect previously(the tombstone furthest
South out of the two that are up the dirt ramp). Inspect the tombstone
and you will be asked a series of questions referring to the choices you
made on the other seven tombstones. Answer them properly by selecting
these choices:
  1st question: 1st choice, "Red"
  2nd question: 1st choice, "Climbing"
  3rd question: 1st choice, "I"
  4th question: 3rd choice, "Is"
  5th question: 2nd choice, "Look"
  6th question: 2nd choice, "Beneath"
  7th question: 2nd choice, "This"
After answering the final question correctly, a hole will appear in the
ground in front of the tombstone. Nina and your character fall through it
and land in a new area. This new area is actually part of the lower area
you fell into earlier(from the large tombstone), but on the other side of
the large area with the pillars Southern wall. Walk to the left to fall
into another hole, this one bringing you to the Royal Tomb. Upon landing
in the Royal Tomb, you tell Nina of Rei and Teepo. After filling her in,
leave the tomb and you will find yourself on the walls of Wyndia Castle.
Walk down the walkway on the wall and enter the grounds of Wyndia Castle.
After asking the various people about the castle grounds if anyone has
seen Rei or Teepo, walk to the fountain at the lower level and speak to
the four children playing around it. When you talk to the boy standing
still in front of it, they decide to play hide and seek with you. Find all
four of the children(now hiding within the grounds of Wyndia Castle) to
receive some information. The children are in the following locations:
  Child #1: The Northeast corner of the lower level
  Child #2: The Northwest corner of the lower level
  Child #3: To the right of the weapons shop in the lower level
  Child #4: In the dining area(where tables are) at the top of the stairs,
              he is hiding behind the tree
After finding all four children, they tell you that Teepo may have fled
to an area near the castle. After learning this, leave Wyndia Castle and
return to the world map. Proceed to the "?" area at the end of the path
that cuts through the trees on the Western side of Wyndia Castle. Enter
this area and you will find a chest hidden next to the wall of the
castle. After obtaining the item(Ginseng) from the chest, return to the
world map and proceed to the other "?" area that is at the end of the
path that runs between the Southern walls of Wyndia Castle. In this area,
once you enter the shack that is there, you will meet another of the
Masters. This Master is Durandal, and after meeting, and aligning with
him(if necessary), return to the world map and walk down the road leading
away from Wyndia Castle. Enter the area at the crossroads you come
to(Eygnock Road), you can go no further). Once on Eygnock Road, enter the
house that is there. Upon your entering the front door, you hear Nina
scream. Run back outside, and you will see that Balio and Sunder have
returned and have captured Nina. After a painful stomping by Balio, you
are knocked unconscious and brought to a pub in a bazaar type town
called Genmel just outside of Wyndia, where you are then left tied up in
the back room. Balio and Sunder leave after talking to the barkeep and
saying hello to a large gargoyle type creature named Garr. After Balio
and Sunder leave, Nina is able to loosen her ropes enough to escape. She
crawls to the corner of the back wall and peeks into the pub to get a
better idea of what you are now up against. After coming back and untying
you, you both attempt to sneak out of the pub, but are noticed just
before you reach the door. After some smooth talking by Nina, the barkeep
lets you both leave(note, the barkeep's name is Fahl. He is also a
Master. Return to him later in the game when you have won thirty battles
in a row without resting, and he will offer you his services as a

Chapter Nine

    After escaping from the pub, leave the bazaar town of Genmel, and
travel to Mt. Boumore(on the world map, mountain just to the right of
Genmel). Once there, climb to the top of the mountain, and you will find
two men standing outside of a small house. Talk to the two men and they
will invite you inside. After telling the men that you are trying to
escape being found by Balio and Sunder, they tell you of the lift that
will take you to the other side of the mountain range. They also tell you
that you can rest in their back room. After talking to the two men, enter
the door to the right(inside the house), as the back room and lift are
that way. After a brief rest, make your way through the door at the back
of the room and you will find the lift. Upon inspecting the lift, you
find that it is not completely operational, and upon returning towards
the room where the two men are, you find yourselves locked in the back
room. Suddenly you hear Sunder's voice. You've been betrayed, the men
have sold you out to your enemies. At this point Nina exclaims that the
two of you must get the lift working in order to escape being captured
again. Return to the lift room and inspect the lift's control panel. It
seems that there is no energy to drive the lift. Upon learning this, Nina
tells you to get on the lift. As Sunder is approaching the room you are
in, Nina explains that she will try to use her special action(wand blast)
to start the lift. As you try to hold off Sunder, who has now entered the
lift room, Nina blasts the control panel with a bolt of energy from her
wand. The control panel burns out, but as it does, a charge of energy is
released, and the lift starts. With a leap of faith by Nina, the two of
you escape Sunder once again. Upon reaching the landing dock for the lift
at the opposite end of the mountain range, Nina suggests that the two of
you should head down the mountain quickly. As you leave the landing dock,
you find that the main gate to the road leading off the mountain is
locked, and you will now have to figure out another way to get down from
the mountain. Start to climb the high path(only one that leads anywhere),
and at the very top of it, Nina starts to worry that there is no way to
get down the mountain. To make matters worse, Sunder suddenly shows
himself just down the path. As he advances up the path towards your
characters, you realize that there is only one way out... So down the
side of the mountain you go. During your slide down the mountainside,
your main character reverts back to dragon form. Once you hit the bottom
of the mountain, Nina helps revive you, and you return to human form(note,
at this point you automatically receive the "Defender" dragon gene). Once
you are back on your feet, leave the area at the base of the mountain and
return to the world map.

Chapter Ten

    Once on the world map, walk slightly to the left and you will find
another "?" area(beside two trees at the base of the mountain range).
Enter the "?" area and you will find the "Reverse" dragon gene. After
receiving the Reverse dragon gene, return to the world map.

Chapter Eleven

    Once back on the world map, proceed up the path heading North, until
you come to the stone tower. Enter the area where the tower is, and
talk to the fish man that you will find sitting next to the stairs. He is
a merchant and will sell you a variety of useful items and armors. After
doing business with the merchant, walk up the center set of stairs and
inspect the plaque in front of the pool of water. Reading the plaque will
tell you that in order to drain the water in the pool, so that you may
reach the chest, you must light the four crystals surrounding the pool
after lighting the large crystal inside the tower first. Make your way
into one of the lower doors to the tower and use Nina's special
action(wand blast) to light the large crystal on the pedestal near the
stairs leading down into the pool of water. As soon as the crystal is lit,
a timer appears letting you know that you have thirty seconds to light the
remaining four crystals outside. To make the task of lighting the crystals
a little more difficult than it seems, a laser barricade is also activated
so that you cannot leave this room by the doors that lead directly to the
four crystals that you still need to light. Quickly make your way up the
stairs to the left, and exit the tower from the level above. Once back
outside, make your way down the stairs, and use Nina's special action(wand
blast) to light each of the four smaller crystals around the pool of
water. If you are successful in lighting both the large crystal inside,
and the four smaller crystals outside, within the allotted time, upon
lighting the final crystal, the pool of water will drain. Once this
happens, return inside to where the large crystal is, and walk down the
stairs into the now empty pool. Walk through the pool to the chest, and
open it to receive one of three possible items(note, if you return to the
tower later in the game, or just leave and re-enter, the chest will be
resealed. Re-opening it will get you another of the three items). After
getting the items from the pool, make your way back into the tower and
proceed upstairs. On the third floor you will find a room where you can
get some rest and save your progress. After resting and saving(if
necessary), continue making your way upstairs. Upon rounding the first
corner on the fourth floor, you hear a loud crash. A small robot then
comes out from under a door, followed by a loud explosion from within
the room where she came from. Follow the robot back into the room and
you will meet Momo(and her little robot friend, Honey). After introducing
yourselves(you'll have to yell, as Momo's hearing isn't that good after
the explosion), Momo leaves with Honey for a moment while you rest up.
Upon Momo's return, the scene cuts to show some men questioning the
fishman merchant on your whereabouts. Momo suggests an alternate way out,
from a device on the top level of the tower, but it will be difficult to
reach, as the tower is filled with monsters. Nina asks if Momo will come
with you, and after some thought, Momo agrees. At this point, Momo joins
your party(you are also given the option to save your game). Leave the
room and enter the next room in the outer hall(next to the stairs). In
this room there is a four by four tile grid in the center of the floor,
two bookcases, a sign on the wall and a locked door in the back. First,
read the sign on the wall and it will tell you the way to unlock the door
in the back of the room. To unlock the door you must turn all the tiles
on the floor grid to gray, and then walk off the tiles. To turn the tiles
from red to gray(or vice versa), just walk on them and they will change
color. After changing all the tiles to gray(you must read the sign on the
wall first for the tiles to be able to change), and walking off them, the
door in the back unlocks. Enter the room and open the three chests to
receive a skill ink and two weapons(flame and frost). After receiving
the items, make your way back out to the hallway and continue on your
way upstairs. You will come to a room at the end of a hall where there
are five rotating, multicolored cubes atop small pedestals. Four of the
cubes are near the door, while the fifth is in the center of the room.
This room contains a trap. The object here is two trigger the two cubes
that match the one across the room by itself. On the face of each of the
four pedestals near the door is a switch. If you attempt to walk across
the center of the room without deactivating the trap, you will open a
large hole in the center of the room, and fall back down to the floor
where the rest and save spot is. To deactivate the trap, flip the
switches beneath the second and the fourth cubes(assuming you number them
one thru four, from left to right), as they are the two matching cubes.
After flipping the proper switches, proceed through the room and continue
your journey to the top floor. You will come to another room where there
are red and blue levers, and floating floorplates in the gaps in the
center of the floor. Due to the gaps in the floor, the room is divided
into four sections. The Eastern section has a door that leads to two
other rooms, one containing a bookshelf with books that tell you about
energy, and the other containing a chest with money inside it. The
Western section has a hallway that eventually leads to a room with a
chest containing an all member HP restoration item. After getting the
items from the rooms off the Eastern and Western sections, proceed to the
Northern section and continue your trek upstairs. You will come to
another room where the floor is divided up into sections due to gaps in
it. Walk up the stairs that you can reach and ride the gray plate to the
section to the left. From there, walk up the next set of stairs and you
will find a large crystal on a pedestal. There is also a large red
floating floorplate near the crystal. The sign on the wall to the right
of the crystal tells you that you must charge up the crystal with energy
in order to get the red floorplate to work. So just as you did to drain
the pool of water outside the fortress, use Nina's special action(wand
blast) to charge(it lights up) the large crystal. You need to charge the
crystal with a specific amount of energy in order to cause the red
floorplate to travel enough distance to reach the various chests and the
exit to the room. To charge the crystal more, just use Nina's special
action more than once. Here are the amounts of charging it takes to reach
each desired location:
  1st chest:       Two uses worth of Nina's special action
  2nd chest:       Six uses worth of Nina's special action
  Stairs(to exit): Eight uses worth of Nina's special action
After receiving the items from the chests(note, after each use of the red
floorplate, you must use the drop spots and gray floorplates to make your
way back to the crystal, as the red floorplate resets), proceed to the
stairs and continue upwards. There will be a room containing a chest.
Inside the chest is a new fishing pole. Shortly after the room with the
chest containing the fishing pole, you will come to a room with laser
barricades preventing you from crossing it. In order to get by this trap,
use Nina's special action(wand blast) on the small crystal in the center
of the room. The first wand blast will deactivate the red and blue laser
barricades, but activate a purple laser barricade in the center. If you
use a second wand blast on the crystal, it will deactivate the purple
barricade, but reactivate the red and blue ones. Subsequent blasts will
alternate between the above pattern. After making your way past the laser
barricades, enter the door at the end of the room. You will now be in a
small library, at the rear of which is a desk. Have Momo inspect the desk
and she will find a switch underneath it. At this point you are asked if
you would like Momo to flip the switch. After flipping the switch, an
alarm sounds, and two of the bookcases near the desk rotate, allowing
you to see a rocket in a silo beneath them. As the rocket rises from the
silo in the floor, your characters grab onto it so that they may ride it
out of the tower once it launches.

Chapter Twelve
A Thorny Landing

    After a not so perfect landing, Honey wakes everyone, and Momo finds
the rocket's manual. After receiving control of your characters, search
the area that the rocket crash landed in, and you will find the "Thorn"
dragon gene. After finding the Thorn dragon gene, leave the crash site
and return to the world map.

Chapter Thirteen
Hey, They Have A Starbuck's Here

    Once back on the world map, walk up the road to the Northwest until
you reach the Coffee Shop(small shack next to mountains, you can go no
further on the road past this point). Enter the Coffee Shop area and
walk up the hill to the Coffee Shop itself, which is at the top of it.
Once at the top of the hill, your characters will be seated at a table
by a waitress. When the waitress leaves, a man named Palet comes over to
talk to Momo. He tells her of a scientific community just West of the
Coffee Shop, called Plant. He also tells Momo that her late father was
one of the people who founded Plant. He then asks Momo if she could
drop by to see if she can help get the machines working properly. After
Palet leaves, your party decides to go to Plant, but before you leave
the Coffee Shop area, speak to the rest of the people that are there. On
the very top of the hill(above the Coffee Shop) you will find a woman
wearing green shorts and a halter top. She is D'lonzo, another of the
Masters. For her to offer her skills as a Master, she asks that you have
fifteen different types of weapons in your possession(inventory), which
is something that at this point you most likely do not have. Remember
that D'lonzo is here so that you may re-visit her at a later point in
the game when you have amassed more of a collection of weapons. There is
also a small robed person next to the well just down the path to the side
of the Coffee Shop. Remember this person as well, as you will have to
return to see him at a point later in your game. After talking to D'lonzo
and the others at the Coffee Shop, leave the area and return to the world

Chapter Fourteen
Onions Always Make You Cry

    Once back on the world map, you will be able to travel on the road
past the Coffee Shop. Follow the road that leads Southwest to Plant(the
gray dwelling on the raised area). Enter Plant, and make sure to choose
Momo as your character that you use to interact with the people(speak)
here. To get to the different levels in plant, you must ride the
conveyor belts in the correct directions. The conveyor belts are
controlled by the levers that are at one end of each of them. Make your
way around Plant until you come to the area at the bottom of one of the
red conveyor belts towards the Southwestern corner. Here you will find
many bails of hay and a steel building. Talk to the scientists here, and
upon talking to Palet, who you spoke to at the Coffee Shop, he will draw
your attention to the large plant bud at the edge of the steel building.
He then tells you of a similar mutant in the dump in the mountain next
to Plant. After hearing of the mutant, leave Plant and head to the
mountain directly to the left of it. Enter the cave in the mountain and
make your way to the blue lever in the center of the first section of the
cave. Flip the lever twice(make sure none of your characters are on the
conveyor belt or the lever will not move), so that you can reach the area
behind the crates, where the chest is. Open the chest to receive a large
sum of money, then return towards the cave entrance, but instead of
leaving, walk to the upper area as now you will be able to reach the
second chest that is on the ledge to the left of the lever. By moving the
crates on the conveyor, you have created a bridge that will allow you to
cross over to where the chest is from the upper area. Open the chest to
receive a pair of high boots. After receiving the boots, jump down the
drop spot and proceed to the doorway at the Northwest corner of the cave.
Once through the doorway, make your way to the levers just above the lava
pit at the bottom of this section of the cave. Flip the red lever six or
seven times, so that the two crates on the conveyor belt line up with the
gaps in the ledges above. After lining the crates up with the gaps, walk
towards the conveyor belt that runs from East to West at the top of this
section of the cave, and proceed up the ramp on the side of it. You will
now be able to walk across the ledges and reach the chest at the end of
them(due to your moving the crates on the conveyor belt). Open the chest
to receive an Artemis Cap. After receiving the cap, make your way back
off of the ledges and proceed to the doorway at the bottom right side of
this section of the cave(the doorway surrounded by roots). Upon entering
the doorway, you are attacked by the mutant you came looking for. After
defeating this boss, you are brought out to the area where the lava pit
is. The mutant is now sitting on the conveyor belt, and asks you to
finish him off. Flip the red lever to start the conveyor moving towards
the lava, thereby dropping him into it. Once the mutant hits the lava and
seemingly burns up, a loud squeal is heard, and a small plant bud hops
out of the lava pit and lands in front of the blue lever. Your main
character believes the plant bud to be a threat, and starts to swing his
sword at it. Momo steps in the way and asks you not to hurt it. She then
talks to the bud. Nina then suggests the name Peco for the bud. Peco then
joins your party(you have the option of changing current party members at
this point also). After Peco joins your party, make your way out of the
caves and leave the dump.

Chapter Fifteen
The Tree Of Wisdom

    After exiting the dump, make your way to the tree "?" area just East
of Plant(between Plant and Momo's tower). Enter the tree "?" area with
Peco in your current party, and have him speak to the large gray tree
at the end of the path inside. This is Yggdrasil, the Tree of Wisdom,
and it takes giving him a Wisdom Fruit in return for allowing you his
services as a Master. After aligning with Yggdrasil, the Tree of
Wisdom(if necessary, note, Peco must initiate any contact with this
Master), return to the world map and re-enter the scientific community
of Plant.

Chapter Sixteen
A Ride In The Hay

    Once back in Plant, Palet greets you, and you tell him how things
went at the dump. Momo explains to him that Nina and your main character
are trying to get back to Wyndia Castle, but that a certain pair of
undesirables are making that task quite difficult. After talking to
Palet, enter the building on the lower level(where you are now) and talk
to the innkeeper(woman behind the counter). She will let you stay at the
inn for free. When your characters wake up the next morning, you find
that a ride to Wyndia has been arranged for you. All you need to do is
hide beneath the hay in a wagon headed for Wyndia. After everyone hides
in the wagon, your journey towards Wyndia Castle begins. The scene then

Chapter Seventeen
There Can Be Only One

    When the wagon reaches Eygnock Road, it is detained by none other
than Sunder. The driver tells him that he is just bringing hay from Plant
to Wyndia, but Sunder doesn't buy this and scares him off. Your
characters are then captured and brought back to Genmel, this time to
compete in the arena. After being bound and led into Balio and Sunder's
office at the arena complex, you are given the choice of who you would
rather have held as collateral, to insure that you don't try to escape
from the arena complex, either Momo or Peco(note, the character that you
do not choose stays in your battle party). After deciding which party
member to leave behind, you regain control of your characters(note, if
you talk to Sunder at this point, you will be able to re-choose out of
the remaining party members who you want left behind. They will not let
you choose Nina or your main character) and will be allowed to wander the
arena complex. Make your way to the rooms at the rear left of the arena
complex(you will see four tanned men in speedo briefs in the hallway that
the rooms you are looking for are in). Enter the room at the beginning of
the rear left hall, as it is your dressing room for the first
competition, and talk to the woman dressed in the bunny-girl uniform
standing inside. She will then ask you if you know the rules of the first
competition, then she will ask if you are ready to begin the competition.
After choosing yes, you are led into the first combat arena. In this
first arena you must fight three opponents(one at a time) with only your
main character(note, you can also hurt the men holding up the platforms
that you and your opponents are standing on. If you kill them, your
opponent will fall into the lava, thus giving you the win). After winning
the first series of battles, the crowd cheers you on, shouting that you
are number one. You are then brought back to your dressing room(room where
you spoke to the woman in the bunny uniform), and told about the next team
that you must face in battle. As you leave your dressing room, you notice
Garr standing outside in the hall. Talk to him then make your way to the
next combat arena(all the way to the rear right of the arena complex,
your next dressing room is down the hall to the right of the mother and
child). Once in your dressing room, talk to the woman by the rear door in
the bunny uniform, and she will ask you the same questions that were asked
of you in the previous dressing room, would you like to know the rules of
the battle, followed by, are you ready to begin the battle. After
answering yes, your party is confronted by the opposing team(a father and
two sons), who tell you a sad story about why they are fighting. After
they leave, the father(Emitai) chants a spell and turns the children into
golems so they will have a chance in the battle, then you are brought
into the arena to face them in battle. This battle is a no magic
allowed, three versus three battle, so Nina and your other party
member(most likely Momo) will be with you. During this battle, if you
defeat Emitai(the father), the two golems will attack only each other
until only one is left. After winning this second battle, Emitai(the
father) drags himself forward a short distance, then collapses. You have
won the battle, but at what price? Back in the dressing room Sunder
appears and tells your main character that he must face Garr, the
defending champion in the final battle. As Sunder is leaving, he laughs
about the opponents you just defeated in battle. Nina can then no longer
hold back her tears, as she feels terrible about what you were just
forced to do by Sunder and Balio. The scene then fades. Next you are
shown Sunder informing Balio of the defeat of your last opponents. Balio
finds this just as amusing as Sunder did. They both then have a good
laugh over the fate they think will befall you after you face Garr in the
final battle. The scene then cuts back to show your characters in the
dressing room. Once you regain control of your party, leave the dressing
room and make your way to the next combat arena area(enter the door
behind the guard just to the right of the weapons/items merchants). Enter
your final dressing room(first door in the hall behind the guard), and
speak to the woman in the bunny uniform again. You will only be asked if
you are ready to fight the last battle. After answering yes, the scene
cuts to show Balio and Sunder talking to Garr in his dressing room. They
warn him of your ability to turn into a dragon. Once they are finished
speaking to him, you are called into the final combat arena to face Garr.
Even though you try your best, Garr proves too much for you, and you
cannot defeat him. With a mighty blow, Garr wins the battle and remains
the arena's reigning champion. After the fight, Garr comes to your
dressing room to see how you are. Upon finding out that you are ok, he
leaves. When you regain control of your characters, make your way back to
Balio and Sunder's office(front right section of the arena complex). Once
there, you will find Garr holding Balio and Sunder at bay, to allow you
time to release your other party member(most likely Peco) from the cage
in the corner. After a quick word of thanks to Garr, your party races out
the office door. Garr follows shortly behind. After a few brief words
from Garr outside Balio and Sunder's office, during which you learn that
your main character is part of an ancient race called the Brood, and
that you should seek out Angel Tower to the East, he leaves. At this
point you are given the option of choosing your current party members.
After selecting your party, leave the arena complex and the bazaar town
of Genmel, and proceed towards Wyndia Castle by way of Maekyss
Gorge(the area where the bridge and small wooden house are, just to the
Northwest of Genmel on the world map).

Chapter Eighteen
Cut Off At The Pass

    Once you reach Maekyss Gorge, enter the area to find that Balio and
Sunder have blockaded the bridge leading to Wyndia with their hired
mercenaries, a nasty looking gang of cutthroats. As you turn to retreat,
you find that you are surrounded. You are now forced to fight the first
three of the mercenaries. After defeating them, Balio and Sunder step
forward. Just as they do, Garr appears on the bridge behind you. He has
taken care of the mercenaries that were blocking your retreat. Balio and
Sunder are worried by the fact that Garr has come to your aid. At this
point Garr joins your party and you are given the option of re-choosing
the members of your current battle party(your main character and Garr
must stay in the battle party). After choosing the third member of your
battle party, Balio and Sunder merge together into one, forming a giant
creature called Stallion. They(or it) then begin their attack on your
party. After defeating Stallion, the subject of Teepo and Rei is brought
up, which starts your main character crying. After a discussion between
your current party members, it is decided that they will head for Wyndia

Chapter Nineteen
A Few Useful Items

    Before heading towards Wyndia, walk down the rear path(where your
characters were talking after they defeated Stallion) and make your way
to the house beneath the Maekyss Gorge bridge. On the right side of the
house, you will find the "Frost" dragon gene. After finding the Frost
dragon gene, leave the Maekyss Gorge area, and make your way slightly
West(back towards Genmel) to the "?" area on the opposite side of the
mountain from the road. Enter the "?" area with Peco in your party, and
have him use his special action(bash) on the tree that has a bird sitting
atop it, in front of the tent. Once Peco bashes the tree, the bird flies
off, dropping an item called the "Flower Jewel". The flower jewel will be
needed to acquire the services of another Master later in the game. After
receiving the flower jewel, leave the "?" area(the tent only contains
three mercenary types, like those who were with Balio and Sunder at
Maekyss Gorge). Once back on the world map, make your way back to Wyndia

Chapter Twenty
You're Grounded Young Lady

    Once there, make sure Nina is in your current party, then enter Wyndia
Castle. Walk to the upper balcony and have Nina speak to the guard at the
front door of the castle. The guard is very surprised to see Nina, and
quickly allows you entrance to the castle. After a feast with the King of
Wyndia, the scene cuts to show Nina alone in her bedroom. Suddenly, a loud
screech is heard from another room, followed by a crashing noise. At this
point you control only Nina(apparently someone's father thinks they were a
little too young to be gallivanting all around the countryside with her
friends, and made her stay put at home where she belongs). Walk downstairs
and enter the dining room to the left. There you will find a waitress
standing next to a broken plate. Upon talking to her, you find out that
something startled her and that's why she dropped the plate. At this
point, Honey(Momo's little robot friend) runs out from under the table and
dashes away. Nina notices Honey run towards the left, so make your way up
the stairs to the left. Here you will find the Queen in her bed, and two
servants attending to her. After talking to the Queen(your mother), return
downstairs and make your way to the lower levels of the castle. In the
wine cellar(below the kitchen), you will find a mouse(hidden by the rows
of wine barrels, rotate the screen to find him), and upon talking to him,
he will give you some cheese. After getting the cheese from the mouse,
look behind the top of the center row of wine barrels(again, rotate the
screen) and you will find Honey hiding among them. Talk to Honey, and she
will run off again, this time to your(Nina's) bedroom's balcony upstairs.
Return to your bedroom and make your way to the balcony by going through
the rear door. Once on the outer balcony, Honey grabs Nina and jumps off
of the balcony. As they are falling, an energy field appears around them,
and lowers them slowly towards the ground. Just before they touch down,
Honey drops out of the safety of the energy field, and lands rather badly
on the ground below. As Nina goes to help Honey, she realizes that she
will need Momo's help. The scene then cuts to show your other party
members who have set up camp just outside Wyndia Castle. Momo is
wondering where Honey has run off to. As she is about to go and look for
her, Nina appears in the camp and explains what happened to Honey. Momo
tells her to bring her into the tent so that she can see what she can do.
After a short while, Nina comes out of the tent and speaks to you and
Garr about going to the Eastern lands. The scene then fades.

Chapter Twenty One
Another Of The Masters Revealed

    When you appear on the world map(Nina is now back with your party),
return to Bunyan's house in Cedar Woods. You will find Bunyan out in
front of the house splitting firewood. Talk to him and he will offer you
his services as a Master. After aligning with Bunyan(if necessary),
return to the world map.

Chapter Twenty Two
These Are Not The Droids You're Looking For

    Once back on the world map, continue to the Northeast, to Eastern
Wyndia, and enter the checkpoint(area at the start of the bridge you can
see leading across the water to the East). Once inside, Garr convinces
the guards to let your party cross the bridge. As Nina is walking past
the guards, one of them recognizes her. Garr helps talk your way out of
this as well. Once you are past the guards, and on the bridge, Garr
tells you that he thinks Nina may be the key to your main character's
powers, and then walks on ahead. You try to catch up to him, but Nina
steps in your way, and tells you that she wants to learn how to fight,
so that you won't have any need for your powers. The scene then fades.

Chapter Twenty Three
Good Things Come To Those Who Fish

    When you are returned to the world map, you will be across the bridge,
and in the Rhapala Region. Once in Rhapala region, make your way South to
the "?" area on the beach. Enter it and speak to the fishman that is at
the far end of the beach(choose yes to his question). He is Giotto,
another of the Masters that you have been meeting in your travels. If
your fishing rank is Rod Master or above, he will offer his services to
you as a Master. After aligning with Giotto(if necessary), return to the
world map and proceed to the wooden house "?" area to the Northwest(on
the hill, between the bay and the ocean). Enter the house "?" area and
walk down the stairs behind the house to the beach below. On the beach
you will find the "Thunder" dragon gene. After receiving the Thunder
dragon gene, return to the world map.

Chapter Twenty Four
Rumble In Rhapala

    Once back on the world map, make your way slightly Southeast to the
port town of Rhapala(four blue buildings at the start of the pier). Enter
Rhapala and proceed towards the rear of the first section of it(Rhapala
is composed of two sections, the first, which has shops and the inn, and
the second where the shipyard and bridge to the lighthouse are). Towards
the rear of the first section you will find the inn. Enter the inn and
walk downstairs to the bar/restaurant that is on the floor below. Once
in the bar, talk to the man in the red vest(Sinkar) at the table next to
the flight of stairs towards the upper left. After talking to Sinkar,
leave the inn and proceed to the stone bridge behind it(at the very rear
left of the first section of Rhapala), leading Northwest. This stone
bridge leads to the second section of the port town of Rhapala, the
shipyard. Walk across the stone bridge and proceed to the Northern end of
the shipyard, towards the ocean bay. Here you will find a body builder
type sailor showing off for a woman by terrorizing a smaller man. Talk to
the woman(Shadis), and the body builder(Zig) will accost the smaller
man(Beyd) by knocking him over. Zig then turns to Shadis and laughs.
Before leaving, Zig flexes his muscles at Beyd in an attempt to scare him
further. After Zig leaves, you are introduced to Beyd. Beyd speaks to
Shadis and then she too leaves. After Shadis leaves, you can talk to Beyd
to gain information on various topics such as, Shadis, Zig or the
guild/lighthouse. After speaking with Beyd, return to the stone bridge
that leads to the first section of Rhapala, and you will find Shadis.
Speak to her again(if you speak to her twice, she will give you
information on various topics as Beyd did), then return to the bar
beneath the inn, and speak to Sinkar, the man in the red vest again.
Sinkar tells you of a place called Mt. Zublo(speaking to him a second
time will allow you to receive information as you did from Beyd and
Shadis). After speaking to him, leave the port town of Rhapala and you
will enter an automatic camp scene where your characters discuss what to
do about the guild, Shadis, Zig and Beyd. After the camp scene(your
characters automatically rest, and you are given Momo and Nina in your
current party), return to the port town of Rhapala, and speak to
Beyd(he's where he was before, at the rear dock in the shipyard). Nina
tells him that he should let his true feelings be known, and propose to
Shadis. After you finish talking to him, he returns to the rear dock to
try to stop Zig from accosting Shadis. Follow Beyd to the rear dock and
you will see him on the ground, apparently shoved aside by Zig, who is
professing his feelings to a very annoyed Shadis. Speak to Beyd, and
tell him that you will help him get strong enough to attempt to fix the
lighthouse. He agrees and gives you the 1,000z to buy him the equipment
that he'll need to train in. After receiving the money, talk to Beyd
again and choose the second choice(the first choice allows you to exit
the conversation). This will bring up two more selections, choose to
tell him you are ready(the first choice allows you to exit the
conversation again) and you will be brought to the town square(later that
night) to help Beyd train. You are then asked to equip Beyd(note, if you
hit the "Triangle" button(button may differ depending on your controller
configuration) to cancel out of the equipping screen, then exit the
training by talking to Beyd and choosing the second choice, "nothing to
equip". He will then give you another 1,000z to buy equipment with)
with a sword and a breastplate. After equipping Beyd, talk to him and you
will be presented with six choices:
  1. Not yet(exit training)
  2. How do we do this(instructions)
  3. Let's go!(begin training)
  4. Change Beyd's equipment
  5. Member change(change current party members)
  6. Quit training(exit)
The object here is to train Beyd well enough so that he can survive a
fight against Zig the body builder. To do this, attack him, but don't
kill him(keep healing him with one or more characters) for twenty turns.
After each training session is completed, you will be awarded raised
statistics for Beyd in these categories:
  Damage inflicted on Beyd while he's defending = Defense up
  Damage inflicted on Beyd = HP up
  Damage inflicted on your party by Beyd = Power up
After each training session, you are sent back to the world map and must
return to the port town of Rhapala and talk to Beyd again if you wish to
continue training him. Upon talking to Beyd after training him at least
once, you will get three selections to choose from instead of two. The
first two are still, "Exit the conversation", and "Train Beyd". The
third, "To the lighthouse", however starts the fight between Beyd and
Zig. After training Beyd to the desired level(you can train him any
number of times), talk to him at the rear dock and choose the bottom
selection to start the fight between him and Zig. During the fight
against Zig, you may interfere, but only when Zig is waving at
Shadis(this happens after Zig has delivered a massive attack on Beyd and
he feels overly confident) and not paying attention. Any other
interference will cause the fight to end prematurely. You can use magic
or herbs to heal or defend Beyd. Be careful to choose a character to
interfere with that will perform his/her turn before Beyd, as once Beyd
hits Zig, Zig's attention will return to the fight. After Beyd defeats
Zig, you will be sent back to the world map. Return to the rear dock and
speak to Beyd, who will give you a pass for the guild(Guild Badge), which
will allow you to gain access to the lighthouse area, and two chests
containing a sword for your main character(note, the better the sword
you equipped Beyd with during his training, the better the sword you
will receive), and a piece of armor. After getting the items from the
chests, and the badge from Beyd, show the badge to the guard on the
wooden bridge at the Northwest end of the shipyard/wharf. Upon finding
out that you have the badge, he will step aside(after a word of warning
about the monsters that you should be cautious of) and let you cross the

Chapter Twenty Five
Into The Lighthouse

    After crossing the bridge, make your way around the stairs, ladders
and buildings, until you come to the large door on the section of building
at the upper Northeast. Enter the door and you'll see a sign that will
give you information on the boiler and valves that are in the basement,
and run throughout this building. After looking at the sign, look around
the inside of this building and you will find steel chests that contain
Flame Chrysm. After finding these items, proceed to the boiler room on
the lowest level, and put a Flame Chrysm in the incinerator(brown panel
on the boiler, inspect it and choose to toss a Flame Chrysm in). Next,
walk to the blue lever that is in upper corner of the room with the
boiler/incinerator. This is the main valve. Pull the lever once to cause
a monitor to appear. The monitor shows an EKG type chart with a blip
running across it in a wave pattern. The object here is to pull the lever
a second time while the blip that is running across the chart is somewhat
steady, and towards the center(note, if you run out of Flame Chrysm, and
need more than you could find, the weapons merchant in Rhapala sells them
at a cost of 500z a piece. Also, the screen indicators brighten for a
moment when you should pull the lever, so watch for that). If done
successfully, the main valve will open(you will know you did it
correctly, as the duct that runs along the floor of the lower section of
the room will light up with orange lights) and energy will start
traveling towards the roof. Your next task is to flip the levers in the
rest of this building so that the energy completes it's circuit to the
roof(the ducts will light up with orange lights as the one in the boiler
room did, when they have energy flowing through them). To do this, flip
each of the two levers in the remaining part of the building once. Once
you have the energy flowing properly, make your way towards the roof. As
soon as you pass the point where the stairs that lead back outside are,
a creature appears and stops you from reaching the stairs that lead to
the roof. Approach the creature and speak to it, then attempt to make
your way up the stairs that lead to the roof. As you are about to climb
the stairs, a huge living eye bounces down them and lands on the raised
arms of the creature you spoke to previously. The giant eye(Gazer) then
attacks your party. After defeating the Gazer, proceed to the roof. Upon
reaching the roof, you will find the "Eldritch" dragon gene. After
receiving the Eldritch dragon gene, flip the final lever that is also on
the roof. Flipping the lever will cause the lighthouse bulb to be turned
back on, so that the boat may return to Rhapala. A faerie then flies up
and breaks the lever in an attempt to shut off the bulb. Due to this, it
can't be shut off at all. After doing this, the faerie gives you the
Faerie Tiara, an object that when used, will allow you to travel into the
Faerie Realm through the rings of flowers scattered throughout the world
map(to use the Faerie Tiara, stand over a flower circle on the world map
and enter it like it was a location, you will then be asked if you would
like to use the Faerie Tiara to enter). The faerie then flies off. Once
the faerie leaves, leave the roof and make your way back to the world

Chapter Twenty Six
Not Dolphin Safe

    Once on the world map, go to the ring of flowers "?" area just outside
of the port town of Rhapala and attempt to enter it. You will be asked if
you would like to use the Faerie Tiara to enter the Faerie Realm. After
answering yes, you are brought to the Faerie Village. Walk up the path
and enter the small shack, you will meet three of the faeries that live
here(note, no matter which characters you have in your party, Momo and
Nina will automatically take their place at this point). The faeries tell
you of a terrible monster that has been troubling them, and ask if you
can help them in dealing with it. You tell them that you will try your
best to help them with their problem(note, there is a small cocoon in the
corner of the shack, near the window). After regaining control of your
characters, leave the shack and make your way down the path to the left
that leads to the beach. Once you are on the beach, walk to the water's
edge, and look out towards the sea. You will then be asked if you would
like to wait and see if the monster shows up. After answering yes, your
characters wait out the day at the beach. As night begins to fall, you
notice something moving around in the water just offshore. As your
characters arm themselves, a large fin rises from the water and heads
towards the small beach. As the fin reaches the beach, your characters
are surprised to see a dolphin emerge from the water. They are all
slightly confused, is this the terrible monster? After a slight
discussion, Momo and Nina leave to tell the faeries about the dolphin,
leaving your main character alone with it. As soon as you are alone with
the dolphin, it spits water at you, soaking you to the bone. You are then
asked if you would like to see the water splashing scene again, this time
without the embellished dialog. After answering the question, Momo and
Nina return to the beach with the three faeries. As the faeries approach
the dolphin and let their guard down, the dolphin lunges forward out of
the water, a huge horn spouting from it's head. The faeries quickly fly
off. Now that you can see more of the dolphin, you can tell it's not the
cute and friendly creature you thought it was. Now that the dolphin has
shown it's true self, it begins an attack on your party. After defeating
the dolphin, return to the shack and one of the faeries will give your
main character a kiss that knocks him flat on his back. After this, the
cocoon in the corner hatches and another faerie emerges. At this point,
leave the Faerie Village(through the ring of flowers) and return to the
world map.

Chapter Twenty Seven
Skipping Stones

    After leaving the Faerie village, return to Eastern Wyndia and make
your way towards the Coffee Shop area. Instead of going into the Coffee
Shop area, enter the "?" area down the path in the trees just to the
Northwest of it(the Coffee Shop). Make sure Peco is in your party when
you enter the "?" area. Once inside the "?" area, have your main
character cut down the three bushes that are blocking the path leading
to the small pond in the center. Once the bushes are cut down, have Peco
run(get a running start) into the rock at the end of the path so that it
is sent flying into the pond. The rock hitting the water causes a faerie
to rise from the pond. The faerie is Meryleep, and she asks that you give
her the Flower Jewel(note, the Flower Jewel is the item you received when
Peco bashed the tree with the bird sitting atop it in the tent "?" area
near Maekyss Gorge) in exchange for her offering her services to you as a
Master. You may also want to have Peco bash the rocks on the ground in
this area, as you may find items underneath them. After retrieving all
the items from this area, and aligning with Meryleep(if necessary),
return to the world map.

Chapter Twenty Eight
Walking Papers

    Once back on the world map, return to the port town of Rhapala and
talk to Beyd(he is at the rear dock with Shadis). Beyd tells you to go
speak to Sinkar at the bar beneath the inn. Upon talking to Sinkar, he
asks if you are going to resume your travels. He tells you that in order
to proceed through Mt. Zublo, you will need a special pass. Having this
pass is the only way that the guards at Mt. Zublo will let you enter
the mountain, and in order to travel past it, you must pass through the
caves within. With this, Sinkar gives you the pass you will need. After
receiving the pass from Sinkar, leave the port town of Rhapala and
return to the world map.

Chapter Twenty Nine
Fire Mountain

    On the world map, proceed to the temple in front of the volcano to the
East. This is Mt. Zublo, the gateway to the Urkan Region. Enter the Mt.
Zublo area, then make your way up the temple steps and follow the walkway
that leads upwards to the right. The guard at the base of the walkway will
let you through now that you have the pass that Sinkar gave you. Upon
reaching the top of the walkway of steps(to the right, the left walkway
is blocked by flowing magma), you will find the cave entrance to Mt.
Zublo. Enter the cave and make your way through the various passages
inside(note, the steam coming from the small holes in the ground, and the
patches of hot magma can hurt you). Inside a chest in the second section
of the caves, you will find a ring of fire protection(gain HP when hit
with fire attacks if equipped). In the third section of the caves, you
will find the "Miracle" dragon gene(towards the upper right corner).
After receiving the Miracle dragon gene, proceed to the Southeastern
section of the cave section you are in(third). Upon trying to cross the
last path through the magma, a drooling, hunchbacked old man walking with
a cane appears and blocks your passage. After a few brief words with him,
he summons two giant magma leeches from the pools of lava on either side
of the path. Your characters then draw their weapons, and the battle to
exit Mt. Zublo begins. After defeating the old man and magma leeches,
exit the third section of the caves within Mt. Zublo through the doorway
at the end of the path ahead of you(where the old man was). Once through
the doorway, walk down the hill(note, there is a Life Shard in a chest
hidden by the wall at the bottom of the hill, rotate the screen to find
it) and exit Mt. Zublo.

Chapter Thirty
Urkan Tapa

    Upon exiting Mt. Zublo, you will be returned to the world map. You
will now be in the Urkan Region. Make sure Garr is in your current party,
then walk down the path leading Northeast and enter Urkan Tapa(block
shaped city with ladders on the outside of it). Once inside Urkan Tapa,
enter the doorway in the dwelling to the right(the Hall of Prayer).
There you will see three people kneeling in prayer, and a robed priest
on the level above them delivering a sermon. The priest's name is
Hondara, and if you meet his requirements, he will offer you his services
as a Master. Hondara requires that a member of your party(doesn't have to
be a current party member) know the skill of "Backhand", which is the
third skill learned from Durandal, the Master that lives in the shack
within the outer walls of Wyndia Castle. If a member of your party has
previously learned this skill, Hondara will ask if you'd like to align a
current party member with him. After aligning with Hondara(if necessary),
climb the ladder behind him to the roof above. Continue upwards by way of
the next ladder, and you will find a large rock blocking the entrance to
the top level. Use Garr to push the rock aside, and enter the doorway
that it was blocking. Once inside, a scene will play out where your
characters meet Sudama, the Urkan Tapa village elder. Sudama recognizes
Garr, and tells him of his next role as a guardian. After hearing this,
leave Urkan Tapa and you will encounter another automatic camp scene,
this one involving Garr discussing his responsibilities to the people of
Urkan Tapa, and of things to come, with your main character... Until
Nina calls them both to bed that is.

Chapter Thirty One
The True Role Of The Guardians

    When you appear on the world map the next morning, proceed to Angel
Tower(semi pyramid shaped temple) just East of Urkan Tapa. Upon entering
the tower area with Garr in your party, the two guards will let you enter
the tower grounds(proceed past them). Make your way up the stairs and
across the upper ledges of the tower. Use the drop spots(the edges of
each ledge can be jumped off of) to reach the stairs on the right side of
the tower. At the foot of the stairs leading up the right side of the
tower, are a set of stairs leading down a hole to a lower chamber. Walk
down these stairs and you will find a nude woman(Deis) sealed within a
pyramid shaped dome of energy. After seeing Deis, return to the tower
above, and proceed up the stairs on the side of it. At the top of this
right hand set of stairs, you will find the entrance to the tower itself.
Enter the tower and proceed down the stairs that you will find inside. At
the bottom of the first set of stairs inside the tower, if you go left
you will come to a dead end. At this dead end you will see a section of
the rear wall that looks different from the rest. If you have Momo in
your current party, use her special action(bazooka) to blast the wall and
reveal a hidden doorway(note, if you do not have Momo in your current
party, you can either return to the world map and camp so you can get her,
or you can come back to Angel Tower later in the game) that leads to a
room with two chests. After finding the two chests in the hidden area,
make your way down through the tower until you reach the long  hallway
with the single stone block at the end of it. Use Garr to push the stone
block back down the hallway to the left(where you came from), and then
push it into the first gap in the upper wall that you come to(not the one
with the door you entered the hallway from). After pushing the stone
block into the gap in the wall, return to the level above and enter the
area where the upper ledge in the hallway is(door at the end of the hall
in the level above). You will find that you can now walk across the top
of the stone block you just pushed into the gap, and reach a chest at the
rear containing a helmet. After receiving the helmet, return to the
hallway below(where you pushed the stone block) and enter the doorway at
the right end of it. In the next room, proceed down the stairs(note, there
is a room to the left, before going down the stairs, that has a chest
containing a Soul Gem in it) and have Garr push the three stone blocks so
that you can climb the steps in the center of the room, and cross over the
tops of them(the blocks) to reach the stairs leading down in the far right
corner(to do this, push the single stone block at the right side of the
room to the left, then downwards against the ledge with the steps leading
down. Next, push the two left most blocks upward so they form a bridge
from the first set of steps to the ledge to the right of them). After
pushing the blocks, and descending the stairs to the next level, Nina(or
whoever your third party member is) is asked to wait above, as only
Garr and your main character are needed at this point. After Nina(or
whoever your third party member is) goes back upstairs, walk to the left
and read the stone plaques in front of the North, East, South and West
sides of the pyramid shaped monument. The plaques list the names of the
guardians who have come before Garr. Upon reading the plaque at the
Western side of the monument, you read Garr's name. Garr then tells you
that the number below each name is the amount of dragons each of the
guardians had slain in the great war. At this point, energy begins to
rise from the now visible bones of dragons scattered about the lower
floor of this chamber. Garr begins to speak to you, but a dragon spirit
then materializes in front of him and stops him. The spirit then vanishes
just as suddenly as it had appeared. Garr then tells you some disturbing
truths about the guardians and their role in the protection of Urkan
Tapa. With this, Garr then draws his weapon. After telling you to prepare
for battle, Garr attacks you. After defeating Garr, the dragon spirit
returns and causes you to change into a Kaiser dragon before Garr. You
then vanish, and a rockfall begins, causing Garr to seek refuge. The
scene then fades.

Chapter Thirty Two
You Can Never Go Home

    Your character is shown wandering in the darkness, being confronted
by visions of the dragon spirit from the monument, and of Teepo(only much
older than when you last saw him), both of which are trying to make you
come to grips with your true destiny, one that lies in the blood of the
dragons which flows through your veins. After the visions, your character
changes into a dragon whelp and returns to the Dauna Mine, from where he
was originally found. Garr is there with him, and despite attempts to
evade him, Garr overcomes you, and knocks you out. You then return to
human form, but something is different, time has passed, and you are now
older. Garr wakes you and leaves a bag of clothing(you were naked when
you returned to human form) for you to wear. After putting the clothes
on(happens during a scene fade), leave the dark section of the mine you
are in, and meet up with Garr in the next section. After talking with
Garr, make your way to the lift at the Southwestern corner of the
level(B3) you are on. Inspect the control panel next to the lift to be
given these selections:
  Ride to level B1 (this leads to an items merchant)
  Ride to level B2 (this leads to the exit from the mine)
Upon choosing which level you'd like to ride to first, you and Garr get
into the lift and are brought to a level above. As you are leaving level
B3, a supernatural entity flickers briefly near the lift controls. Upon
reaching level B2(presumably after going to level B1 and finding the items
merchant if necessary), you will find a room just to the right of the lift
control panel where you can rest and save your progress. After resting
and saving(if necessary), make your way to the room at the end of the
small hallway at the Northeast corner of the main room(where the mine cart
tracks are) on level B2. In this room you will find a steel lock box with
an item in it, but take notice of the wall next to it. Where the wall has
a broken section, with an "X" shaped pieces of wood on it, there is a
hidden door. To open this door(there is a steel box inside that contains
coupons), you will need to use Momo's special action(bazooka), so keep
this room in mind when you eventually meet back up with Momo later in the
game. After taking note of the broken section of the wall, return to the
main room and you will notice a mine cart filled with TNT, and various
levers scattered throughout the room. These levers control the mine cart
track turnoffs. You will also notice an enormous rock blocking a doorway
at the far right side of the room. The object of this room is to flip the
levers so that the mine cart tracks lead towards the rock blocking the
doorway at the far right(note, to get to the steel lock box on the ledge
near the rock, flip the first two track turnoff levers, then have Garr
push the TNT filled mine cart. It will roll down the tracks and stop in
the gap between the bottom ledge and the ledge with the steel lock box.
You can then walk up the bottom ledge and cross over the top of the mine
cart to reach the steel lock box, which contains a more powerful sword
for your main character. After getting the sword, use Garr to push the
mine cart back to it's starting position, then finish positioning the
levers correctly). Once the tracks are aligned so that the mine cart can
be pushed towards the large rock, use Garr to send it on it's way(note,
you'll have to align the last section of the track after the mine cart
is pushed towards the rock, as it stops just before the final section of
track). Once the mine cart hits the rock, the TNT inside detonates, and
the rock is destroyed. At this point, the supernatural entity you saw
briefly on level B1 appears on the ledge just behind Garr. As the entity
calls out to Garr, it shows it's true self, that of a Dragon Zombie. It
tries to sway your main character into killing Garr by telling you what
the guardians have done, but you will hear none of it. The battle against
the Dragon Zombie then begins. After inflicting a certain amount of
damage on the Dragon Zombie, it changes into another of the dragon genes,
which rolls off the ledge and lands at your main character's feet. You
then take possession of the "Shadow" dragon gene. After receiving the
Shadow dragon gene, another spirit, this one of a winged woman, appears
in a burst of bright light. With a point of her hand towards your main
character, she too turns into another of the dragon genes. You then take
possession of the "Fusion" dragon gene. After receiving the Fusion dragon
gene, proceed through the doorway that was previously blocked by the
large rock(note, you may want to save your progress at this point). Once
through the doorway, proceed down the tunnel towards the South(the ladder
at the Eastern end goes nowhere) and enter the door on the platform at
the end of it. Continue through the tunnels until you come to a gap in
the ground that you cannot cross. At this point, enter the room just to
the side, and flip the lever that you will find inside three times. This
will raise a platform that will allow you to cross the gap. After
crossing the gap, exit the tunnel by the doorway just beyond.

Chapter Thirty Three
Destiny Calls

    Once outside the mine tunnels, one of the mine workers recognizes
Garr. Garr tells him of what happened in the mine. As Garr is talking to
the mine worker, your main character starts to feel drained, and
collapses to his knees. The mine worker suggests going to see the foreman
about your pay, in one of the houses below. At this point, walk to the
house on the left and enter it. Garr will speak to the foreman, then both
of your characters will leave the house. Next, leave the mining area, and
you will encounter another automatic camp scene, in which your main
character awakens from a terrible nightmare involving his past. As you
come out of the tent, and talk to Garr who is sitting by the fire, he
tells you that the two of you must make your way down through the
mountains and head back towards Angel Tower. The scene then fades.

Chapter Thirty Four
Reunion With Emitai

    Upon returning to the world map, walk down the road and enter the "?"
area where there is a house next to the mine tracks(just East of the
Dauna Mine). Once inside the "?" area, walk up the hill and enter the
house. Inside you will find a purple haired man dressed in rags near the
chimney. This man is Emitai(one of the contestants you defeated in the
Genmel Arena long ago). Talk to Emitai and he will ask you for 10,000z.
If you give him the 10,000z, he will offer his services as a Master to
you and your party. After aligning with Emitai(if necessary), leave the
"?" area and return to the world map.

Chapter Thirty Five
Syn City

    Proceed Southwest through Dauna Hills, and you will come to what
looks like a wooden platform surrounding a small mountain on three sides.
The small mountain is in the center of a group of larger mountains. This
is Syn City, enter it and purchase all the items/equipment that your
characters need(if necessary). There is a bum sitting against one of the
merchant's stands that will give you information on a variety of topics
for a small fee(note, he asks for 20z each time you wish to speak to him.
Choose the top choice to give it to him when asked). After purchasing
what you need from the merchants in Syn City, return to the world map.

Chapter Thirty Six
Trouble On Ogre Road

    Once back on the world map, walk towards the Northeast, but before
crossing the bridge, head to the South and walk down the path next to the
fence that leads into the forest area. This is the Ogre Road. Enter the
forest area, and make your way towards the exit to Ogre Road at the
Southern end of it. About halfway through the woods, you will find three
fernlike plants(Horseradish) growing in a swampy area. Cut them down
using your main character's special action(sword swipe) and you will
receive them as items in your inventory(note, these will be important
later, as you will need them to progress in the game). After cutting
down, and receiving the Horseradish plants, continue on your journey
down the Ogre Road(note, there are chests containing useful items in the
woods as well). Just beyond the area where you found the Horseradish
plants, your characters come face to face with a monster. The monster is
a were-tiger, and without provocation, it attacks your party. After
inflicting a certain amount of damage on the were-tiger, it runs off
into the woods. Once this happens, make your way out of the woods by way
of the exit to Ogre Road to the South.

Chapter Thirty Seven
Up The Hill Backwards

    Once back out on the world map(now in Yraall Region), continue down
the road to the Southeast. You will soon come to another mountain
range(Mt. Levett). Enter Mt. Levett, and make your way through it(note,
there are chests with useful items in them that you can find here as
well). At the top of the first hill, there is a hole to the right(you
can't see it until you walk on the spot where it is located). After
making your way through Mt. Levett, and exiting to the East, you will
return to the world map.

Chapter Thirty Eight

    After crossing Mt. Levett, return to Yraall Road(you can't go any
further than this point). Enter Yraall Road, and you will find that the
road to Wyndia has been blocked. Talk to the Knight at the roadblock,
and you will learn that the King has put up the roadblock in order to
stop a food smuggler. After learning this, proceed North towards McNeil

Chapter Thirty Nine
McNeil In Hot Water

    After proceeding North from Yraall Road, you will be returned to the
world map. Proceed to McNeil Town, where once you enter it, Garr suggests
that the two of you get some rest. Go to the McNeil Town inn, where you
will find the innkeeper standing outside the front door. Talk to her and
you will be brought inside. The innkeeper tells you that the were-tiger
that you saw on Ogre Road has been seen in Cedar Woods. You are then
given a free night's room and board. After resting, leave the inn and
you will notice that all the townspeople of McNeil are being questioned
about McNeil himself(the man), by the Wyndia guards. Leave McNeil Town
and return to the tree house in Cedar Woods where you lived briefly with
Rei and Teepo.

Chapter Forty

    Once you reach the area where the tree house is, you see a brief
flashback involving what happened to Rei just after the battle against
Balio and Sunder. After the flashback, start to walk up the path to the
tree house. Your main character will ask Garr to wait below while he
goes to the tree house. A growling is heard. As you walk towards the tree
house, the growling grows louder. As you reach the turn in the path that
leads behind the tree house, you see Rei. Rei talks to you of your
meeting on Ogre Road, and of some unfinished business at Syn City in
Dauna Hills. Shortly after, Rei leaps from the tree house with a mighty
roar and disappears into the forest. Leave the tree house yourself, and
return down the path to where Garr is waiting. Speak to Garr, then return
to the world map.

Chapter Forty One
Catching Up

    Next, make your way to the farm(wheat field) below McNeil Town and
enter it. From the wheat field, follow the road to the East and make
your way to McNeil House. Once you enter the McNeil House area, you will
see McNeil himself, bound, and being led away by a group of Wyndia
guardsmen. The guards are under the command of none other than Nina, who
tells them to take McNeil to the dungeons at Wyndia Castle. After giving
the guards their orders, Nina notices you. She comes over to say hello.
Nina has aged, just as you have, and is shocked by how you look. After
the guards leave with McNeil, Nina, Garr and your main character spend
some time in the pasture next to McNeil House catching up on what has
happened since last they met. After talking to Nina about Syn City in
Dauna Hills, she rejoins your party. As you leave the pasture to return
towards McNeil House, a shadowy figure leaps unnoticed from a nearby
tree. A familiar growl is heard as well. At this point, return to the
world map.

Chapter Forty Two
Going Back To Syn City

    From the world map, return to Yraall Road and have Nina speak to the
guards that are at the roadblock preventing you from heading towards
Wyndia. After speaking to them, exit Yraall Road by the Western turnoff
road, and return with Nina to Syn City in Dauna Hills(note, you will need
to re-cross Mt. Levett in Yraall Region).

Chapter Forty Three
Has Rei Gone Berserk

    Once you enter Syn City with Nina, you behold a terrible sight. There
is blood everywhere. People are lying hurt, in shock, or dead all around
the market. Make your way through the market, past the now lowered gate,
and proceed to the room at the opposite end of it(the entrance to the
room looks like a snarling cat's mouth). Once you enter the room, talk to
the bleeding man against the rear wall. He will tell you that the person
who did this went towards the house at the checkpoint to the North(on the
world map, to the North of Syn City, and West of the Dauna Mine, house
with large gate next to it). Could Rei have done this terrible deed?
After talking to the wounded man, and getting the item(Old Painting) from
the chest, leave the room. Nina voices her suspicions of Rei once you are
in the hall outside the room. After hearing Nina out, make your way out
of Syn City.

Chapter Forty Four
Everything Is Not As It Seems

    From Syn City, walk to the Northwest and enter the area where the
checkpoint is(house next to the giant wall) to try and find the person
who is responsible for what happened at Syn City. As soon as you enter
the area, the were-tiger jumps from the hill to your side. Soon after,
the were-tiger changes into Rei, and he then confronts a large man
wearing a red cape(Mikba). As Mikba tries to walk away from Rei, a knife
is thrown by his shoulder, hitting the large gate by the house. Mikba
turns to face Rei, who is enraged at him. After a few brief words, Rei
slashes him in the chest with one of his knives. Rei then notices you,
and talks to you of his new strength. As Rei is talking to your party,
Mikba mutates into a large creature weilding an axe. Mikba then strikes
Rei, who falls to the ground. At this point, your party rushes to aid Rei
in his battle against Mikba. You are then given the option of re-choosing
the members of your current battle party(note, you cannot remove Rei, or
your main character, as they must take part in this battle). After
choosing your battle party, you will be asked to re-choose your battle
formation. After selecting these two things, you are returned to the
battle to face Mikba. After defeating Mikba, he reverts back to human
form and dies. Rei then regains consciousness(if you did not revive him
during the battle with Mikba. Note, if you do revive Rei during the
battle, he will revert to his were-tiger form) and fills in your party
with the details of him becoming a were-tiger. At this point, Rei
officially rejoins your party(you are again asked to select current
party members). Once Rei has rejoined your party, enter the house that
you just fought Mikba in front of. Use Rei to pick the lock on the locked
door inside to gain access to a room with a chest containing a new
fishing rod(note, the boxes in this room contain items as well). After
receiving the fishing rod and the items from the boxes, leave the room
and return to the world map.

Chapter Forty Five
Going Back To Plant

    Once back on the world map, make your way to Eygnock Road, in front
of Wyndia Castle. After entering Eygnock Road, Nina, Garr and your main
character discuss what to do next. It is decided that they must travel to
Plant, so once you regain control of your characters, make your way to
the scientific community.

Chapter Forty Six
Momo, Part Two

    Upon entering Plant, make your way to the area where you first saw
Peco(where the large steel building is). After stepping off the final
conveyor belt, and reaching the area with the steel building, you see
Honey stop her activities and run over to Momo, who is welding a valve on
the chrysm reactor to the left. As Honey tells Momo that she has
visitors, Momo turns to see who it is. Unfortunately Momo doesn't
recognize you, and returns to her welding. Honey then tells Momo who you
are. With a startled look, Momo yells your name. It's been a long time,
and you look so different. With that, Momo goes with you to the sleeping
quarters of the Plant hotel to catch up with you and Nina on what's been
going on. Nina asks Momo to rejoin your party, to help with the current
situation in Plant, and after calling Honey over, she accepts(Momo is
now officially a member of your party again, from this point on). Leave
the hotel, and as you walk outside, Momo tells you that Peco has been
spending his time with Yggdrasil, the Tree of Wisdom. After learning
this, leave Plant and return to the world map.

Chapter Forty Seven
At One With Nature

    Enter the "?" area where Yggdrasil, the Tree of Wisdom is(next to
Plant), and you will see Peco, animals all around him, talking to the
tree Master. Momo walks forward and talks to Peco about rejoining the
party to help out with something in Plant. Peco agrees, and after he
becomes a member of your party, you are given the option of re-choosing
your current party members(note, put Peco and Momo in your current party,
as you will need them in Plant shortly). After Peco rejoins your party,
return to the scientific community of Plant.

Chapter Forty Eight
Breaking Glass

    After returning to Plant with Peco and Momo in your party, proceed
towards the two greenhouses in the upper left section. You will notice
that the greenhouses are filled with a strange green gas(chrysm gas).
Your objective here, is to find a way to release the gas from the two
greenhouses. In order to release the gas from the greenhouses, make your
way to the ledges above them, where you will find several small rocks.
Using Peco's special action(bash), position a rock on each of the two
"X" marks written in the sand at the edge of each overlooking ledge(there
is one above each greenhouse). Once the rocks have been properly placed,
still using Peco, get a running start and run into each of the rocks that
you placed on an "X"(note, the further away that you start running from
the rocks, the further the rocks will travel when hit. Also, turning Peco
will not stop the momentum he has built up). If you've gotten a good
enough running start(and placed the rocks properly), when Peco bashes the
rocks(happens automatically upon impact, no need to hit the special
action button) they will be sent flying off the ledges and smash through
the large window on the top of each of the greenhouses. Once each
greenhouse is broken open, and the chrysm gas escapes, a terrible
rumbling occurs and your attention is drawn to the steel building nearby.
The smoke coming from the two smokestacks in the steel building,
suddenly turns to the same type of chrysm gas that you just released from
the two greenhouses. Upon regaining control of your characters, proceed
to the steel building where the gas is now coming from the smokestacks
and enter it. Once inside, have Momo use her special action(bazooka) to
shoot the furnace against the back wall. Doing this will reveal a room
with a ladder leading to a new area.

Chapter Forty Nine
The Roots Of Plant

    After your characters descend into the facility beneath Plant, you
will notice that certain locked doors have the numbers one thru four
stenciled on them. To unlock and open these doors, you will need to have
Momo access the correct computer terminals for each door in the computer
control room(to the right of the ladder you entered the facility from). In
order for Momo to access the computer terminals, you must have previously
discovered the particular computer's password(note, upon entering the
computer control room, the computer that you currently need to access,
will be turned on with a red number showing on the screen. Once the
correct password has been entered, the number will turn from red to green,
and the next computer you need to access will light up). The passwords can
be found in the various rooms of the facility(note, the password to
computer number one does not need to be found, as when you access it with
Momo, she guesses the password correctly). After opening the number one
marked doors(note, when a numbered door is unlocked, all doors marked with
the same number will unlock as well, unless another computer is nearby.
Also, make note of the fact that there is a rest and save room behind the
computer control room. To rest, inspect one of the beds, and you will be
asked if you would like to rest. After resting(you will be asked whether
or not you would like to save your progress in the game), make your way
to the room past the second number one marked door(there is a computer
with a number two on it's screen here as well). Once in this room,
proceed down the stairs at the lower right corner of it. They will lead
to a radiation filled room that you can enter, but only for brief periods
of time(you will be brought back to the top of the stairs after about
fifteen seconds). In this radiation filled room, you will find another
plant bud sample, similar to Peco, in one of the garden terrariums(top
right of room). Inspect the plant bud to learn the password for the
computer to open the number two marked doors. After inspecting the plant
bud and learning the password for the computer terminal that controls the
locks on the number two marked doors, return to the computer control
room(note, you cannot use the number two marked computer in the room
above the radiation filled room until you access the one marked number
two in the computer control room first) and have Momo access the number
two marked computer terminal. After Momo inputs the password(this happens
automatically upon inspecting the computer terminal), the main number two
marked door opens, and the terminal in the room above the radiation
filled room becomes usable. Make your way back to the computer terminal
in the room above the radiation filled room, and have Momo access the
terminal. Once she does, the door next to it will open. Enter the room
and you will find a steel box containing a piece of armor. After
receiving the armor, leave the room and proceed through the number two
marked door that Momo opened by accessing the computer terminal in the
computer control room. Once through the door, you will see another door
marked with a number two directly to your right. Proceed through this
door as well. This second door leads to a small thin blocked off area of
a room where all you can reach is a blue lever. Pull the lever to turn
the power on to the console terminals in the large part of the room you
are in(on the opposite side of the duct you are behind). After pulling
the lever, return to the previous room and descend the stairs in the left
corner of the upper balcony that you are on(near the number three marked
computer terminal). Once down the stairs, you will be able to climb onto
the gray ducts that run above the lower rooms. Follow the ducts upwards
and you will find a memo on top of the machinery that the ducts lead to.
Read the memo(the memo says, "repair notes: Unit 3 out of order, adjust
pressure counter by +10), then return to where you first climbed onto the
ducts(above the radiation filled room). Once back, enter the doorway
behind the crane, and you will find a room with more ducts that you can
climb onto, and a conveyor belt leading to an upper area. If you walk
around behind the ducts, you will find another memo on the ground in the
corner. Read the memo, and you will learn the password for the number
three marked computer terminal in the computer control room. After
reading the memo, climb onto the ducts that you are standing behind, and
follow them upwards to the right. At the end of this series of ducts, you
will find the "Force" dragon gene. After receiving the Force dragon gene,
return to the room where you found the last memo(the one that contained
the password). Once back, ride the conveyor belt to the upper area to the
right, and exit through the door that is there. In the next room, you
will find a chest containing a more powerful weapon for Momo, and also
another conveyor belt. After receiving the weapon, ride the conveyor belt
back to the main hallway of the facility. Once back in the main
hallway(the hall where you originally entered the facility), return to
the computer control room and have Momo access the number three marked
computer terminal. Once Momo accesses the terminal, the number three
marked door in the large room off the main hallway will open. Proceed
through the number three marked door that you just opened, and you will
enter the larger portion of the room where you turned on the power to the
console terminals by way of flipping a lever earlier. After inspecting
the three lower chrysm pressure terminals(objects with green lit
screens), walk to the door at the rear of the room. Just as you approach
it, there is a loud rumbling and the door opens, gas then leaks into the
room you are in. Enter the now open door, and you will witness many
larvae climbing through a vent in the floor, and forming together into a
giant slug like creature. Once formed, the creature attacks your party.
After defeating the creature, return to the previous room(where the
terminals are) and make your way up the stairs to the left. At the top of
the stairs, you will find a yellow book, two more console terminals, and
a chest containing a Wisdom Ring(Intelligence up). After receiving the
ring, read the yellow book(it tells you to align the terminals from
lowest to highest to find the next password. Note, don't forget to add
ten to the third terminal's readout, as the memo you found earlier told
you to) and inspect the two new terminals. After doing this, return to
the computer control room and have Momo access the number four marked
computer terminal. She will be given the following password
choices(note, there are two screens worth of selections):
  First screen:
    Other(go to next screen)

  Second screen:
    Other(go back to previous screen)

The correct password is 1-3-2-5-4, which is on the second selection
screen. After choosing the correct password, the door marked with the
number four will unlock and open(note, the door is after the halls behind
the rest and save room). Proceed through the now unlocked door marked with
the number four, and you will come to a balcony overlooking the room with
the chrysm pressure terminals. Proceed across the duct in this room, and
descend the ladder on the other side(to the right). Once down the ladder,
you will see Palet again. He flips a lever, and starts the large
generator behind him running. After a moment it stops. Your characters
then confront him about his activities. He seems nervous as he tries to
explain himself. At the end of his explanation(he is trying to reanimate
his dead mother), he takes out a beaker, and drinks the chemicals from
it. Soon afterwards, he is mutated into a giant mushroom type creature,
with an enormous two colored brain(Shroom). You must then fight the
creature. After defeating the creature that Palet became, your task will
be to stop the generator. To do this, inspect the blue lever and choose
to cut the switch. After stopping the generator, leave the facility by
way of the ladder under the steel building(same way you entered it), and
return to Plant. From Plant, return to the world map, and you will
encounter another automatic camp scene, in which Momo decides to journey
East with your party.

Chapter Fifty
A Dysfunctional Family

    After the camp scene, return to Wyndia Castle. Nina, Rei and your
main character will enter the castle grounds(no matter who you have in
your current party). Nina asks Rei to accompany her into the castle, and
also that your main character wait outside at the camp. With that, your
main character heads back to the world map, and you take control of Nina
and Rei. Proceed to the fountain at the right, and speak to the tall
teenager standing in the front. These are the same four children that you
had to find when Nina and your main character escaped from Wyndia Castle
long ago:
  Bais, tall boy(leader)
  Lang, fat boy
  Wynn, tall girl
  Lee,  short girl(sitting)
Bais will ask you if you are up for a game of hide and seek. After
answering yes, he tells you that the four of them(teenagers) will hide in
various locations throughout the lands(could be anywhere), and that if you
find any of them, they will make it worth your while. After he explains
the challenge to you, you are asked if you need anymore hints. After
telling him that you don't need anymore hints, the four teenagers leave
to hide. If you find any of them, they will return to the fountain in the
lower level of the Wyndia Castle grounds(where you are now). After they
are found, if you talk to them at the fountain, they will offer you their
services as Masters(note, you must finish the present Wyndia Castle
scenario first, they will not become Masters until afterwards. You also
have to have found all four of them in order to use any of them as a
Master). The four teenagers can be found in the following locations(note,
you will have to wait until after you leave Wyndia Castle to begin
searching for three of the four of them):
  Bais:  Level B3 of the Dauna Mine
  Lang:  In the Royal Tomb beneath Wyndia Castle
  Wynn:  Behind a hut in Junk Town
  Lee:   Behind(waterside) wall leading to the bridge that connects
           Eastern Wyndia to the Rhapala Region
Once the four teenagers have hidden, proceed to the main entrance to
Wyndia Castle(the door on the upper balcony). Once there, have Nina speak
to the guard in front of the door and you will be brought inside. After
speaking with the King about what happened in Plant, proceed upstairs and
talk to the Queen with Nina. After speaking with the Queen, who tells you
that she doesn't want you to go away anymore, proceed downstairs to the
floor above the kitchen(note, if you go to Nina's bedroom and have Rei
attempt to open her bureau, Nina gets embarrassed and stops him, as there
are ladies private things inside :) . Once downstairs, Nina suggests going
to the kitchen. At this point, Honey comes down the stairs, and Nina
decides to carry her for safekeeping. At this point walk up the stairs,
and you will be sent to the dining area, where Rei is given a passport,
and the King and Queen are sitting down to dinner. After a long argument
between Nina and her parents, Nina and Rei run off. They are stopped from
escaping by way of the main door, so they run back downstairs, Honey
leading the way. Rei wonders that if they can't make it to the balcony,
how will they get out of the castle. Honey then runs down to the kitchen.
Follow Honey to the kitchen level. In the kitchen, one of the chefs tells
you that Honey went downstairs to the wine cellar, so follow Honey's lead
and continue downstairs. Once in the wine cellar, you see Honey jump down
the ladder in the corner to the level below. Continue following Honey.
Once down the ladder, you see Honey trying desperately to smash open a
locked door. As Nina distracts the nearby guard, Rei picks the lock on
the door Honey is trying to open. Rei and Honey then run inside the room.
Inside the room is a teleportation device, and Honey knows the navigation
code needed to start it working. After Honey enters the navigation code
needed to start the portal drive(teleporter), it activates, and Honey
hurries into the transport field and escapes. Rei then goes back out the
door to get Nina, who is about to be swarmed by the Queen and her guards.
After a final attempt at making her mother understand why she needs to
continue the journey with your characters, Nina and Rei run into the
unlocked room and escape by way of the teleporter.

Chapter Fifty One
A Quick Getaway

    Rei and Nina appear on another teleport pad, in a room where Honey is
waiting for them. Upon climbing up the ladder in the rear, you find that
this teleport room(where they came out) is directly beneath Durandal's
shack between the outer walls of Wyndia Castle.

Chapter Fifty Two
Beats Walking

    Once you have escaped Wyndia Castle by way of the teleporter, you can
return to Wyndia Castle at any time by way of certain teleport pads. The
teleport pad in the basement of Wyndia Castle is "Relay Point B", and all
the teleports that are linked to it are now operational. If you return to
the teleport pad in the basement of Wyndia Castle, you can change the
destination that you will appear in once you teleport from Relay Point B,
by resetting the controls on the portal drive(teleport) control panel(the
panel that Honey put the navigation code into) next to the teleporter.
Your choices(listed when you access the control panel) are:
  Dauna Hills Region(basement of Emitai's house)
  Yraall Region(house next to Mt. Levett)
  Wyndia(basement of Durandal's shack)
  Relay Point A(unavailable until later in the game)

Chapter Fifty Three
Back With Her Friends

    Upon leaving Durandal's shack and returning to the world map, you
are sent to another automatic camp scene where Rei and Nina fill your
other party members in on what happened inside Wyndia Castle.

Chapter Fifty Four
Back Through The Eastern Checkpoint

    After the camp scene, you are given the opportunity to re-choose your
current party members. After doing this, enter the checkpoint where the
bridge is that runs from Eastern Wyndia to the Rhapala Region. Once
inside, approach the guards at the entrance gate to the bridge. Talk to
them and they will let you cross the bridge(note, Lee is hiding behind
the gate to the left).

Chapter Fifty Five
Look Ma, No Hands

    After crossing the bridge and entering the Rhapala Region, enter the
port town of Rhapala. Once in the port town, seek out Shadis at one of
the rear docks and speak to her. It seems that her and Beyd have had a
child since you have last seen them. As you are there, you witness Beyd
and Shadis' child take it's first steps.

Chapter Fifty Six
An Audience With Sudama

    After speaking with Shadis, make your way to Urkan Tapa(note, you
must cross the temple at Mt. Zublo in order to reach it. You don't have
to go through Mt. Zublo itself, as the lava flow has stopped, allowing
you to cross at the top of the left hand path of steps) and bring Garr
in to speak with Sudama(the village elder). After Garr speaks with
Sudama, leave Urkan Tapa and proceed to Angel Tower to the Southeast.

Chapter Fifty Seven
Garr's Quest Begins

    Once you arrive at Angel Tower(make sure you still have Garr in your
party), have Garr lead your party up the front stairs(note, the guards
will only allow you to pass if Garr is leading the party). At the top of
the tower, Garr, one of the last of the guardians, prays to the gods. The
sky grows dark, and Garr is told that in order to speak to god, he must
first resurrect Deis(the girl sealed beneath the energy pyramid in the
chamber below the tower). The way to do this can be found by journeying
to see another of the guardians, guardian Gaist. In a flash, everything
returns to normal. Garr knows what must be done, he must resurrect Deis,
and to do so, he must seek out guardian Gaist. After Garr is finished
telling your party members of what they now face, leave Angel Tower and
return to the world map.

Chapter Fifty Eight

    Once back on the world map, enter Urkan Tapa and have Garr speak with
Sudama again. Sudama gives you information about Gaist. After learning
about guardian Gaist, leave Urkan Tapa and return to the world map.

Chapter Fifty Nine
High Tide

    On the world map, make your way Southwest, and follow the path that
runs along the shore of the Southern sea. After a bit of walking(the path
leads back into the Rhapala Region), you will come to an area known as
the Tidal Caves(note, you can go no further down the path once you reach
the Tidal Caves). The Tidal Caves are a series of caves that are affected
by the high and low tides of the sea. Enter the Tidal Caves and walk past
the fishman who is sitting on the ground next to a cave entrance, eating
his lunch. As soon as you pass the fishman, the ground begins to rumble.
This rumbling is the tide going out. Make your way through the caves(note,
whenever you hear this rumbling, it is the tide going in or out. Depending
on the tide, there will be chests in various sections of the caves that
you will be able to reach). When the tide is in, you will be able to use
rafts to explore different sections of the caves that you would otherwise
not be able to reach. To gain access to the raft, use your main
character's special action(sword swipe) to cut the rope and lower the
section of the dock that leads to it(the raft). In order to proceed
through the caves, the tide must be out, as you will need to enter the
lower caves, and these caves are below sea level when the tide is in.
Once you have successfully made your way through the caves, and have
exited back onto the shore, you will find the "Gross" dragon gene. After
receiving the Gross dragon gene, leave the Tidal Caves, and return to
the world map.

Chapter Sixty
A Fitting End For A Guardian

    Once back on the world map, continue South, and at the end of the path
you will find the village of Cliff. With Garr in your current party,
enter the village of Cliff and make your way into the cave at the
Western end of the second tier. Upon entering this cave, you will meet
Gaist. After Garr discusses reviving Deis with him, Gaist asks to have
a word with your main character. At this point, Garr and your other
party member leave the cave so that Gaist will be able to speak to you
privately. Once Gaist has spoken to you, leave his cave and speak to
Garr, who is standing on the path just outside. Garr tells you that you
have been chosen to battle Gaist. You are then asked if you will accept
this challenge. After answering yes, return to Gaist's cave and speak
with him. He will ask you if you are ready to challenge him. After
answering yes, Gaist tells you to step into the center of the two flames
at the exit hallway to his cave. Once you step between the two
flames(note, you must be directly in the center of them), they emit
energy which surrounds Gaist. Your battle against Gaist then begins(note,
Gaist turns into a demon that is aligned with fire. The two flames on
either side of your character will heal Gaist during the battle. Destroy
the flames first to stop this from happening). After defeating Gaist,
with his dying breath, he tells you what you need to know about Deis(that
with his death the seal at Angel Tower can now be broken). Your other two
party members then enter the cave. Garr goes to his fellow guardian's
side, and before your eyes, Gaist turns to ash. Inspect the ashes to
receive Gaist's spear, the Beast Spear. The Beast Spear is extremely
powerful, but the power comes at a price, as the user loses a small
amount of HP every battle turn that the Beast Spear is equipped(note,
only Garr can use the Beast Spear). At this point, make your way out of
Cliff and return to the world map.

Chapter Sixty One
Deis Revived

    Once back on the world map, with Garr still in your party, return to
Angel Tower. Once there, make your way to the chamber beneath the
tower(stairs leading down at the right side of the tower). As soon as
you enter the lower chamber, the seal that Deis is encased under will be
lifted, and Deis will be revived. Upon her revival, Deis calls for Garr
to step closer. Once he does, Deis unleashes her anger at the guardians
on him in the form of a severe beating. For five hundred years Deis has
remained sealed in this crypt beneath the tower, and now she is free.
With this, she gives Garr another good whack. Deis then tells your main
character(in the form of a flashback) what Garr, Gaist, and the other
guardians did to the others of your species(the Brood). After informing
you of this, Deis tells you that she will now travel to Mt. Zublo, and
if you need her, she will be in the temple at the base of it(the Cave
of Ages). With that said, she vanishes.

Chapter Sixty Two
The Power Within

    At this point, make your way to the temple at Mt. Zublo. Once there,
enter the temple(Cave of Ages) by the doorway where the guards are.
Inside you will find a wall at the end of a short walkway. Inspect the
wall with your main character, and the wall will emit energy. Your main
character then dematerializes and is sucked into the chamber beyond the
wall. Once your main character materializes in the inner chamber, Deis,
in her true form, walks out of the shadows and steps onto a platform in
the center of the room. She then addresses your character. You are told
that in the human form you saw her in originally, she wasn't able to use
her powers to their full extent. At this point, choose the bottom
choice(note, by choosing the bottom choice, you will have the opportunity
to acquire Deis' services as a Master later in the game). Garr then
materializes next to you. Deis then creates a symbol out of energy, and
with it, she draws a hidden power(Prana, the Eye of God) that was buried
deep within you to the surface. This power will point you in the
direction of the guardian's god. After releasing this new power in you,
Deis speaks a few brief words to you and Garr. You are then sent back to
the temple's inner walkway(Note, if had any character other than Nina as
your third party member, Nina will now be waiting in the inner walkway
instead of your third party member). At this point, make your way out of
the Cave of Ages at Mt. Zublo, and return to the world map.

Chapter Sixty Three
Won't You Take Me To... Junk Town

    After leaving the Cave of Ages at Mt. Zublo, make your way back to
the Urkan Region. Once in the Urkan Region, proceed to Junk Town. Junk
Town is the town located to the North of Urkan Tapa on the world map. It
is surrounded on three sides by piles of rubble. Enter Junk Town and
proceed to it's lower level. Talk to Beyd and the sailors who are
standing at the lower gate, talking to the guard. Beyd and the sailors
have come to get their boat back. The guard directs Beyd and his crew to
the docks, which are through this lower exit and to the West. After
getting this information from the guard, Beyd and company leave Junk Town
through the lower exit(note, Wynn, one of the teenagers from the Wyndia
Castle grounds, is hiding behind one of the lower huts here in Junk Town.
Find her before you leave Junk Town, and she will return to the Wyndia
Castle grounds and await your return so she can offer you her services as
a Master) and proceed to the docks to the West.

Chapter Sixty Four
Row, Row, Row Your Boat

    Enter the docks area with Momo in your current party, and make your
way to the boat docked at the Southern end. Beyd and his men are there
talking to a mechanic. It seems the boat's engine is damaged, and the boat
is not in any shape to travel. At this point, Beyd notices your party and
you step forward to speak with him. Once you regain control of your
characters, have Momo talk to Beyd. Momo suggests taking over as the
ship's engineer, and goes to take a look at what the problem may be. Once
in the ship's engine room, Momo gives the ship's engine a quick glance,
then jumps up on top of it to get a better look. Shortly after this, Momo
calls you over. She has figured out what's wrong, and has drawn a small
diagram of the parts that she will need to do the necessary repairs. After
you receive the diagram, the mechanic suggests asking the guildmen where
the best places to find the necessary parts are. After finding this out,
leave the boat(Momo stays behind to work on the engine), and speak to the
man on the dock(this happens automatically). After speaking with the man
on the dock(he tells you to go back to Junk Town and speak to the
guildmaster), leave the dock area and return to the world map.

Chapter Sixty Five
A Private Beach

    Once back on the world map, you will be prompted to pick another party
member to replace Momo. After choosing your third party member, return to
Junk Town and enter the top left hut on the lower level(to the right of
where you found Wynn). Once inside the hut, speak to the man standing at
the table wearing a headband. The man will give you permission to enter
Steel Beach(where you need to go to find the parts for the boat). Once
you have his permission to enter Steel Beach, leave Junk Town by the
lower exit and return to the world map.

Chapter Sixty Six
Which Gene?

    Once on the world map, walk West from Junk Town, and you will see a
cave. This cave is the entrance to Steel Beach. Instead of entering the
cave, continue down the path to the Southwest that runs along the
peninsula. At the end of the peninsula, you will come to a "?" area where
there is a wooden house. Enter the wooden house "?" area and look inside
the house that is there. Behind the sheet hanging at the back of the room
inside the house, you will find the "???" dragon gene. After receiving the
??? dragon gene, leave the house, and "?" area, and return to the world

Chapter Sixty Seven
A Day At The Beach

    Return to the cave at the beginning of the peninsula, and enter it
with Garr in your current party. Once in the cave, proceed past the
guard, towards the lit doorway. The guard, seeing that you have the
guildmaster's permission, lets you pass. You then enter Steel Beach. Once
inside, walk down the beach to the Northeastern corner. There you will
find the "Mutant" dragon gene. After receiving the Mutant dragon gene,
have Garr speak to the foreman(the large bull wearing the hat, standing
at the side of the wench). The foreman suggests a rope pulling competition
between himself and Garr. To do the rope pulling competition, when the
monkey raises the white flag, it's the foreman's turn. When he raises the
red flag, it's Garr's turn. Rapidly press the "X" button only when it's
Garr's turn. Do not press the button while it is the foreman's turn, or
you will be disqualified. You must also keep within two meters of your
competitor, or the competition will end. Just before the competition is
to begin, you will be asked if you are ready(note, if you answer wait,
you will be given the option of seeing the instructions for the
competition again). After answering to begin, the competition starts.
During the course of the competition, you will pull in a giant Angler
fish creature. The Angler crawls onto the beach and attacks your party.
After defeating the fish, parts for the boat appear on the beach area,
and the guard will now let you enter the freighter to the left. There are
also parts for the boat within the freighter. You will find these parts,
necessary for repairing the boat, in the following locations(note, you
will need to raise and lower the lifts in the bottom of the freighter to
find all the parts hidden inside):
  Part A: in the water in front of the wench
  Part H: on the beach against the cliff, behind the wench
  Part B: hidden in a junk pile on the beach
  Part F: on the beach on the side of the man welding the freighter
  Part G: against the cliff in front of the freighter
  Part C: in the top right corner of the base of the freighter
  Part D: at the foot of the center lift in the freighter
  Part A: on the crate at the bottom right corner of the base of the
  Part H: behind the girder in front of the center lift in the freighter
  Part G: at the foot of the left-most lift in the freighter
  Part C: on the side of the crate at the bottom left of the freighter
  Part E: on the side of the top left-most crate in the freighter
  Part C: on a crate towards the top left of the base of the freighter.
            You need to raise the lift high to reach this part
  Part F: on one of the top left crates at the base of the freighter.
            You need to have the lift at it's low point to reach this part
  Part B: on the upper walkway in the freighter, near the locked door
  Part D: inside the freighter, near the entrance
There is also a chest hidden on the side of the top left-most crate at the
base of the freighter. Once you have found all the parts needed to
repair the boat, leave Steel Beach and return to the dock area.

Chapter Sixty Eight
Fighting The Current

    Once back at the dock, make your way to the engine room of the boat.
When you enter the engine room, speak to Momo(walk towards her) and she
will ask you to give her the parts needed to repair the boat. You will
then be presented with a list of all the parts you found at Steel Beach.
Press "Triangle" to exit the repair screen, press "Square" to check the
diagram that Momo gave you, and press "X" to give the desired part to
Momo. The parts you need to give Momo are as follows:
  Part A = 2
  Part C = 3
  Part D = 2
  Part F = 1
  Part H = 2
After giving Momo all the parts necessary for repairing the boat, Beyd
and your main character head up to the ship's bridge. Once on the bridge,
Momo calls up from the engine room that she has fixed the engine. Shortly
afterwards, the boat sets sail. Beyd tells the sailor at the wheel to set
a course for the port town of Rhapala. Once you regain control of your
main character, leave the bridge and talk to your fellow party members.
After talking to Nina, you see a large ship(the Black Ship) floating out
in the Middle Sea. Shortly after this, your boat pulls into the port town
of Rhapala, where Beyd and his crew disembark. At this point, Zig steps
forward and offers his services as ship's captain. He then heads for the
bridge of the boat. Once you regain control of your characters, board the
boat and proceed to the bridge. Once there, talk to Zig and he will ask
if you'd like to set sail from the port town of Rhapala. After choosing
yes, the boat begins to travel into the Middle Sea. At this point, talk
to Zig, and tell him you wish to go to the outer sea. He will ask you to
talk over your decision with your fellow party members. After speaking
with your fellow teammates, return to the bridge and speak to Zig. He
then asks if you'd like to take over the controls of the boat. The boat's
controls are(at default controller setting):
  Directional Pad: left, right, forward, reverse
  Circle(hold):    speed burst, lasts until green status bar is depleted
  Start:           re-enter the boat
Once you take control of the boat, attempt to sail out of the Middle Sea
and into the Outer Sea(blue section of water). Once you sail out to the
Outer Sea, you find that the waters are far too rough to sail upon without
knowing the correct direction in which to sail. Zig suggests sailing to
the fishing community of Parch, to see if someone there knows how to find
the legendary mariner, as he may be the key to traveling these treacherous

Chapter Sixty Nine
The Fishing Community Of Parch

    At this time, retake control of the boat and sail to the fishing
community of Parch(small dock with two wooden houses, located across the
inlet, slightly Northwest of the port town of Rhapala). Once you've docked
at Parch, make your way into the village and enter the house at the
Northeastern corner. There you will find the village mayor sitting on
the floor. His wife and advisor(robed man) are in the house as well. Speak
to the mayor and he will tell you that in return for telling the story of
the legendary mariner, he would like for you to bring him something. The
people in Maekyss Gorge will know how to get what he wants(note, if
you speak to the advisor(robed man), he will tell you that the mayor is
from Central Wyndia. Once you hear the mayor talk of the Maekyss River,
leave Parch and return to the mainland.

Chapter Seventy

    Once back on the mainland, return to Maekyss Gorge with Peco in your
current party. Enter the house beneath the bridge in Maekyss Gorge, and
speak to the people that are there. Upon speaking to the woman in the
pink skirt, you are given a listing of the ingredients for making a food
called Shisu. They are:
  Shaly Seeds
She then gives you a list of topics which include the locations where the
various ingredients can be found:
  Mackerel:     found in the fishing spot in front of Maekyss Gorge(note,
                  this fishing spot appears in Maekyss Gorge at this time)
  Shaly Seeds:  found in the tree behind the house in Maekyss Gorge(note,
                  have Peco bash the tree to knock the seeds out of it)
  Vinegar:      found in the well at the Coffee Shop(note, have Garr pull
                  a pail of water out of the well)
  Horseradish:  found on Ogre Road(note, have your main character cut the
                  plants down with his sword swipe)
  Shisu:        general information
  Thanks:       exit the menu
After receiving the information on making the Shisu, leave the house
and have Peco bash the tree behind it in order to gather the Shaly
Seeds(note, Peco can hurt himself by bashing into things, but he will not
drop below one HP). After receiving the Shaly Seeds(you need at least
eight), leave the Maekyss Gorge area and gather the other items you need
for the Shisu. After getting at least four Horseradish plants, and a
Mackerel, make your way to the Coffee Shop to collect the vinegar. Enter
the Coffee Shop area with Garr in your party, and have him talk to the
small robed person standing in front of the well. Upon talking to the
robed person, Garr will be given the opportunity to try and raise a
bucket of water from the well. The controls for getting the water from
the well are as follows(at default setting):
  "Triangle":      press this button repeatedly to lower the rope and
  Directional Pad: wiggle this to scoop water into the bucket(make sure
                     the water filling sound stops or the bucket is not
                     full, thus you won't be able to raise it)
  "X":             press this button repeatedly to raise the bucket, you
                     must press it the same number of times you pressed
                     the triangle button to lower the bucket.
After hearing out the robed person, you will be asked if you would like to
give it a try. After successfully drawing water from the well, the robed
person gives you four units of vinegar(note, each successful try will get
you four more units of vinegar from the robed person). After receiving the
vinegar, leave the Coffee Shop area and return to the world map.

Chapter Seventy One
My Compliments To The Chef

    After returning to the world map, return towards Wyndia Castle, as
there is another Master that you may be able to acquire at this time. Once
near Wyndia Castle, enter Durandal's shack and use the teleporter in the
basement to return to the basement of Wyndia Castle. From the basement of
the castle, make your way to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, talk to
Hachio the cook(Hachio is the fat cat chef with the meat cleaver standing
next to the stairs to the next level). In return for Hachio to come to
your aid as a Master, he asks that you give him four items that he needs
for a dish he's making. They are:
  Beef Jerky:    HP 100 item, the type you stole from Bunyan's house
  Swallow Eye:   Agility up item
  Angler:        Can be caught off the shore near Angel Tower
  Martian Squid: Can be caught in the fishing spot just outside Wyndia
Once you give him these four items, he will offer his services to you as
a Master. After aligning with Hachio(if necessary), make your way out of
the castle by way of the teleporter. If you haven't found the four
teenagers yet, now would be a good time to do so, as you are able to enter
the castle grounds at this time as well. Once all four teenagers have been
found, they will each offer their services to you as a Master. Once you
have finished in Wyndia, return to the world map and make your way back to
the house under the bridge in Maekyss Gorge.

Chapter Seventy Two
The Recipe

    Once there, talk to the woman in the pink skirt again. Upon exiting
her information menu, she will ask if you know the correct amounts of each
item to use in the Shisu. After asking her to tell you, she gives you the
following amounts:
  10 ounce Mackerel
  8 Shaly Seeds
  2 Units of vinegar
  4 Horseradish plants
After learning the correct amounts of each ingredient to use in the Shisu,
leave Maekyss Gorge and return via the boat to the fishing community of

Chapter Seventy Three
Now We're Cookin'

    Upon returning to Parch, proceed to the mayor's house and speak to
his advisor(robed man). He will then ask you to prepare the Shisu for the
mayor. You are then sent to the following menu in order to prepare the
                   Knead Shisu                 End
  Shisu(ingredients)         Amount
  Mackerel                   x??
  Shaly Seeds                x??
  Vinegar                    x??
  Horseradish                x??
To make the Shisu, select the amount of each item you would like to add(1
Mackerel, 8 Shaly Seeds, 2 Vinegar, 4 Horseradish), then choose the
"Knead Shisu" box at the top of the menu. Once the Shisu has been
kneaded, choose the "End" box, and you will be returned to the game.
Once out of the menu, the mayor gets up and walks over to the table. You
present him with the Shisu you have made for him, and he eats it with tear
filled eyes. After the mayor eats the Shisu(if you made it properly), he
will honor your request of telling you of the legendary mariner, and
offers you help in navigating the rough sea that lies beyond the coast of
Parch by presenting you with some sea charts to the Craggs. These charts
show the way through the rough sea to reach Kukuys' cabin in the sea.
After receiving the charts, speak with the advisor and he will give you a
Wisdom Fruit. After this, return to your boat and sail out of the Middle
Sea into the rough waters(out of the inlet).

Chapter Seventy Four
The Craggs

    Once you leave the inlet, sail to the "?" area between the two small
islands on the edge of the Middle Sea. Enter this "?" area(the Craggs)
and you will find that the waters there are now calm enough to sail upon.
At this point, the chart that the mayor of Parch gave you will appear at
the lower right corner of the screen. A timer will also appear.  You will
now have thirty seconds to guide the boat to your desired destination.
There are four locations in this mapped section of the sea(the Craggs)
that will be of interest to you. They are:
  Kukuys' cabin,                            to the Northwest
  A chest containing a Heavy dagger,        to the East
  A chest containing Blizzard Mail armor,   to the North
  A chest containing an Ice shield,         to the Southwest
You can make as many attempts at reaching each, or all of the destinations
as you'd like, just re-enter the "?" area at the edge of the inlet to try
again. You do not need to reach all the destinations in one attempt. After
reaching all three chests(if necessary), sail to Kukuys' cabin on the
dock to the Northwest(by way of the "?" area). Once you dock at Kukuys'
cabin, you will meet Kukuys(doesn't his bird sound like Nelson from the
Simpsons, Ha Ha :). Nina, Momo and your main character follow Kukuys into
his cabin to talk to him. Kukuys tells you of the Blackship that you saw
in the Middle Sea earlier. At this point, the scene cuts to show your
characters back onboard the boat, sailing alongside the Blackship. Momo
takes a shot at the Blackship with her bazooka, but all it does is trigger
the Blackship's defenses to fire back at them. Luckily they miss the
smaller boat, and hit only the water nearby. The explosion in the water
rocks your ship violently. Upon regaining control of your characters,
talk to Momo, who is on the ship's deck, then return to the ship's bridge
and talk to Zig. Take over control of the boat from Zig(happens
automatically after talking to your teammates, especially Momo) and you
will see the Blackship entering the Middle Sea(inlet). Your objective at
this time, is to stop the Blackship and somehow get aboard it. To do
this, simply ram it at full speed(press and hold the Circle button) in
the rear. After the collision, make your way to your boat's engine room
and revive Momo, as she was knocked unconscious upon the impact. Momo
will then recall something Kukuys spoke of. After a discussion with your
other party members aboard the small boat, you will be asked to choose a
boarding party to bring onto the Blackship to assess the situation. Make
sure to bring Momo, as she will be needed once you reach the bridge of
the Blackship. After choosing your boarding party, make your way onto the
Blackship from the deck of your boat.

Chapter Seventy Five
Ghost Ship

    Once aboard the Blackship, make your way into the ship and proceed to
the lower decks. You will come to a room at the end of a hall where you
will have to ride a platform across numerous conveyor belts, in order to
reach the doorway at the opposite end, or the holes leading to the rooms
below. To use the platform on the conveyor belts, access the computer to
the right, and you will be given a choice of six programs(cycles to run
the platform in), P1 - P6. Choose program 2, and then walk onto the
platform. You will then be brought to the opposite end of the room. Once
there, proceed through the doorway that is there and you will enter a
hallway with an access terminal at the end of it. Inspect the access
terminal and you will find the I.D. Card. After receiving the I.D.
Card(it appears in your Vital Items category in your inventory), return
to the previous room and make your way back to the platform control
computer. Choose program 4, then ride the platform to a lower room where
you will find a steel box containing a Skill Ink. After receiving the
Skill Ink, return to the platform control computer and choose program 3.
Program 3 will cause the platform to take you(after you step on it) to a
lower room that leads to the room where you will find the main power
switch for the crane(the crane is in one of the rooms above, near where
you entered the Blackship). Turn on the main switch so that the crane
will have power flowing to it, then make your way back upstairs to the
crane room itself. Once in the crane room, use the crane to create a
bridge across the gap in the room, from three crates. To use the crane,
inspect the console panel that is just in front of it. You will then be
given three choices:
  Operate without guide(use the crane)
  Operate with guide(instructions on using the crane)
  Quit(leave crane menu)
To use the crane, choose "Operate without guide", then press and hold the
"X" button to start the crane traveling Northeast. Release the "X" button
to stop the crane from traveling in the Northeastern direction. Press and
hold the "X" button a second time to start the crane traveling in a
Northwestern direction. As before, release the "X" button when it reaches
the desired spot. Press the "X" button a third time to have the crane
lower and attempt to grab anything that is underneath it. Once a crate
has been successfully picked up, it will automatically be placed in the
correct location in the center of the room(note, use the red cross
indicator as a guide, align it with the center of each crate. Also, since
there are four crates, yet you only need three to complete the bridge,
whichever crate you grab last will be dropped onto the platform you are
on, and break open revealing a chest. The chests contain the following,
rear crate between the steel containers, Protectors. Crate closest to the
crane, Ascension. Crate at the center right, Light Bangle. Crate at the
far right, Wisdom Fruit). Once all three crates are properly placed,
proceed across the makeshift bridge and exit the crane room by the door
to the South(note, the side door leads toward the steel box that is on
one of the rear containers in the crane room). Once out of the crane
room, flip the blue lever that is next to the door to raise a steel beam
that will allow you to travel from this section of the Blackship, back
towards where your boat is. After raising the steel beam, make your way
up the stairs and make your way through the ship until you reach the
elevator. Use the I.D. Card to access the elevator(inspect the access
terminal next to the elevator) and you will be allowed the use of it(you
will automatically ride the elevator up to the next floor). After
stepping out of the elevator, continue up the stairs at the side of the
room, and you will reach the ship's bridge. Once on the bridge, have
Momo inspect the main controls, at which point she will tell you to go and
check the "Boost counter" in the ship's monitor room(the location will be
shown in a cut scene, the monitor room is in the hallway where the
personal quarters are). She needs to know when it reaches one hundred.
After Momo finishes talking, she asks if you are ready. After telling her
that you are ready, make your way down to the monitor room(minus Momo, as
she stays on the bridge) to check the boost counter. The object here, is
to talk to Momo on the Blackship's bridge when the counter reaches one
hundred, so that she'll know when the counter reaches that point(100).
Once you reach the monitor room, inspect the boost counter and it will
start counting upwards, making a beeping noise at each number. Start
walking back to the bridge when the counter is around seventy five, and
count the number of beeps to keep track of the number the boost counter
is at. This way, you can talk to Momo at the appropriate time. After
successfully telling Momo when the boost counter reaches one hundred,
the Blackship's engines will start. Momo then calls your other party
members on the smaller boat, to come to the bridge of the Blackship. Once
everyone is gathered on the bridge of the Blackship, the hidden force in
your main character that was revealed by Deis, emerges and guides the
Blackship on it's journey across the Outer Sea(many cut scenes of the
characters passing the time are shown).

Chapter Seventy Six
All Hands On Deck

    While on your journey across the sea, something unexpected happens on
the upper deck. Sirens wail and red warning lights flash. At this point,
you must make your way to the ship's bridge. Once on the bridge, Momo
tells you that something is approaching the rear section of the upper
deck. You will then be asked to choose a battle party to take with you to
investigate what is happening. After choosing your party, make your way to
the previously locked door on the personal quarters level(note, there is
now a camp menu book available to you in the conference room on the
personal quarters level. It contains all but the "Rest" option. You can
rest in the beds in the next room). Once there, proceed through the now
unlocked door(thanks to Momo), and make your way to the ship's upper
deck. Once there, proceed to the rear of the ship, and two creatures will
rise from the water and approach you. Once this happens, walk your party
members backwards until the creatures(they are following you) are in line
with the side mounted defense gun. Once there, the creatures will attack
you, but the defense gun will randomly fire at them to aid you in this
battle. After defeating the creatures, climb back down the ladder to the
lower deck and the scene will fade. When the next scene rises, the
Blackship, having completed it's journey across the sea, will be docked
in Kombinat. All of your characters will be outside talking, after which
you will be asked to choose members for your current party.

Chapter Seventy Seven
Brave New World

    Upon arriving in Kombinat, and having chosen your current party, look
for the robot hidden behind the side of the weapons/items building(he's on
the right side). Upon talking to him, he will emit a series of sounds,
then ask you to choose one of six selections. The object here is to choose
the selection that contains a correct portion of the pattern of sounds the
robot emitted previously. The correct choice is selection number three,
which when chosen, will prompt the robot to give you a Homing Bomb(a
weapon for Momo). After exploring Kombinat, and buying all the equipment
you need(if necessary), leave the town by the stairs to the Northwest, and
you will be presented with another automatic camp scene. In this scene,
Rei, Nina and Momo talk to visions of themselves about their true reasons
for coming on the journey.

Chapter Seventy Eight
The Yggdrasil Network

    After the camp scene, you will emerge on the world map in this new
area(Lost Shore) you have sailed to. Put Peco in your current party,
then make your way to the tree "?" area to the Northwest. Enter the tree
"?" area, and have Peco speak to the large gray tree at the end of the
path inside. It seems that Yggdrasil, the Tree of Wisdom is part of a
network. After Peco talks to the Tree of Wisdom, use your main character
to pick up the "Trance" dragon gene that is at the right side of the
tree. After receiving the Trance dragon gene, leave the area and return
to the world map.

Chapter Seventy Nine
The Abandoned Airfield

    Once back on the world map, proceed to the Steel Grave(abandoned
airplane hangar) just Southeast of where you are. With Momo in your
party, enter the Steel Grave area and make your way to the roof of the
hangars to the North(note, there are chests in this area that contain
UV Glasses and Speed Boots). Once there, find the open hatch and climb
down the ladder into the hangar itself. Once inside the hangar, have
Momo shoot the wall to the left of the bank of terminals. A hidden
doorway will be revealed that leads to the control room. In the control
room you will find a chest containing a new fishing pole(Spanner). After
receiving the fishing pole, leave the hangar and continue through the
Steel Grave area to the exit at the North in order to return to the world

Chapter Eighty
We Need More Power

    Upon returning to the world map, after exiting the Steel Gave area
from the North, you will be able to travel through the Steel Grave area
by way of the world map(you don't have to enter it and walk through).
Now that you've proceeded past the Steel Grave, with Momo still in your
party, proceed to the Colony temple(dwelling shaped like Angel Tower) to
the North. Once you enter the Colony temple area, your party will notice
a large antenna dish at the top of the temple(note, if you do not have
Momo in your current party at this time, your members will suggest that
you go and get her). Walk up the main stairs and enter the room below the
antenna dish. Here you will find a teleporter that is not currently
functioning. Your characters realize that if they can get the teleporter
working, they would have a much easier time returning to Wyndia. Open the
bag on the teleport pad to receive a key that you will need to return
it(the teleporter) to functional status(note, the key appears in your
Vital Items category once you pick it up). After receiving the key, leave
the teleporter room and jump down the drop spot to the left of the
stairs. Once down the drop spot, you will be able to reach the "Failure"
dragon gene which is on a ledge to the left. After receiving the Failure
dragon gene(note, there is a Deep Diver fishing lure inside a satchel in
a room below), walk down the stairs nearby, and you will find a locked
door. To get to the room beyond this locked door, make your way around
the outer ledges, until you reach the area at the top right side of the
temple. Here you will find a drop spot above a blue glass skylight. Jump
down the drop spot, and your characters will crash through the glass
skylight and land in the generator room for the teleporter. Have Momo
inspect the terminal with the lever on it, and you will be asked if you
would like to place the key you found on the teleport pad in the
terminal. After Momo places the key into the terminal, she will find out
that you now need to align the laser reflectors that direct power to the
conductors properly(note, you need to do this before throwing the
lever). Once the switch is thrown, a beam will be projected from the
machine at the right. You want to align the reflectors(inspect them and
they will rotate slightly) so that the beam can reach the conductors at
the rear of the room. To align the reflectors properly, turn the
reflector closest to the beam projector once, then turn the reflector to
the left of the lever three times. After aligning the reflectors
properly, throw the lever, and the beam will travel to the conductors,
thereby powering the teleporter in the room at the top of the
temple(beneath the antenna dish). After starting the conductors, use the
teleporter to get to Relay Point A.

Chapter Eighty One
Familiar Ground

    Once you arrive at Relay Point A, check the control panel for the
teleporter. By doing so, you will find out that the antenna that controls
the outgoing transports from this relay point is currently down(note, from
this point on, you can reach Relay Point A from the teleporter in the
basement of the Wyndia Castle if you set the controls for that
destination). Leave the teleporter room, and you will see Honey appear and
run off down a hallway. Follow Honey(she went down the hall to the right,
not straight ahead) and you will find that you are actually back in the
Urkan Region, inside the freighter at Steel Beach. It seems the Relay
Point was what was on the opposite side of the previously locked
door(note, the door was locked if you approached it from the Steel Beach
side when you were searching for the parts to repair the boat. Also, Zig
is at the boat dock below Junk Town with your smaller boat if you want to
see him/it. After finding out that you are at Steel Beach, you will be
asked to choose which party members you would like to take with you into
the Relay Point, so that you can attempt to repair the antenna.

Chapter Eighty Two
White Noise

    Once you've chosen your current party, return inside the Relay Point,
and start to make your way through it to the antenna on the roof. On your
way to the roof, you will come to an area with four switches and four
girders, each labeled with a corresponding color circle, dark red, red,
blue and light blue. The object here is to raise all four of the girders
in order to reach the stairway(the dark red labeled girder and the stairs
are out of your current line of vision) that will lead you towards the
roof. To raise or lower the girders, flip the switches in a specific
order. Some switches cause some girders to raise, while others lower, or
vice versa. If you choose incorrectly, inspect the large rectangular stone
in front of the dark red switch. It will ask if you'd like to know about
the switches, then if you would like to reset the switches/girders to
their original positions. The switches raise and lower the girders in the
following fashion:

  Blue switch:
    Blue girder: Up                    Red girder: Down
    Light Blue girder: Nothing         Dark Red girder: Up

  Light Blue switch:
    Blue girder: Nothing               Red girder: Up
    Light Blue girder: Up              Dark Red: Down

  Red switch:
    Blue girder: Down                  Red girder: Up
    Light Blue girder: Nothing         Dark Red girder: Down

  Dark Red switch:
    Blue girder: Nothing               Red girder: Nothing
    Light Blue girder: Nothing         Dark Red girder: Up

>From these patterns you can see that you need to flip the switches in this
  Light Blue
  Dark Red
Flipping the switches in this order will raise all four girders, and allow
you to cross the first three girders, then pass under the fourth to reach
the stairs beyond. After proceeding up the stairs past the girders, you
will come to a locked door beside a large open pit. There are three
floating platforms hovering in the air over the pit. To open the door, you
must ride one of the platforms to the island in the center of the pit, and
trigger the door's unlocking mechanism. The platforms will travel in a
straight line across the pit in whichever direction you walk onto them
from. To make it to the center, line all three platforms up against one
side, then ride the one closest to the center straight across the pit.
Walk back around the pit, and ride a second platform around the edges of
the pit, until it hits the one you just rode across(you will be
automatically sent onto the first platform and it will bring you back to
the side of the pit). From here, you can go back to the second platform
you rode around the edges, and ride it across the pit to the island in the
center and unlock the door(note, you must move forward slightly once on
the center island to trigger the unlocking mechanism). Take the platform
back across the pit and proceed through the now unlocked door. A short
walk later, you should arrive on the roof. Inspect the antenna's controls
and you will be prompted to align the antenna properly(first by asking if
you would like instructions for aligning the antenna. Then by asking if
you would like to try aligning the antenna dish itself). To do this, use
the D-pad to turn the antenna, and press the "X" button when the antenna
is in the position you want it to stay in. The object here, is to place
the antenna at an angle where it isn't receiving any static
interference(crackling), just straight signal. The correct direction to
face the antenna is between North and Northwest(you will know by a small
cut scene when you've accomplished this task correctly). Once you have
properly positioned the antenna, make your way back down to the
teleporter and inspect it's control panel. You can now use Relay Point A
(this teleporter) to reach:
  Container Yard
  Relay Point B
Just choose which location you'd like to go to, and step onto the

Chapter Eighty Three
A Quick Side Trip

    Your next destination should be to go to Dragnier, but first make a
quick trip to Container Yard. Once in Container Yard, you will find the
"Radiance" dragon gene in a corner of the room you appear in. Retrieve
the Radiance dragon gene, then use the teleporter to return to Relay
Point A. Once back at Relay Point A, reprogram the control panel for the
teleporter to take you to Dragnier and step back onto it.

Chapter Eighty Four
The Brood

    Upon arriving in Dragnier, leave the teleporter room, and you will be
brought by an old man to see the village leader. During a feast with the
village leader, you are told that all the people of this village are of
the Brood(the race of dragons that your main character is part of), and
that they gave up their powers long ago and fled here, so as not to be
discovered by the guardians. After learning this, you will have a vision,
and awake separated from your other party members. Upon leaving the
dining area(tent the feast took place in), Rei appears, and joins back up
with you. Rei suggests meeting up with Garr(note: you can save your game
at the small gray dragon statue in one of the tents on the upper section
of the village). Go and talk to Garr, he is standing at the top of the
temple at the rear of the village. After a brief discussion with Garr,
the old man approaches and tells you that the village elder wishes to
meet with you. You may now enter the temple through the well in the
center of the village. Before doing this, leave Dragnier and set up
camp. Once you have set up camp, change party members so that Nina is in
your current party instead of Rei. Bring Garr and Nina back into Dragnier
and climb down the ladder into the well. There you will find another
ladder across the bottom of the well that leads to a stairway. Walk up
the stairway to enter the temple. At the top of the stairs you will see a
very familiar sight. There is a wall in the entry hall with a mural
painted on it(note, it is the mural that you see when you first turn on
the game, during the intro). Proceed past the hall with the mural, until
you come to a room where the village elder is seated on the floor. Talk
to the elder(Jono), and the prophecy of the mural will be explained. Jono
will also tell you of someone called "Myria". After the elder has spoken,
and you have regained control of your characters, approach the elder with
Garr. Garr will then speak to the elder about his role as a guardian, and
of what is to come. After Garr is finished speaking to Jono, have Nina
speak with him(Jono). He will tell Nina more about Myria, and then ask
her a question. After choosing the top choice as an answer to his
question, Nina gives him a kiss. After you regain control of your party,
talk to Jono once more with your main character(note, choose the top
choice when you approach the steps in front of him, and you will walk
towards Jono and speak to him). After giving you more information about
Myria, Jono decides to test you, by turning into an Elder Dragon, and
attacking your party(note, you cannot use your dragon transformation
abilities in this test battle). After defeating the dragon that he had
become, talk to Jono once more with your main character. He(Jono) will
tell you that you have been deemed worthy of receiving the "Infinity"
dragon gene. He then disappears, leaving in his place, the final dragon
gene, the Infinity dragon gene. After taking the gene, leave the temple,
and the old man will meet you by the top of the well. After seeing that
you have the Infinity dragon gene, he tells you that the man with the
camel standing near the gate to the village will be your guide, and get
you to the Desert of Death to the North. After talking to the old man,
speak to the woman in the tent where you had the feast. She will tell you
of a passage through the factory to the Northwest of Dragnier. At any
point after receiving the Infinity dragon gene, have your main character
inspect the dragon shaped carving at the top of the temple(above the
teleport room) and it will come to life. This is Ladon, the Dragon God,
and it will then offer you it's services as a Master. After aligning with
Ladon, the Dragon God(if necessary), speak to the man(Horis) with the
camel standing by the gate to the village. Choose "Let's go" when he asks
you a question, and he will travel with your party as an unplayable
character(if you camp, you will see him and his camel sitting beside the
fire) to his home in the desert beyond the giant wall to the Northwest.
After Horis joins you, make your way out of Dragnier, and proceed to the
factory that is to the Northwest. Make sure to have Momo and Peco in your
party, as they will be needed in the factory.

Chapter Eighty Five
Scrambled Eggs

    Once at the factory, make your way down the dirt paths(there are
treasure chests at some of the dead ends) to the open door at the bottom
that leads into the factory. Once inside the factory itself, make your way
to the rear of the lower level. There is a wall there that Momo can shoot
out with her bazooka to reveal a hidden room. There is a treasure chest
containing a spear for Garr in the hidden room. After receiving the spear
from the chest in the hidden room, find the stairway that leads up into
the factory around the center of the lower level. After climbing the
stairway, do not flip the switch that you see next to the door, as once
thrown, a wall of lasers is activated to the left of it. Instead, proceed
through the door and make your way past the maze of switches and electric
floor panels(trigger specific switches to deactivate corresponding floor
panels), until you reach an area where there is a robot and a control
panel(the control panel is atop a raised area with a blue tiled floor).
Flip the switch to the right of the raised area(with anyone other than
your main character) to gain access to the stairs that lead to the control
panel. The robot in the area beyond the control panel is a remote
controlled robot. To use him, choose "Activate" when accessing the control
panel(the top choice is instructions, while the bottom is quit). To
control him, move your character around on the blue tiled floor of the
platform where the control panel is. The robot will move accordingly(as
if your character was a computer's mouse, and the robot was the onscreen
pointer). Use the robot to flip the switches, thereby deactivating the
electric currents that are running along the floor in the area he is in.
To flip a switch, hit the action button while the robot is facing it. To
gain extra walking space, have the robot get stuck on the opposite sides
of the small square pillars, while you put some distance between yourself
and the robot. Once the three switches have been triggered, and the
electric floor panels where the robot is have all been shut off, you will
be able to access the higher area above where the robot was. Walk around
to the higher area, and enter the door that is there(there is a chest to
the right, open it before entering the door). You will come to a long set
of stairs, at the top of which is a locked door. A lock control panel is
on the wall, slightly to the left of the locked door. This panel controls
the lock on the door. To open this door, you must either, shoot the lock
control panel with Momo's bazooka, or equip the Rockbreaker weapon on
Peco, and then use his slam on the lock control panel. The Rockbreaker
weapon can be found in one of the chests in the lower level of the
factory. After breaking the lock control panel, the door automatically
opens, allowing you to exit back onto the world map, but in a desert area
on the other side of the giant wall.

Chapter Eighty Six
The Desert Of Death

    Once you have made your way past the factory, and are in the desert,
you will come to Horis' home(tee pee area, walk slightly North while on
the world map, and you will automatically be brought there). A scene
showing Nina, Rei and your main character talking to Horis will then take
place. After this, talk to Horis and he will tell you the way to wander
the desert in order to get to the Oasis town. There are also several
useful items in various locations throughout the desert. The way to these
places(the Oasis town and the items) involve using the stars as your
guides. Horis says that his camel creature(Rakda) will travel with you,
in case you get lost along the way(to return, camp and talk to the
Rakda. Choose the top choice to both his questions and you will be
returned to Horis'). Horis will also tell you that you may get dehydrated
from walking in the desert, and that it is better to walk at night, and
camp during the day, as during the day the heat will cause you to need
more water. He tells you to make sure to bring plenty of water with
you(inspect the jar next to Horis' tee pee, it contains water. Choose to
receive sixteen units worth of water. Use the water when the sun rises
as you are walking across the desert to prevent HP loss). To leave Horis'
home area, walk to the edge of the screen and choose to go into the
desert(the second choice returns you to the world map so you can go back
towards the factory if you need to). To find a piece of armor, you must
walk towards the North star(left hand red star) that you face when you
leave Horis' home area. Upon walking towards it, you will notice that the
positioning of the blue stars to the left, both the single(Evening) and
three diagonally lined stars, is changing. The blue stars are coming
closer together due to the angle of your journey across the desert. When
the single blue star(Evening) is lined up directly above the first of
the three diagonally lined blue stars(the rightmost one, most likely the
only one visible over the horizon at this point), turn and walk towards
them, keeping the Evening star aligned over the right-most of the three
diagonal stars as you travel. You will eventually encounter a random
battle screen, where, instead of/in addition to, a satchel containing an
item as your reward, there will be a large armor breastplate(Life Armor,
graphically it looks like a breastplate sitting in the sand). Once you
find the Life Armor, return to Horis'. At Horis', refill your Water Jug,
then head back out into the desert. Once in the desert, turn directly to
the East(four turns to the right) and walk straight ahead(traveling
East). During the seventh night of your journey, you will encounter
another random battle, where instead of/in addition to, an item satchel,
there will be a skeleton in the center of the battle screen lying in the
sand. Inspect the skeleton to receive a pair of Speed Boots. After
finding the Speed Boots, use the Rakda to return to Horis'. Once back,
restock your water supply, then head back out into the desert to start
your trek to the Oasis town. To reach the Oasis town, walk towards the
False North star(lower red star, to the right) once you leave Horis',
and are in the desert. Whenever you get into a battle, or use the camp,
redirect yourself so you are facing the False North star(right hand red
star, if necessary) and continue walking towards it. At around the fourth
night, you will notice red lights appear just above the horizon. These
lights are from Oasis Town, and during the daylight hours, you will be
able to see the town in the distance. Continue walking towards the False
North star(right hand red star), until you notice the lights from Oasis
Town fade away(what did you expect from an oasis). At this point, turn
towards the True North star(left hand red star, two turns to the left)
and walk towards it. You will notice the stars are starting to align in
a certain manner, due to the directions that you have been walking. The
two red stars(True North and False North) are now at even heights in the
sky, and the three blue diagonally lined stars are slightly lower, near
the center of them. This star alignment was a key to reaching the Oasis
town(note, an easier way to reach the Oasis town, is to walk in a
straight line, starting from between the two red stars, True North and
False North. Remember to realign yourself properly after each battle or
camping session. This will take you in a direct route to the Oasis town).
Upon nearing this star alignment, you will then encounter another random
battle, but this one will be different. A giant creature will rise from
under a mountain of sand and attack your party. This is Manmo, the boss
creature of the desert. After defeating him, you will then go into an
automatic camp scene, in which, Nina is terribly ill and needs you to do
an unspeakable act in order to save her. She needs Rakda meat in order
to return to normal health. To get the meat, go outside the tent and use
your main character's special action(sword swipe) while you are behind
the Rakda. After a terrible cry, inspect the carcass to receive the meat,
then bring it into the tent and it will automatically be given to Nina.
After this scene ends, you will arrive at the Oasis town.

Chapter Eighty Seven
Oasis Town

    After arriving at the Oasis town, and enjoying a feast(does dinner
look familiar?) and some rest and recreation for your party members, you
find out that Nina is going to be allright. You then regain control of
your characters(note, the girl Rei was talking to on the dock in front of
the inn will replenish your supply of water to sixteen units, in case you
need it). Your next step is to take the path up the hill out of the Oasis
town. This will bring you back to the world map(rather than leave the
Oasis town through the gate to the South that leads back out into the
desert. Note, if you leave Oasis town through the gate, and return to the
desert, there is a weapon for Peco that you can find. To reach the
weapon, once you leave Oasis town, walk to the West, which is four turns
to the right. On your seventh night of your journey to the West, you will
encounter a random battle, where instead of/in addition to an item
satchel, there will be a large red chest. Open the chest to receive the
Death Claws, which are a powerful weapon for Peco. After receiving the
Death Claws, use the Rakda to return to Oasis town so that you may
proceed on with the game).

Chapter Eighty Eight
Last Chance

    Once on the world map, make sure Garr is in your party, then make
your way Northeast to Container Yard(the "?" area with the small square
building and crates near it). Enter Container Yard and walk into the
building at the Northern end. You will see that this is the Container Yard
that the teleporter at Relay Point A brought you to earlier(where you
found the Radiance dragon gene). Have Garr push the crate that is blocking
the ladders, and it will break apart against the wall, allowing your party
access to the teleporter above(now you don't need to walk back across the
desert to return to familiar territory). After gaining access to the
teleporter at Container Yard, return outside to the world map, and enter
the city(Caer Xhan) to the Northwest.

Chapter Eighty Nine
No Turning Back

    Once inside the Caer Xhan, you will find two shops that you can use,
a weapon/armor shop, and an item shop. Both shops are staffed by robots.
After buying the necessary items and weapons that you need, enter the
security building at the Northeast corner of the first section of the
city(walk down the main road and turn right at the red circular marker.
The building you are looking for is on the left at the end of the turn off
road). Inside the building, you will find a honey type robot lying on the
floor. Continue through the building until you come to the room containing
a checkered floor section, between four posts(there is a chest in the
center of the checkered section of the floor). Walk around the outside of
the four posts, to the stairs at the left leading down. Once down the
stairs, enter the door to the security room. Inside this room is a switch,
in the "On" position, the security system is in "Normal mode"(default,
what it is on now), while in the "Off" position, the security system will
go into "Test mode". Turn the switch to the off position, so the security
system will go into test mode. Doing this will shut out the lights in the
building. Return to the checkered floor area above and you will notice
that there are infa-red beams coming from the tops of the four posts
surrounding the checkered area of the floor. These beams are the
building's security system(hitting any of them causes HP loss, and your
character to be knocked backwards). Now that you can see the beams, open
the chest and take the item that is inside it(Moon Tears). After taking
the item, walk up the set of stairs to the right and make your way past
the next set of infa-red beams, then exit the building by the door at
the rear. Once back outside, enter the door to the North and you will be
in the station control room. Access the main terminal in the rear of the
room(blue screen), and answer yes(Yes/Ok) to the two questions that you
are asked. Doing so will bring the station back online, and unlock a door
inside another building in the city. After using the terminal, go back
outside the station control room and jump down off the ledge you are on,
to the ledge below(there is a drop point in front of the door where you
came out of the security building). Next, enter the building at the rear
of this section of the city(the only building you can enter at the lower
part of this section). Once inside, access the terminal you will see, to
open the closed gate(you unlocked this gate in the station control room)
at the top of the stairs to the left. After the gate opens, walk up the
stairs and proceed through the door at the other end of the upper level.
Once you pass through the door, you will hear a loudspeaker call attention
to the lift that goes to Station Myria. Your characters then realize that
this must be the Myria that Jono, the elder in Dragnier spoke of. Proceed
up the stairs next to you, and walk onto the lift that is there. As soon
as you are on the lift, an attention alarm will sound, followed by your
party being raised high into the sky to a floating station, Station

Chapter Ninety
Wow, That's A Lot Of Chapters

    After walking off the lift and arriving at Station Myria, try the
door just down the platform. You will be told that it is locked, and that
you must enter by going through the work area. Proceed down the stairs to
the right, and make your way to the stairs leading up, a few rooms
further ahead. Walk up the stairs and flip the blue switch that is in the
room at the top of them. This will turn the energy on for the
elevator(the control panel for the elevator is in the room below, down
the stairs that you just came up). Go to the elevator and inspect the
control panel(note, there are two items hidden on this level, a Life
Shard, which is outside the rear door, and a weapon(Gas Shells) outside
the lower door). You will be given three choices:
  Arrival Platform(up, leads to a chest containing a Wisdom Fruit)
  Maintenance Deck(down)
After getting the item from the chest in the level above(by using the
elevator), use the elevator to go to the Maintenance Deck on the lower
level. On the lower level, walk down the platform to the elevator at the
other end. Take this second elevator back to the work area(only place it
goes). Once there, enter the door to the left and walk through the room it
leads to. You will come to a hallway with two locked doors that need
level's A and B clearance card keys to be opened. Walk to the left section
of the hall, and you will find an unlocked door that leads to the worker's
locker room and sleeping quarters. In the sleeping quarters you can rest
your party by inspecting the beds, and use the save book to save your
game, change party members and such. After using the sleeping quarters,
walk up the stairs in the right section of the outer hallway. Once up the
stairs, inspect both terminals(they look like keypads) to unlock both the
automatic lock on the door by the lift you used to reach Station Myria,
and the laser locks in the area to the left of where you are now(answer
yes to the question you are asked at each terminal to shut off/unlock
them. Note, the door that is by the lift, is on the other side of the
glass partitions in the area where the laser locks were). After using the
terminals, return down the stairs to the hallway, and make your way up
the stairs at the left end of it(near the sleeping quarters). Walk
through the room at the top of the stairs, and you will enter the area
where the laser locks were. There are green and yellow tiled paths on the
floor of this area. Follow the yellow tile path up the stairs and through
the next few rooms(note, the rooms with the white cross signs on the
wall, towards the end of both the yellow and green paths, will heal all
characters to maximum HP/AP levels as soon as you walk into them. Also,
to the side of the conveyor belts, is a chest containing 10,000z), until
you reach the large room at the end with three doors on the level you are
on, and some lower sections that you can see to the left. Enter the door
at the very end of the yellow path and your characters will see a giant
creature contained in a cell filled with sleeping gas. Use the terminal
to stop the flow of sleeping gas to the cell. Once the gas clears, you
will see that there is a card key in the cell with the creature. You must
now go and retrieve it. Exit the room and enter the first door in the
larger outside room. You will see a terminal just across from the door,
and some stairs leading to an electrified section of floor(shock area,
you will be asked if you'd like to enter it when you approach the
doorway) in the rear. To make a path through the electrified section of
floor, use the single terminal in this room, and the two terminals(shock
panel monitors) in the room to the left, to cut the flow of electricity
to various sections of the floor. Upon using them, you will get a three
part schematic of the of the shock area's floor(each terminal
corresponds to one of the parts of the schematic), blue dashes represent
a negative charge, while red crosses represent a positive charge. The
object here is to think of each section of the schematic as if it were
overlain on top of the others, and that a positive charge on top of a
negative charge will cancel each other out. So you want to "cancel out"
a path through the electrified floor.  If you number the schematics one,
two and three, from left to right, the way to line them up so you'll
have an "S" shaped path through the shock area is as follows(note, press
the Accept button when the schematics are positioned to your liking to
see an overhead view of the shock area):
  On schematic one:   Put the single red cross in the top row in the top
                        right corner.
  On schematic two:   Put the single red cross in the bottom row in the
                        bottom left corner.
  On schematic three: Put the single blue dash in the top row in the top
                        right corner.
After positioning the schematics correctly, proceed safely across the
shock area and walk onto the lift(square tile with circular pattern on it)
on the other side of it. The lift will take you down to the level
below(that you could see from the large open room), and from there you can
make your way around to a second lift that will take you back up to the
level above(use terminal). Once you arrive on the upper level again, enter
the doorway to the left and you will be inside the cell with the giant
creature that you saw earlier. With a loud screech from the creature, the
glass walls shatter, and the creature attacks your party. After defeating
the creature, pick up the level B card key from the floor in front of you,
then walk onto the lift that the creature had been sitting on(Note, if
Rei is not in your current party, return to the sleeping quarters and get
him before stepping onto the lift). The lift brings you to the lower
level, where you will come to a locked gate(note, before the locked gate,
you will find a steel box containing a weapon for Momo called the HE
Shells. This weapon will be important later), beyond which is a room with
several chests(they contain two shields and a helmet). Use Rei to pick
the lock and open the gate. After receiving the items from the chests,
return to the hallway where the sleeping quarters are, and use the level
B card key on the access terminal on the wall next to the locked level B
door. Choose to run an ID check on the card key, and the door will unlock
and open. Enter the level B room and talk to the Honey model robots that
are gathered inside. Talk to the one standing by itself to get more
information(note, there is a chest containing a weapon in the room also).
After talking to the Honey robots, return to the outer hallway and walk up
the left set of stairs again(make sure Rei and Momo are in your party at
this point) and make your way to the area with the green and yellow paths.
This time, follow the green path to it's end. At the end of the green
path(you will pass another healing room just before the end of the path)
you will find a doorway blocked by a wall of plants. Use Momo's He Shells
to destroy the plants that are blocking the door, then enter the atrium
beyond it. Make your way across the atrium and use Rei to unlock the door
with the deadbolt on it on the other side. After entering the door that
Rei just unlocked, walk around the glass cage in the center of the room,
while being careful not to step on the thorns that are hanging out of the
cage, or you will be poisoned. Exit the room by the door on the other
side of the glass cage and continue through the atrium until you reach
it's Northwest corner. Here you will find two possible ways to go,
through a door straight ahead, or up the stairs to the right. Proceed
through the door at the Northwest corner first(you must walk up the
grassy knoll to reach it). In the room that follows is a chest that
contains a Dragon spear. After receiving the spear, return to the atrium
and proceed up the stairs to the right then enter the doorway at the end
of the walkway above. Through the doorway is a dark hallway, at the end of
which is an elevator that goes to a place called Eden. After taking the
elevator to Eden, your characters arrive in a bright grassy field. There
are trees all over, and the sound of birds chirping fills the air. A
small brook also runs across the Western section of this new area. Upon
crossing the bridge to reach the other side of the brook, your characters
startle a bird that was sitting in the grass, just on the other side. The
bird flies a short distance to a person(who is facing away from your
party) who is playing with several other birds. At this point all the
birds fly away, leaving your party to meet this new person. The person
recognizes your main character, and upon the person turning around, Rei
asks... Teepo? It is in fact your long lost friend. After filling each
other in on what has happened(in a series of flashbacks. It seems that
Teepo is also part of the Dragon clan, the Brood, that your main
character is from, and has the same dragon transformation abilities as
you. However, after becoming separated from Rei and your main character
during the initial battle between Balio and Sunder, Teepo was found by
Myria. Myria convinced Teepo that the dragons were evil, and as such,
Teepo agreed to stay here in Eden and abandon his powers) since you last
saw each other, Teepo points at you, and all of your party, including
Teepo, vanish. You reappear alone, in the center of four stones, a blue
light shining down on you in an otherwise dark area. Teepo enters the
light and points to the Northwest. Another blue lit area then appears, and
Teepo exits. Upon walking towards the second blue light, you notice that
there is a line of blue lights that travel into the distance. As you walk
towards the third light, you hear Nina. Upon reaching the third light,
visions of Nina appear and speak to you. In the fourth light there is a
dragon statue(it will not let you save your game). After inspecting the
statue, walk into the fifth circle of blue light. As you try to enter the
sixth light, you will hit a repeating loop, and be sent back to the circle
of light where Nina was. After encountering this loop, continue to the
circle of light where the dragon statue was, and inspect it again. After
re-inspecting the dragon statue, walk back towards the first circle of
blue light(where Teepo was). Upon trying to return to the first circle of
light, you will be teleported to another blue lit area where there is a
vision of Rei. There is also another dragon statue here(note, in these
next areas where your main character is alone, walking will restore your
HP level). After Rei vanishes, inspect the dragon statue to be restored to
full HP/AP levels. It will then ask you if you'd like to save your game.
After using the statue, walk towards the lights to the upper left until
you reach another dragon statue. On either side of this statue are raised
terminals. Use the terminals to light the areas on either side of the
circle of light that you are presently in. Both newly lit areas contain a
chest. If you walk towards the left light, you will fall into a hole(note,
there is a hole to the right as well) that leads to another dragon statue.
Inspect the dragon statue to light the area to the left of where you now
are(choose the top choice when prompted). This newly lit area contains a
chest. Open the chest to receive the Shaman Ring. After receiving the
Shaman Ring, walk back to the right, past the dragon statue, to the next
circle of light. Here you will find a cylinder of rising energy. Step
into it to be teleported back to a circle of blue light that is just to
the South of where you saw the vision of Rei(where the dragon statue
heal/save spot is). After returning to the upper level with the Shaman
Ring, walk back to the dragon statue between the two raised terminals.
Read the inscription on the dragon statue and then remain motionless in
front of it for a few moments(10-15 seconds). While you are standing still
in front of the statue, another light will appear in the dark area behind
the statue. Once this new area lights up, you can begin moving your
character again. Begin walking into the newly lit area and you will
encounter a vision of Momo and Honey. After they disappear, walk into the
newly lit area. From this new area you can reach the chests that were on
the opposite sides of the holes you fell into earlier. After opening the
chests and receiving the items from them, walk to the circle of light at
the rear that contains another cylinder of energy. Walk into the cylinder
of energy to be brought to a new area consisting of a maze of ledges.
Within this maze of ledges are many colored teleport markers(snow flake
shaped) on the ground. There are two of each color, and as you walk onto
one, you will appear on the second of the same color in another section
of the maze. There are a white and a yellow marker in the first section
of the maze, and purple, green, red, pink and blue markers, which can
only be reached after using either the white or yellow teleport markers.
The object of the maze is to reach the blue teleport marker, as it has
another cylinder of energy on it that will take you to the next area. To
reach the blue marker, walk onto the yellow marker first, then after
seeing a vision of Garr(between the yellow and purple markers), follow
the markers by going through them in this order, purple, green and after
seeing a vision of Peco, finally blue. After going through the blue
teleport marker, you will arrive at the base of a set of stairs. A vision
of yourself blocks your path. After talking to the vision, it mentions
Myria and you fall to the ground. As the vision offers you a hand in
getting to your feet, you stand and walk through it, causing it to
disappear. Walk towards the stairs and a vision of Teepo will appear at
the top of them. He talks to you of the dragon blood flowing through your
veins, and how grand it would be if you joined him here in Eden, serving
Myria. After the discussion ends, Teepo calls forth a skeleton riding a
two headed wolf beast(Arwan) to challenge you. After defeating the Arwan,
you fall back down to Eden, where the true Teepo confronts you. In a
flash of light, Teepo transforms into an immense Dragon Lord, at which
point you are able to choose two party members to join you in the
forthcoming battle. After choosing your party members and your battle
formation, you then face Teepo in his Dragon Lord form. After inflicting
a certain amount of damage on Teepo's Dragon Lord form, he will revert
back to his human form. The two characters that were in your party before
Teepo made everyone vanish, are there as well. As your characters speak
to Teepo, he changes form once again, this time to that of a purple
dragon whelp. Upon the dragon's death(from wounds inflicted during the
battle with your party), it vanishes, leaving the level A card key in
it's place. At this point you regain control of your characters. Walk to
the card key and pick it up. After receiving the card key, return via the
lift to the lower levels of Station Myria, and use the level A card key
on the access terminal for the level A door, in the hallway where the
sleeping quarters are. After the door is unlocked and opened, enter the
level A room and open the chest that is inside to receive a Light Bangle.
After receiving the item, make your way back up the left hand set of
stairs in the outer hallway(next to the sleeping quarters) and return to
the area above where the green and yellow tiled paths begin. Once there,
walk through the gates where the laser locks were, and proceed to the
locked door(level A access required) at the bottom left. Use the level A
card key in the access terminal next to the door to unlock and open it.
After opening the door, proceed through it and follow the hall(there are
numerous dead ends) that it leads to, to the bottom, where you will find
a door with a light over it. Enter the door and you will be inside a maze
of doors and rooms, three levels high. A red light over a door means that
you haven't entered it yet, while a green light means that you have. Make
your way through this maze, in which you will fight many versions of past
enemies and bosses(called samples), to a room towards the rear left. This
room contains a save book which will let you save your progress, change
characters, and look at your Skill and Master lists. The room also
contains a ladder that leads down. Before going down the ladder, rest in
the room behind this one(you will find beds in it) to regain any HP/AP
you may have used getting here. When you are ready, proceed down the
ladder in the room with the save book. Once you reach the bottom of the
ladder, you will find yourself in a dark hallway. Honey will emerge and
run down the hallway ahead of you, proceed after her. When you reach the
bend in the hall, you will witness Honey project a beam at the gate in
front of her that is blocking the hallway. The beam deactivates the lock
on the gate, causing it to lower, thus allowing your party to travel
deeper into the hallway. Before you can continue however, a holographic
screen appears just beyond the gate, and calls for your attention(note,
if you are not allowed to pass this screen, return to the level B
clearance room and speak with the Honey type robots). After the screen
fades away, proceed down the hall and enter the door at the end of it.
You will step onto a lift that carries your party far below, to the very
bottom levels of Station Myria. Upon stepping out of the lift, the
hallway in front of you lights up like a runway, a vision of a red haired
woman standing towards the end of it. Talk to the vision to learn that
Myria awaits you below. Proceed past the vision and leave the hallway and
enter the next area. You will find more visions of the same red haired
woman here. Walk down the walkway that leads around the outer rim of this
new area and you will trigger another holographic view screen, this one
showing the Urkan Region. Continue around the side of the area and you
will encounter more visions and view screens. Follow the lit walkway that
is to the left after the vision who shows you Junk Town, and make your
way into the room at the end of it. Speak to the vision in this room for
more information, including information about chrysm, and a viewing of
the Dauna Mine, then return to the previous area and continue following
the lit walkway towards the center of the area. Just before the center,
you will find a lift that will bring you to the center platform, step
onto it. Once you reach the center platform, your entire party(all six
members) assembles, a winged woman then appears and speaks to them. This
woman is Myria herself. While talking to Myria, you are shown different
locations throughout the world map, and learn that Myria is responsible
for everything that goes on. It seems that the dragon clan(the Brood,
the species that Teepo and your main character belong to) had gotten too
powerful, so she(Myria) made people everywhere believe that they were
the cause of all evil. You also find out that Garr is actually a guardian
of Myria, and under her orders, he and the other guardians destroyed
nearly all of the Brood). Although the dragons could have defended
themselves, they knew that in doing so, the powers that they would need
to call upon, could very well destroy the world. Due to this terrible
fact, they willingly let themselves be slaughtered. However, they never
gave up hope, as it was prophecised that a chosen member of the dragon
clan(Brood) would survive, and someday confront Myria herself. At this
point Myria tells you that the humans are next in line for extinction,
as they are abusing the world. She claims that technology is hazardous,
and cites destructive weapons as an example. Teepo is then mentioned, at
which point Rei draws his weapons, and declares that he isn't buying any
of Myria's story. Nina adds that if the dragons were truly evil, then
how does she explain your main character. Nina believes in you, and knows
you are not evil. This enrages Myria, which causes her to use her powers
to dematerialize Rei, then Momo, Nina, and finally Garr, claiming that
she is returning them to where they belong, with all memories of the
journey erased. Shortly after this, Peco, spared by the powers of
Yggdrasil, the Tree of Wisdom, runs to your character. Through Peco,
Yggdrasil, the Tree of Wisdom tells Myria that she is all wrong, and that
she must learn about human values before she commits such dire acts. With
this, Yggdrasil blocks Myria from vanquishing your party members, and
returns them to your side. After Yggdrasil is finished lecturing her,
Myria lands and kneels on the floor. At this point you regain control of
your main character. Speak to each of your party members, then approach
Myria. Myria will ask your character a question(be careful not to use the
Accept button to advance the text quickly here, as you may skip over your
choice). You have to make a choice... Forsake the powers of the dragon
clan, and take Teepo's place in Eden(give up his power). Or, believe in
yourself, and challenge Myria herself(choose his own path). If you choose
the top choice you will get the game's bad ending, which entails your
main character spending the rest of his life sitting in Eden, so choose
the bottom choice. Your character will then draw his sword and swing it
at Myria. At this point you will be asked to choose your battle party and
formation. After doing this, you will do battle with Myria, who has
transformed herself into the Goddess of Destruction. After defeating
Myria(note, she has roughly 20,000HP in this form), you return to the
center platform in the bottom level of Station Myria where you first met
Myria herself. Garr, Nina and your character are talking about what just
happened, when suddenly, you hear a loud crash. At this point, Garr, who
was a guardian of Myria's, turns into a stone statue, due to her defeat.
Myria is then shown in human form on the platform where you fought her.
Deis(who was her sister) then appears in front of her and attempts to
hold her at bay while you make your escape. Nina and your character are
then shown attempting to leave the lower levels of the station. Deis is
then shown again confronting Myria. The scene cuts to show your character
and Nina being ushered quickly to the ladder in the dark hallway at the
top of the lift by Honey, Momo and Rei. All around them the station is
shaking. Deis is then shown perishing at her sister Myria's side. Your
characters, minus Garr, then escape the station just as it explodes and
crumbles to the ground behind them. Your character's sword is then shown
half buried in the desert sand. The scene then cuts to show him walking
across the sand. Nina joins him, and together they walk to the edge of a
nearby cliff, where Rei and Momo are waiting for them. After the credits
roll, a small shot of Peco almost totally buried in the sand is shown.
The tip of his head(all that is above ground level) starts to shake, and
a plant sprouts.
Life begins again...............


  After this screen fades, you are then asked if you would like to save a
"Breath of Fire 3 Clear Game" file, Yes/No. Upon loading a clear game save
file, your party will appear in front of Ladon, the Dragon God, at

I'd like to extend my thanks and appreciation to the following:

Thanks to Capcom, this is the first turn based RPG I've enjoyed since
          playing Persona.

Thanks to Joe Chan at Playstation Gamer(,
          for all his help :)

Thanks to Paul Hansen, for his tips on Oasis town and where to find the
          Vinegar for the Shisu

Thanks to Aziz Aldejain, for his method of the shortcut through the
          Desert of Death

Thanks to Dave Laehn, for still bein' a Dave

Thanks to all the people who have sent me letters about my work in the
          past. There have been some very nice things written to me, and I
          just want to say that I appreciate it a great deal :)

Thanks to Mick and the boys, for the CDs I listened to while typing, and
          the great shows I saw during this and their three previous
          tours(nothing compares to 2nd row at a Stones show)

Thanks to Pup, for not bothering me too much while I was updating this
          walkthrough :)

Thanks to Bandit, for keeping Pup occupied while I was updating this
          walkthrough, thus enabling me get the job done :)

The list of Idiots:

    Official U.S. Playstation Magazine/Dave Malec, for stealing solutions
directly out of my Alundra walkthru for his article on Alundra. Thanks a
lot Dave, you thief, you didn't even bother to change anything to make it
look different. I hope you got paid well for my work!!! Why is it the
gaming magazines/writers feel that they don't need to do the work for
themselves anymore? All they seem to do is grab from the internet these
days. A bit of information that the magazines need to learn is that just
because something is posted to the internet, it does not make it a public
domain piece of work. You are not legally entitled to use it as you want.
The copyrights that we faq/walkthrough writers put on them, hold, and
one of these days someone just might take you to court to prove it.

    EGM2, for basing their February 1998 issue number 44 article on
Alundra on my walkthrough without asking first for permission. Anyone who
doubts the article was based on my walkthrough need only to look at the
small strat-stats box on page 82. There you will find my name listed below
these two interesting facts... Time to complete: 23 hours, Challenge: ok
for beginners. Yeah right. These, combined with the fact that the article
uses the same format/wording as my faq, makes it painfully obvious the
writers didn't do the job all by themselves, and that they played through
the game with a certain bit of help in front of them. Although it's nice
to see my name in the magazine, asking first(as it clearly states in all
my work) would have gone a long way. After putting so much time and effort
into writing these walkthroughs, I can tell you first hand, it really
hurts to see them taken without prior consent.  (baby-x), for removing my name from the header
and credits section of my Breath of Fire 3 walkthrough when he posted
it on his site. He also did this to all the other faqs/walkthroughs
found at his site as well. This is low, trying to take the credit
for other peoples hard work.

    gemini (, for posting my Alundra faq to the newsgroup. He did not ask my permission to do this,
and the version he posted was incomplete and formatted in a different way
than the faq was written. Hence the version he posted was inaccurate,
incomplete, and had extremely messy spacing due to the format it was
posted in. Due to this, I have had to deal with e-mails regarding these
problems, which is something I should not have to do.

Please do not use this faq on your website without asking me for
permission first. Permission is NOT granted to reprint this summary in
a for-profit magazine or publication without my prior consent. Nor is it
granted for this document to be used as any type of "source material" for
for-profit magazines to use in any way, be it basing their own articles
from, reading prior to get ideas, or outright copying. I do not write
these walkthroughs so some hack writers can sit back and get paid for it.
In no way do I wish this faq to be cut up into sections or altered in any
way. Nor do I wish for import game dealers to use this or any of my faqs
to sway people into buying the game from them, when without a walkthrough
or translation, they wouldn't have purchased the game(ring any bells
Game cave? I heard you try to charge extra for faqs, and I don't write
them to make you money). It is to remain in it's original state and in
one piece if used on websites. Permission is not granted for anyone to
"update" any of my work, be it changing names so an import walkthrough
better fits an American release(if I write an import walkthrough, I will
update it myself), or add things to an already existing walkthrough.

A specific note to Game cave, I adamantly deny your use of this faq in
any way. Do not give it away free, do not sell it, do not give it away as
a "free" gift to those who buy your smaller guides, do not give it to
those who buy the game from you, do not tell people that you will give it
to them if they purchase the game from you, do not put it on your
website................................................. Get the picture?
You are not authorized to use this faq in any way, shape or form...PERIOD!

This walkthrough was written by Henry LaPierre, Feel free to E-mail me with any questions you may
have on the game, and I'll do my best to try and help you out :)
Thanks for reading :)

This faq is copyright (c) 1998, Henry LaPierre
All rights reserved