
by Lady Neptune H.

(Review after)

Last updated on the 13th of December, 1998.

      This short fanfic is so overfilling in its beautiful writing that almost every line would be quoted. While, this is certainly tempting, given the short length of the fanfic, you guys might think that I would be getting a little too overpassionate. The thing is, I really feel that Lady Neptune H. has a beautifully accurate portrayal of Haruka's and Usagi's characters, and so gently puts them in a situation that is so completely acceptable. Excellently done, in a way that is still true to the style of the anime, it is has the most beautiful "what-if" scene I have ever read in a fanfic (of those that come mind at the moment)

Favorite quotes/scenes:

1.      The way Usagi sings to herself in the rain. It shows her girlishly lighthearted nature, innocent and carefree, young at heart, for which we all love her.

2.      The way Haruka was first portrayed as a masculine stranger. Made me feel like I was watching the anime - because that's really how we would see it!

3.      The paragraph where Haruka contemplates why girls are still affected by her flirting. I think Lady Neptune H. really portrayed well how Haruka would think.

4.      The paragraph where Usagi considers her attraction to Haruka. Again something that I could well imagine in the anime, that was well done by Lady Neptune H.

5.      The kiss. I think that was a most beautiful moment. I still think that Haruka and Michiru are beautiful, but Lady Neptune H. handled that scene so exquisitely that my heart seemed to have been touched by some ethereal white cloth that slipped lightly out of reach. Light and rain. Perfection.

6.      After the kiss. I thought Lady Neptune H. really had a good understanding of how Usagi's reaction would be. Gentle and innocent, anxious and confused.

     "Haruka doshte..?" she whispered "What will they say? - why - Michiru - I thought you - and Mamoru..." She stammered . . .

7.      The image of the brightly shining moon on Usagi's forehead. I'm not pretending to say that I know exactly what it means, or what it portends, or how it came about (yes, I realize that the kiss probably had something to do with it!) but I thought it was an inspirational image. Like beholding greatness, absoluteness, truth, that one made one stare in awe and wonder.

8.      Haruka's explanation for kissing her. So very true to the heart and with such a kind and gentlemanly manner that is representative of Haruka's other side that is sometimes shown in the anime.

     "Shazai- please forgive me it won't happen again, don't cry my little Princess you can be sure that I only love Michiru and I know that your heart will belong to Prince Endymion in eternity - I don't know what came over me..."

     . . . "I just couldn't stand the thought that Mamoru was to be the only one a girl like you should kiss now and for the next thousand years, my Princess."

    Now was that not a beautiful thing to say?

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