Last updated on the 13th of December, 1998.
"Michiru" is the first in a series called "Lifelines" by Erin Flynn. "Lifelines: Michiru" is refreshingly short and jumps right into the scene without going through any of the build up that most writers do, and she pulls it off. Of course, this means that in terms of background knowledge, I have very little to base my categorizations on. I will ask her about it later. I only know that is a Senshi fanfic with Neptune as the main character. I assume it's set after SMS (because we see my favourite couple) but there's nothing definite to tell me.
Anyhow, I like how Erin Flynn brings us right into the story. She doesn't go through any of the bother of trying to explain all of it, which some writers do, and then it gets tedious to read (unless one does it right!). Yes, I will say that it is a little more gorish than the anime is, but the ultimate point of the fanfic comes through. It brings forth a very nice situation that we've probably all thought of at one point or another, but never quite handled it in the fashion that Erin Flynn did.
Again, I could be biased because of who the main character is, but notice the "Thought" categorization as well. We go into Michiru's mind (or is it Neptune's? Are the two really separable?) to deal with a very important issue. I won't say more than that (because amazingly enough, this very short fanfic can be spoiled! What an achievement!), but I will say that this is worth the reading, and won't take up too much of your time if you are hesitant.
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