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Oh, you came to my bookmarks! These aren't links, they're jpg files you can print out and use as bookmarks! Pretty cool, huh?
Zel: No.
Shut up! Anyway, I made these myself...please don't steal them...they were kinna tedious...
Zel: Like you should waste your time on something like that...
Hey! Are you Zelgadis or Inu Yasha?
Zel: Inu Yasha? Who?
Anyway, I did these all by hand. Not the pictures themselves, but the backgrounds, the colors, the add in little bits...Even the little stars. It took a loooong time. PLEASE do not steal them. Make a link to this page if you want.
Zel: Why would anyone steal YOUR crappy artwork, Libby?
What did I last say to you?
Zel:...shut up?

Zel: Why the H*ll is there a ****ing picture of me in underwear on that bookmark???
Because I'm a rabid fangirl, honey. Now shut up.
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