Gundam Wing
In here,you will find many Gundam Wing exclusive pictures.Some of them are made by none.. and also by others.I would take this opportunity to express my gratitude to some GW friends.They have express their generosity by allowing me to present some of their works here.And if some of you find your works here and want me to take it down, please notify me as i will.
Each will open in new window when clicked.
If any of you have any Gundam Wing art that you want to present here,please send to my
e-mail at and I will paste it at my gallery unconditional.
Fencing (about the only time)
He's smiling for once, Victory is always a good reason
About to kill Duo
In a stance (About to shoot somebody
Dressed Fancy
Got hit in Wing 01
Relena Walks in
About to shoot Relena
Dancing & talking to Relena
His hand is bleeding
In sane kingdom clothes
See through hair
hes really happy for once
looks extra cute!!
Has his hand in a fist
Ripping up Relena's invitation
In Wing 01, nothing special
A bunch of Pictures
Pointing at Minyardo Peacecraft(Zechs Marques)
Duo in the Death Scythe (he's happy as usual)
In a space suit and surprized I guess
Checking out at the airport
Has a dentinator in his hand I think
Duo and Heero going to school(saying hi to Relena)
making faces behind Heero :)
Sitting back with his sunglasses
In a stance
Playing B-Ball
Mad(About to screem)
Smiling kinda funny
Duo and Hilda in front of the Death Scythe
Now hes walking with her
Sitting and talking with her
Duo looking back
A magazine cut-out
Trying to get at something
Talking in a mobile suit
Kissing his cross
Magazine cover
Got hit in a mobile suit
another magazine cover
video disc cover, hes in front of the Death Scythe
Trowa with his mask
In his Clown suit
Playing his violin
In SandRock
he got hit in SandRock
Him and Heero in school uniforms
Side Pic of him smiling
Heero and Quatre Miffed
Holding Heero
Him & his sister
Better one from the side
Walking away
Group Pictures
I dunno where they are...
They're kickin around Relena, A poster
Another poster, Relena and Heero in the middle, stuff
In a Group around a couple of Gundams
They're Hangin around some stores, Relena an Heero walking down the street.
At Relena's Birthday Party, about to blow out the candles!
The Guys an they're Gundams
The guys pics glued together( It's not as bad as it sounds, probably far from what I say).
Another Poster, all ready to fight.
They're Dressed to goto some party
The other two.
This page is conceptualized,created and maintained by Michelle Pennington for personal interest.Gundam Wing is Copyright © of Sunrise.Sotsu Agency