Updates, History and Stats

37 archives
20 New pics
16 sketches
18 fanart
8other art(non anime)
approximatly(I did not add the total because there are extras and some hidden!) 95 pictures in the album!

5 January 2001-Happy New Year all! Well I'm still organising the pages, I'm resizing all 90 thumbnails and changing the text size and font, that can be so time consuming ^_^!!! the old sketches are only on 1 page now, and I made this Babbit wallpaper too! Hope its not too distracting.. but it's so kawaii!..ok, I'll sort out something later.. Some links fixed up too..

23 December - Hey, a long overdue new design, still in the process of tidying up every page (too many, must cut down); anyway in the spirit of Christmas, I've quickly whipped up a pic here
12 December - Wow, that was a long break, I have not abandoned this page, I've been preoccupied with things in my real life; I know my HTML skills are quite limited at the moment so I can't really give such a flashy design but there will be another update soon concerning the design, oh yeah 3 fanart pics added here, updated a couple of pages
2 September - argh i've been so bad with the updates, at least i finally did add more pics, 5 today ^^
27 May - Added 7 pics today in the new pics page(I should be doing more quality than quantity), and changed the colours to green(obviously) after a year of the same old background, and I'm working to see if a tutorial will work out... mmm
April Fools day - this is no joke, i actually updated, i added 3 more pics, go the recent stuff page to check them out
17 Feb - put the stuff in new page into the archive, basically deleted it, and reorganising stuff around
8 Feb - just figurng how i could organise stuff a bit more and to improve the site ; added new pages which wont be up and running til later, ( why do i add more pages of nothing?)
31 Jan 2000 - add two fanart pics.

2 Dec -new fanart pic; ok i know its been a while but i have updated a few times since August, it was just minor stuff like small errors. Since the damn virus wiped out my everything in my PC >_< , i have to create all new pics.
31 August - changed colour on the font, if anyone else doesn't like it please tell me, managed to add a fanart pic(its Belldandy!) i finished today, damn, too occupied to draw and use the pc,
13 August - finally a much needed update, added 15 pics, including a new section of non-anime work
20 July - drawings coming slowly,unable to use scanner for a while, added 1 little pic(not worth mentioning), decided not to use that short URL(still works though)
7july - added a pretty banner for linking; got rid of message board
5 July - my short URL is:http://clik.to/ami-ko ; my profile added, yikes!,
28 June - the tracking thing so I know where you live! Nahhh, it very acurately shows the exact veiwers rather than hits
25 June - rearranged some of the contents page,main gif, add archives, changed wallpaper to something more cuter and simpler, kinda looks like funny coloured blood cells or bacteria, and totally resorted the old pics around to an archives section
22 june - added 2 drawings, added frames option
16 june - added sketches page with 4 drawings,frames added for less hits
9 june - add Urd, Ranma in fanart
2 June - chibi pic updated
21 May - Added fanart section
14 May - added bravenet guestbook
May - added message board(I don't know why but well see what happens), finally had my first few hits
April - added 3 pages of my original work
end of April 1999 - site finally open for view, but still more stuff to sort out (after computer disconnected for 3 months, then some procrastinating)

Nov 1998 - signed up with the mighty, most popular Geocities, oh yay... now to figure out how to create one of these things >_<

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