Idiot Filter

This page is a filter to filter out the people who have brains the size of, well, let's not discuss their brain size. If they clicked on the link that brought them here, and still flame me for being a perv, then they are idiots. For the rest of you who know what you're doing and are perfectly fine with reading smut, then I salute you!

Now, I have a theory that any idiot who encounters this page will be deterred by the following statement:


The criterion for getting into this page are the following:

1. You are here to read for your own enjoyment, not here to flame me for being a freak.
2. You are not here to yell at me about who is bottom, top, sideways, or whichever ways.

The following are the stories made up by fans of anime, and who are writing for the sake of creating a story and using pre-made characters. There is YAOI and NON-YAOI here. So enjoy!

And now, a link for all you smart people who can tell the difference between reality and anime, and have read the warning:

The Lemon Fanfiction!

My fanfics page!

Copyright 2001, Top Ace. 1