
They are my classmates, my schoolmates, my friends I met in HK and foreign countries.

Indian Dance
Candy, Edith and Elinda in Indian coustume

U6Arts, 1992, BHJS

In summer, 1993,Uta, the German tutor, gave us very good tuition in Bremen. She invited to her home in the suburb of Bremen. She cooked very well. Then, we treated her at a classmate's rented flat.

German class and Uta and her friend

Uta (left2), the German tutor. Uta and her husband with us

Host family in Bremen
Host Dad, Edith, Host Mom, Host Sister, Dorothy

I shared a room with Dorothy, German classmate at HKU at the host family.

My best friend, Gillian, went to Europe with me in summer 1997. Her sister, Alison joined us on a day which there was a typhoon signal number 8 in HK.

We are in Catania, Italy.

We met some very nice friends in Italy. They are from different places.

Edith, Keith and Gillian
Edith, Keith (HK)and Gillian met in Rome because of losing a passport.

Ingo and us
Ingo (German)and we met at the foot of Mt Etna.

I also got friends from my church. Not only spiritual support, but also friendship and fun have they given me.

Friends from St Margaret's Church

Friends I met in the UK, 2002

Photo Gallery