Sailor Mercury of the Internet!

Yo! Yo! Yo!

This is by Darien!

note: Darien can't animate! Well, it's the thought that counts, right?!?

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On behalf of Jupiter and Mercury, I bless this page. I am Sailor Jupiter of the Interent!

Yo! I am Sailor Mercury of the Internet!


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The Things You Need To Put In My Guestbook To Win My Award
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  • Why You Should Win My Award

Sailor Jupiter of the Internet!

All about Me!

My "friend", LEO!!!

this is Chloe. She is my cloud friend who has a missing baby sister. If you find her sister on one of my pages, you will get an award for finding the baby! Tell me where she is by signing my guestbook or e-mailing me.!

This is Baby's birth certificate.

Sailor Merc's Fashion Page!

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Mercury Bubbles, Blast the E-mails to me!!!!!

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