it's all bout tha pin@y kyutness!!! Ain't nuttin but a flipp thang

NaMe: Anne Francis Twinkle ( i know ish hella long but i likes it!... mah frenz just call me Twinkz or something along those lines.... i hate my second name its so so er.. mah dad had to encorporate his name into myne huh.. sheesh!.. Oh, Twinkle ain't my nickname, it's my third name.. see my dad was hella gitty on mah day and wrote it on my birth certificate... im glad he messed up coz i like it!)

MaH DaY: January 26, 1981

WheRe Mah MoM ShOt Me Out: Makati, Philippines

MaH sIgN: Aquarius

FaMaLaY liFe: I'm tha youngest of two brothers. (One is single and jockable so call me for a hook up... He's 21 and kyut). Mah mommy and daddy are happy happy joy joy. Its kinda weird that mah parents aren't completely def... coz they been with eachother for as long as i can remember (hehehe) and they talk hella loud, even if they str8 up close (typical Asians!). I got no pets *bOoOhOoOhOo*.. actually my brothers can be classified as my pets... hMmMmMmMmm!

Mah PlaNe Rydez: When I was just a lil' gurlee, my family left tha Philz and moved me down here to Sydney. Then in 1988 they decided to cargo me to CaLi.. CaLi is mah home BaYbEE. coz ish all bout tha wessyde! I lived in tha BaY AreA (510) for 6 yearz... ish tha bomb! Then one day my folks decided to fly me back to Sydney.. sheesh.. What a sucky tripp! So yeah, I'm stuck baQ here again.. I guess I've gotten used to this place.... ish all good though!

EdUkAtIoN: I am a graduate of JJ Cahill Memorial High School.. yeah yeah!! (klap klap for me).. Wahhhhhhhhhhhh.... I'm gonna miss mah prends at eskool.. but anywaise, hopefully i can acheive a UAI high enough to get into Uni.. but if i don't i think imma just bludge off my parents or the goverenment for awhile ..

SoUnDz: I likes r&b, hip hop and a bit of rapp... i luv mah slow jammz!

I LikEs: Let's see... I like a lot of stuff... from shopping to basically anything. I LOVE my music though. I would probably go crazee with mah sounds.. Me likes Irc too.. I'm a Dalnet chatter so come and find me if u can. I just like to partay! Kick it with mah friends and just not be bored.

I gots nuffin else to say about me .. so ummm yeah.. t00dles!

icQ UiN = 12922557


CliQ to go home

Take me home baybee!!