Full name: calum henderson
Real name: unfortunately it is the same as my full name!
Do you remember the 1980s?: yes. well.. yes.
Least compatible starsign: umm it would have to be capricorn
What's for dinner tonight?: chicken tonight tomorrow
What did your mum make of your fame?: she is quite chuffed really i think maybe.
Does your passport request or demand?: urrrr both!
What is the cost of 15 balls at $0.85 each?: $12.75
I buy 3 lettuces at 85c each and 4kg of carrots at 40c per kg. What do I pay?: argh where is my pocket calculator when i need it!
So, Matthew, what inspired 'Composition-Improvisation nr. 1'?: actually i stole the name from billy ray cyrus back in '92, so he had to re-name the song achy-braky heart
If there was a public execution on TV, would you watch it?: if dancer in the dark is anything to go by then hell no! but i would watch the pre-match build up.
Can you urinate in front of another person?: ehhh! maybe?!
Have the charts gone down the toilet?: not literally i hope!
Are the Bloodhound Gang being nice to you?: as long as those arent my boobs on the cover of their album... then yes.
How do you feel about the success of Blink 182?: oh i mean they sing about farts and boobs and wees they had it coming to them really
Last time you played London, you told the audience about the cyst on Adam's bollocks. Why?: it wasnt actually on his bollocks, it was just funnier that way ok
What's been the most rock'n'roll event of your career so far?: umm perhaps it was watching cricket on tv when it is such a nice day outside.
Are you an 'it'-girl?: maybe if that is derro slang for "hard man from the south" then yes.
Recording on lo-fi was certainly a bold move on your part. How did the idea come to you?: in a dream, ringo starr said "you shall record in lo-fi, and spell it in lowercase!"
What would happen if you dug a tunnel through the centre of the earth?: well technically you would burn to death. but if you dug a hole through the middle of a globe umm you would probably end up in spain or the netherlands. but then realisticaly speaking you would get about 5m then think ohh shit i am missing something good on tv and give up.
Why can't Americans spell 'centre'?: i thought that was how you spell it?! ohh i swear the shopping centre in town is spelt that way. stupid american dunedin
If you could be one electrical appliance, what would it be?: errr a jukebox!